Concubine God

Chapter 32

Chapter 32

After taking his seat, Long Aolin glanced at everyone with satisfaction, nodded with a smile, waved his bright yellow gold silk robe sleeves, raised his big hand, and said in a loud voice: "My dear family, please rise up."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" After everyone bowed their heads and answered respectfully, Fang slowly got up and sat back in his seat, and Long Aoxuan also walked back to his seat and sat down.

"Xiao Shunzi, where are the princesses and lords of Murong Kingdom?" After sitting down, Long Aolin slightly turned his head and asked the little eunuch serving beside him.

"Go back to the emperor, we've arrived." Xiao Shunzi bowed and replied.

"Xuan!" Long Aolin nodded and ordered.

"Yes." Xiao Shunzi bowed, stepped back, walked to the front of the dragon chair, and screamed, "Princess Murong Guo Xiangrui, Princess Yaoyue, Prince Yan, Prince Xu, and Lord Lingyun are here!"

As soon as the words fell, everyone looked curiously at the corridor next to the imperial garden. Long Aoxuan's eyes were full of eager anticipation, but he didn't notice that there was a jealous and sad gaze quietly watching him behind him. ...

After a while, several beautiful figures appeared in the corridor. Murong Zijing and her brothers and sisters all took the noble and elegant route today. No matter whether they have seen them before or not, they couldn't help but exclaim, especially Murong Zijing's outfit, which made them even more astonished!
I saw that Murong Zijing's cute little face was like a peach blossom behind a little rouge and powder. Under the lightly drawn black eyebrows, the long eyelashes were slightly raised, and a pair of beautiful eyes were looking forward, as if they could talk, and the vermilion lips Slightly beeping, as if she was acting like a baby to others, she had a cute smile on her lips, and she smiled sweetly, revealing her braided pearl teeth. Such makeup was paired with a gorgeous, elegant, and slightly mysterious lavender-toned palace dress and The exquisite knotted bun is as amazing as a nine-day fairy descending to the earth. The jade beads and glaze on the hair accessory slightly collide with her lightly moving lotus steps to make a crisp sound of ding ding dong dong, and it also sounds like fairy music, which makes people feel beautiful. As if in a dream, she reluctantly closed her eyes, holding her breath and slowly moving her gaze along with her steps.

"See the emperor, the empress dowager, the empress." Murong Zijing first stepped forward to pay respects, and the brothers and sisters behind her also bowed gracefully.

"Uh... everyone, please stand up, please take a seat." Murong Zijing's alluring posture even Long Aolin, who has seen all the beauties in the world, couldn't help but lose his mind a little. After being greeted by her, he came back to his senses, and hurriedly opened his mouth a little uncomfortable. respond.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Standing up with a smile, Murong Zijing quietly raised her eyes to look at the empress and concubine Wen Gui on the seats on both sides. Own.

Smiling sweetly without any thought, Murong Zijing looked back at her calmly, turned around and sat on the seat next to Long Aoxuan with her brothers and sisters.

The moment she took her seat, she felt a scorching gaze sweeping over from behind her. She raised her eyebrows slightly, and she wondered amusedly, did she already start to make enemies at the beginning of the banquet?Really answered that sentence, people are popular and jealous...

"Baby, you are so beautiful today..." As soon as he was seated, Long Aoxuan came over to him at some point, and praised Murong Zijing's makeup today with unconcealed amazement and love in his eyes.

"Xuan... in public, don't do this..." A little shyly pushing away Long Aoxuan's big hand that was about to touch her cheek, Murong Zijing reminded her in a low voice, but felt that she was being held in his loving grip. When she grabbed her catkin, there was a faint murderous intent coming from not far away, and she raised a meaningful smile, but she held Long Aoxuan's hand even tighter, and her body seemed to have nothing to do with it. It's the same as relying on the past.

Hmph, which vixen dares to covet her family's husband, right? If you can see it, you won't be able to eat it, and you will be mad at you!

"My dear friends, the purpose of today's banquet is to clean up the dust for Princess Xiangrui and the princesses and princes who came all the way from Murong Kingdom. It is also to officially announce that ten days later will be a rare and auspicious day in ten years. Murong Kingdom and I After discussion, it was decided that the wedding between Princess Xiangrui and Prince Xuanyuan will be held in ten days." Long Aolin raised his big hand in a good mood, and the sleeves of his robe drew a golden arc in the air.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty, Congratulations to Lord Xuanyuan, I wish Lord Xuanyuan and Princess Xiangrui a happy wedding." As soon as Long Aolin finished speaking, Prime Minister Wen came forward with a salivating face and a kind smile, cupping his hands to congratulate him, and ordered someone to take the gift that had been prepared for a long time. A good congratulatory gift, a pair of good white jade inlaid with gold Ruyi.

"Hehe, Prime Minister, you are being polite." Long Aoxuan went up to greet him with a smile, and personally accepted the congratulatory gift from him, but Murong Zijing noticed that his eyes were cold and there was no smile at all.

"Yushuang, what's the origin of that prime minister?" While Long Aoxuan was leaving, Murong Zijing slightly turned her head and asked Yushuang.In fact, what she really wanted to ask was, what kind of a prime minister was he who was so disgusted by her father-in-law and still had to treat him with respect and courtesy?

"Prime Minister Wen, formerly known as Wen Tao, is the father of Concubine Wen Gui. He is in the position of prime minister. In recent years, he has been swayed by profit and his heart has become dark. Not to mention corruption and bribery. Moreover, he secretly united with Wan Hua Nation to prepare to treason and make himself king." Yushuang bent down and reported in a low voice that only she and Murong Zijing could hear.

"So, he is in power now, and no one can move him?" A small hand caressed her smooth chin, and Murong Zijing had a playful smile on her mouth.

"Yes, and his daughter, Concubine Wen Gui, has been favored by the emperor since she entered the palace, so he is even more confident. It's a pity that he gave birth to an idiot son, so he can only rely on his daughter." Yushuang continued.

" that so? Then... how about the head of state?" Murong Zijing asked lazily, her eyes were so deep that it was impossible to see through her current thoughts.

"Head of the country? Uh, the head of the country was just a small magistrate in Longmian City before, and now he just has the title of head of the country, without any real power at all." Although she didn't quite understand why the master asked this, Yushuang Still answer truthfully.

"Hehe, this is interesting..." In this way, she can grasp a little bit about the current situation of Shenglong Kingdom and the situation in the palace. From now on, let's play slowly.

"Yushuang, ask Elder Sister Ruyu to help me find out the secret history of the empress dowager's harem, and ask her to help me send someone to watch over the prime minister's family." Murong Zijing saw that Long Aoxuan was walking this way from the corner of her eyes. After waving his hand and softly giving an order, his little face changed back to that innocent expression, and his big bright eyes were still as clear as crystal.

(End of this chapter)

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