Chapter 6

"So, you've already made up your mind from the very beginning..." Long Aoxuan looked at Long Aolin with a very "gentle" smile every word, but the dangerous breath in his tone and the murderous eyes made Long Aoxuan Ao Lin once again "frozen Weitiao".

Damn it, big brother, this old fox, pretends to be harmless all day long, but tricks everyone into applauding, even he dares to plot!
As long as Long Aoxuan thinks that he has worked his life for the country and has just returned from the military camp, and is told that his elder brother has already decided to let him marry the rumored doll princess of Murong Kingdom, his expression will never turn better.

"Uh... Aoxuan, since it's a foregone conclusion, you can accept it... Anyway, I heard that the little princess is very cute, so she must be a lovely person to be favored and win the hearts of everyone in Murong Kingdom. ...Uh...probably..." Long Aolin's unfinished words were frozen in his throat by Long Aoxuan's cold eyes.

Without speaking again, Long Aoxuan cast a cold glance at his elder brother for the last time, and suddenly stood up from the chair, making Long Aolin tremble again in fright, but he left the imperial study room without looking back.

Quietly leaning out to have a look, to make sure that Long Aoxuan showed no signs of coming back, Long Aolin finally let out a big breath, and limp on the dragon chair, as if he just went through a bloody battle .

Phew... He was frightened to death, so he is still alive!Long Aolin patted his chest with lingering fear, and then looked at the sky gratefully.It must, must be the great father protecting him!
Fortunately, Aoxuan left without saying anything, which means he acquiesced to the marriage.It seems that he should also know the purpose of his doing so before acquiescing. Otherwise, with his character, how could he agree?

However, it was really difficult for him. What he hated the most since he was a child was a princess who was spoiled like his younger sister, not to mention that their younger sister was already so unruly and unreasonable without being spoiled much. Wouldn't the most favored little princess be more...

Thinking of this, Long Aolin couldn't help feeling a bit of guilt in his heart, but then he was overwhelmed by the joy of "scheming to succeed".

Hehe, who cares, anyway, no matter how dissatisfied Aoxuan is, he can't go back on his word when the time comes when the rice is cooked and cooked. As for the affairs after marriage, as the saying goes, housework is difficult for an upright official, so let him worry about it himself ...

The marriage seems to be proceeding smoothly.After accepting the levy, Shenglong Kingdom sent envoys to ask for an appointment with the Murong royal family, and soon finalized the date for the marriage.In less than half a month, a huge wedding party arrived in Murong Country.

On the Golden Luan Hall, Murong Ziying was sitting on the dragon chair, wearing a dragon robe, and her black hair was tied in a golden crown. Coupled with his fierce kingly arrogance, he was even more dignified and extraordinary, making people dare not look directly at him. .

On the seats on both sides, on one side is the heroic Queen Leng Junlian, who is as cheerful and willful as the children of the rivers and lakes. She is also the younger sister of General Zhenwei Leng Junjian. Such a delicate and cute little princess Murong Amethyst.

Your Highness, a group of royal nobles and confidential ministers are also sitting at the side, waiting for the arrival of the envoys of the Holy Dragon Kingdom.

Not long after, I saw an old eunuch in a yellow palace uniform jogging up the hall, holding a whisk in his hand, and screamed in a piercing voice like a hen: "Your Majesty, Holy Dragon!" The envoy of the country is asking for an audience outside the palace gate!"

Murong Ziying nodded slightly, waved her golden robe sleeves, and said loudly: "Xuan!"

His Royal Highness, the eunuch, immediately came to his senses, waved the whisk in his hand, and said in a sharp voice: "Xuan, the envoys of the Holy Dragon Kingdom have an audience!"

"Xuan, the envoys of the Holy Dragon Kingdom have an audience!"

"Xuan, the envoys of the Holy Dragon Kingdom have an audience!"

Layer after layer of eunuchs and palace people conveyed the emperor's will until the palace gate, and the shrill voice echoed in the huge palace compound, which made people feel particularly ear-piercing.But everyone present was already used to this kind of scene, and they just quietly waited for the arrival of the envoy from the Holy Dragon Kingdom.

In less than a quarter of an hour, the envoy team from the Holy Dragon Kingdom stepped into the Golden Luan Hall under the leadership of a resolute man wearing a gold-rimmed green robe.

"My lord, Song Yitian of Shenglong Kingdom pays respects to the emperor and queen of Murong Kingdom. May the emperor and queen be in peace, and that Murong Kingdom will last forever." The man led the crowd to kneel down to pay respects to Murong Ziying and Leng Junlian. The goodwill of the people present.

"General Song, please stand up." Murong Ziying nodded slightly, and raised her hand to signal the envoys of Shenglong Kingdom to calm down.

"Unexpectedly, this time your country will send the famous General Yulong to be the leader of the welcoming team. I have heard that General Yulong is brave and good at fighting, upright, but also personable. He is a good-looking talent. Seeing him today, he really deserves his reputation." Murong Ziying said to Shenglong The Guopai Song Yitian was very satisfied with his visit, which also showed that they really attached great importance to this marriage.

In this way, the baby should not be wronged when she goes there...

"Thanks to His Majesty's praise, the general is ashamed and dare not be ashamed. It's just that the emperor of our country has entrusted him with a heavy responsibility. As a subject, I dare not bear the holy grace." Song Yitian smiled gently. Although his mouth was answering Murong Ziying's words, his eyes But unconsciously drifted towards Murong Zijing beside him.

That little girl who is as cute as a doll should be the world-famous little princess of Murong Kingdom.Seeing that she is so petite in terms of body shape, face, and facial features, is she really 16 years old?
No matter how you look at it, if this cute little girl is paired with his icy, bloodthirsty and domineering prince... Song Yitian frowned and imagined it, but he still didn't think it would match, there would always be a sense of guilt for destroying the seedlings of the nation...

Feeling Song Yitian's scrutinizing gaze, Murong Zijing smiled innocently and sweetly at the handsome guy in front of her as usual, and saw him stunned for a moment with satisfaction, a blush of embarrassment or shyness floated on his serious handsome face.

Hehe, according to people familiar with the matter, this Song Yitian not only has a high prestige in the Holy Dragon Kingdom and is highly regarded by the emperor of the Holy Dragon Kingdom, but more importantly, he is also a close friend of her Bingshan fiancé whom she has never met.

In other words, if you want to run rampant in the Holy Dragon Royal Family, the first step is to accept this handsome man in front of you as your backer, and then... Hehe, there is something to play...

(End of this chapter)

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