Concubine God

Chapter 45

Chapter 45

This voice is like a hen... Murong Zijing frowned and looked to the side, only to see a familiar rose red figure.

Dragon lotus?Damn, I haven't seen her these days, I thought she had stopped and had a reputation for self-knowledge, but I didn't expect that she would dare to appear arrogant in this gaudy outfit, affecting the appearance of the city and obstructing traffic. I'm afraid the lessons I learned back then were not enough. ?
Received Long Lian's provocative gaze, Murong Zijing smiled coldly, and glanced at her lightly, not paying attention to her at all.

Forget it, such a savage princess, playing for fun, today, she has more important things to know.

With a scheming smile, Murong Zijing slowly turned her head back, and when her bright eyes faced Yuan Ruolan and Long Aolin who were sitting on the main seat, they turned into guilt again, and there was even a vague sense of guilt in her eyes. About flashing water.

Going forward to bow solemnly, Murong Zijing was full of guilt, and said in a slightly trembling baby voice: "I'm sorry, Empress Dowager, Brother Lin, it's because the baby is not good, the baby sleeps late, and that's why we let everyone stay here. Waiting here for us for so long, it’s all bad for the baby, the baby is here to say sorry to everyone, the baby knows it’s wrong, oh...I, I really know it’s wrong..."

At the end, Murong Zijing burst into tears, she choked up, apologized, and wiped the rolling tears with her sleeves, her pitiful appearance and her tear-filled face made everyone present feel shocked. Unable to bear it, Long Aoyun was so impulsive that he wanted to go up to wipe her tears, but unfortunately, only Long Aoxuan who has been guarding him has this right.

"Hey baby, it's not your fault, so don't cry anymore." He walked up to hand the handkerchief pitifully, Long Aoxuan felt more and more fond of his little wife, this little guy was obviously him No, first she had an oolong trouble in the morning which made her sad and scared, and then she was late because she couldn't control it in the early morning... He should be responsible for the mother's blame, this little guy, how dare you have the courage One person bears all the faults?
"My queen, it's actually my son's fault. On the wedding night, my son exhausted the doll. I also snooze and didn't get up early, so I came late. I made the queen mother and the emperor angry. Please forgive me!" Aoxuan doesn't care if what he says is "not suitable for children", he just wants his baby to stop blaming himself, let alone cry.

Long Aoxuan said such words calmly with a cold face, which stunned everyone present, oh my god, are these words spit out from the mouth of the world-famous Prince Leng Jue?
No, it should be said that as long as you are a normal person, you will not tell this kind of "boudoir secret"...

This, this is really... too explosive!
Long Aoyun lowered his eyes sadly, Long Aotian almost spit out a sip of tea in surprise, even Long Aolin was quite frightened.

"Ahem, um, mother, my son thinks that newlyweds are inevitably sweet and lingering, so don't blame me..." Long Aolin, an old fox, has as many women in the palace as crucian carp crossing the river, but he can't help it. Still blushing slightly because of Long Aoxuan's explicit words, he could only embarrassingly ask his mother for mercy.

It's a joke, the queen mother will frighten the doll with an old face again, not to mention that Shenglong Kingdom can't afford it, even the shocking words of the fourth brother, they can't bear it.

However, I really didn't expect that the fourth brother, who is usually cold, bloodthirsty and ruthless, is as hot as dry wood when he talks about love...

"Uh, then, let's forget it..." The queen mother uncomfortably picked up the teacup and took a sip, not feeling that the tea had already cooled down.Obviously, Yuan Ruolan was also shocked by Long Aoxuan's undisguised words, but judging from her obviously relaxed expression, it must be that Murong Zijing's cry just now really softened her heart.

However, on the side, there are obviously some people who still refuse to give up——

"Murong Zijing, you guys are too immoral. If this goes on, how can we, the Holy Dragon Royal Family, have any face?"

As soon as Long Lian's ignorant words came out, everyone's face sank and they looked at her with displeasure, while Murong Zijing gave her a mocking look.

Tsk, this woman doesn't have big breasts, why is she so brainless?Scolding her here, even scolding her husband together?She didn't even look at them. Although the people standing here were all her family members in name, they were actually her "backers". What's more, the queen mother and her mother still had a grudge, right?

Very good, she doesn't need to make a move this time, just wait and see the show!
Sure enough, the Empress Dowager gave Long Lian a cold look, and the displeasure and majesty between her brows were fully revealed, "Long Lian, the Ai family and the emperor didn't ask you to speak, right? You've exceeded the rules."

The queen mother's words made Long Lian's expression stagnate, she pursed her lips and looked at Long Aolin silently, hoping that he would protect her as before, but unfortunately, she was disappointed——

"Sister, the empress mother is right, you are too inconsiderate, go back to your own bedroom!" When Long Aolin's handsome face darkened, the gloom and coldness in his eyes were somewhat similar to Long Aoxuan's , causing Long Lian's heart to sink for an instant, and her spine felt chills, only then did she vaguely understand that although the big emperor brother is the one who protects her the most, it can't be worth his sympathy for Murong Zijing after all.

Gazing fiercely at Murong Zijing, Long Lian swore to herself that one day, she would let everyone understand that this cheap girl is not as pure and lovely as she appears on the surface, and she will definitely expose her true colors!

With a wave of her sleeve, Long Lian let out a cold snort, then raised her head proudly and left.

Murong Zijing didn't miss the hidden meaning in Long Lian's resentful eyes before she left, but how could such a small character's IQ match her?Her small head has the thinking speed of a Pentium 32, dual-core intelligence, 7g of memory, and a win95 system. How could she be afraid of these ancients who haven't even evolved to win[-]?

However, these little people are not the purpose of her visit today, she has to deal with business today!
"Brother Lin..." Murong Zijing stepped forward, smiled a little shyly, two small dimples immediately appeared on the cute doll's face, which was very cute.

"What's the matter, little baby?" Long Aolin couldn't help but lower the volume of the sweet baby's voice, for fear of scaring the lovely her.At that time, don't say that the fourth brother is unwilling, even he himself is reluctant.

(End of this chapter)

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