Concubine God

Chapter 57

Chapter 57

"Brother Lin has Sister Fengyi and Xiao Hanzi to help. For the time being, we don't have to worry about it. After all, one of them is a Poison Immortal and the other is a Medical Immortal. Let's keep the matter of the Empress Dowager from their brothers as well. The top priority now , Sister Ruyu, you send people to divide into two groups. On the one hand, check the background of the Wen family and continue to monitor their every move; The good thing is that we can find evidence of their collusion!"

"Okay, I see." Yan Ruyu nodded. Although the doll sometimes has a dark belly and loves to tease people, but when it comes to critical moments, she can always come up with solutions to problems like a little fairy, unequivocally. The way she looked made her take it seriously.

Just as several people were discussing how to solve the internal and external troubles of the Holy Dragon Royal Family, they suddenly heard a regular knock on the door——

"Guest officer, it was already made earlier, shall I bring the little one in for you?"

"It's not Xiaobai's voice, the people outside the door are not mine." Mu Jiujiu immediately heard that something was wrong. The person who came was not one of her subordinates, but they knew their secret signal to knock on the door. It was probably an enemy rather than a friend.

Mu Jiujiu's words made Murong Qi and Long Nian, who were about to open the door, immediately tense up. Murong Zijing also had a dignified expression, with deep guard in his eyes, but at this moment, Yan Ruyu on the side looked Zi Ruo said with a calm smile: "Everyone, don't be nervous, the person I sent to monitor Long Aoxuan is outside the door, let him in."

Monitoring the prince?

Murong Qi and Long Nian glanced at each other, then looked at Murong Zijing in unison, as if they were questioning why she did this.

"Uh, hehe, hehe, this, I also want to learn more about the Holy Dragon Royal Family from him, and protect him by the way, protect him...hehe, hehe..." Murong Zijing also knew that what she did was not the same as before. It was very inappropriate for Long Aoxuan to follow her, but the people had already been sent out, and now they all came back with news, what else could she say, she could only laugh awkwardly and pretend to be confused.

If you don't believe Murong Zijing's words at all, will his prince need someone to "protect"?No one would believe me if I said it, it would be good if others didn't find someone to guard against his prince. Does the prince still need protection?Cut, it's just ridiculous.

However, he probably knew that the master was still angry about what happened last time, but a small revenge would not hurt. Long Nian and Murong Qi could only shake their heads helplessly, and resigned themselves to their fate to open the door for the visitor.

"Master!" The person who came here is Xiaobai from Mu Jiujiu's shop, who looks and dresses perfectly, with a perfect disguise technique. If Mu Jiujiu and Yan Ruyu hadn't said it, no one would have been able to guess this person. It's not the real Xiaobai, but a spy from Yuyan Tower sent by Yan Ruyu.

After the visitor entered the door, as soon as he saw Yan Ruyu, he immediately knelt down on one knee respectfully and saluted, with a slightly heavy expression on his face.

"What's the matter?" Seeing that the spy's expression was different, Yan Ruyu's face was slightly worried, and she asked quickly.

"If you go back to the landlord, the Lord Xuanyuan, the Lord, he went to the brothel last night..." When the spy said this, he hesitated for a long time, and he blushed in embarrassment.

"What?" Everyone present opened their mouths in surprise, and Murong Zijing was shocked by this news and took a step back, shaking her body unsteadily.

"Baby!" Mu Jiujiu hurriedly stepped forward to support her almost limp body, and reluctantly let her lean on his shoulder.

"Lord, do you need to tell Her Majesty the princess this news?" Although the spies knew that Murong Zijing had a close relationship with the landlord of his family, he had never met her in person, and was worried about her reaction, so he asked Yan Ruyu what she meant. Right behind him, and almost fainting.

"Uh, you go down first." Yan Ruyu gave the spy who was kneeling there reproachfully, and then quickly winked at him to ask him to back down. Murong Zijing, who was being taken care of by Mu Jiujiu and the others, glanced at her and quickly backed out.

"Baby, uh, calm down, this kind of thing, hehe, maybe it's a misunderstanding..." Yan Ruyu hoped that the information of the investigation was wrong for the first time, but it was a pity that the spies sent by their Yuyanlou always asked It is only allowed to give a definite answer, not even words that should or should appear in the message, so...

"Sister Ruyu, Yuyan Building has my investment in it, and I'm also one of the masters. Don't you know that the news of Yuyan Building will never be wrong?" Tears burst out of her eyes, even if she tried her best to stop them, she couldn't stop the tears gushing out like a flood breaking a bank.

My heart hurts so much that I can hardly breathe, and the air around me suddenly becomes thinner...

"Uh, master, there is definitely a misunderstanding here. I have been with the prince for more than ten years, and I have never seen him smile at a woman. Even when facing his biological mother, he almost never smiled from the bottom of his heart. , except you, since you came, the prince has a smile on his face, the prince knows what is happiness, what is happiness, and there is warmth in his eyes, so, he will never betray Yours, please trust this subordinate!"

At the end, Long Nian solemnly knelt down on one knee to vouch for Long Aoxuan.Although he didn't know what happened, or what misunderstanding occurred, but he regarded Murong Zijing as his master, and still gave his prince complete trust!
"Nian of the Dragon... Get up..." The words of the Year of the Dragon and his attitude of complete trust in Long Aoxuan moved Murong Zijing.

Since, just as a subordinate, Long Nian can completely believe in Xuan's character, so why, as the closest person around him, should he doubt him?
Thinking of all the things between the two of them since they met, his tenderness, the affection in his eyes, his love with all his heart, his meticulous care and love, she couldn't figure out why she had doubts just now?Doubting him, isn't that also doubting her own vision?Her man, one in a million, can never go wrong!
Vigorously wiping away the tears on her face, Murong Zijing finally smiled again, the cute doll's face glowed with confidence again, and she smiled at Long Nian and others in apology, Murong Zijing said: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have messed up just because of a piece of news, I believe Xuan, he must have his reasons for going to Hualou."

(End of this chapter)

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