Concubine God

Chapter 65

Chapter 65

However, it was related to the diplomatic relations between the two countries, and a wrong sentence might cause the two countries to go to war, so even if the ministers were discussing in the crowd, they did not dare to step forward to criticize or chime in, even more so.

But at this time, Wen Tao, who has always liked to sit on the mountain and watch tigers fight, rarely stepped forward actively, bowed to Long Aolin and Ji Wushuang, and said: "Your Highness, don't worry, the two countries will marry each other, and we will get closer together. My Shenglong Kingdom is naturally happy to see it come to fruition. However, it is better to be cautious about the important matters of marriage, the orders of parents and the words of matchmakers, and it is related to the life happiness of Her Highness the Princess."

"According to the humble opinion of the old minister, it is better for Her Royal Highness to stay temporarily in the post house. The residences of the princes and ministers are all outside the palace. Your Highness lives in the post house. On the one hand, you can travel around the mountains and rivers, and on the other hand, you can travel around the various mansions conveniently." Walk around and look for the most suitable marriage partner in your mind, so that you can get the best of both worlds, what does Your Highness think?"

Just kidding, the person he discussed with the monarch of Wanhua Kingdom was Haotian Prince Long Aotian.He is the orthodox prince born of the empress dowager of the holy dragon royal family, and he and Long Aolin are brothers, so that he can restrain them and complete their great cause.

As for that so-called Prince Yun, the name sounds very prestigious, but it's a pity that he was only born to Concubine Xiao, his mother and concubine died early, he was not welcomed by the emperor's brothers, and he had no power or influence.Marrying with him won't help at all!
This unparalleled princess is also true, arrogant, arrogant, self-willed, and she must not let her spoil her good deeds!
"Well, well, just follow the Prime Minister's suggestion." Before Long Aolin agreed, Ji Wushuang agreed first, nodded, and finally showed her first satisfied smile today.

"Uh, since Her Royal Highness the Princess agrees, then well, Prime Minister, let's do as you say." Up to now, it can be said that it has completely exceeded everyone's expectations, whether it is Long Aoxuan's side or the Prime Minister's side. , I never thought that the princess of Wanhua Kingdom who came to marry would be such a woman. It seems that in addition to human intervention, it will depend on luck...

It has been three days since Ji Wushuang came to Shenglong Kingdom. Although it is not long, her reputation of being arrogant and defiant has already spread throughout Longlin City.

According to what the prime minister said, she really asked Song Yitian to take her to visit various bureaucratic and aristocratic mansions in the capital while traveling around. However, no matter where she went, the princess always had the ability to bring that place to the top. The layout and style of the house, down to the dressing taste of the servants, from the beginning to the end, the ability to pick bones in the egg is a must.

But, fortunately, today, Gongyangchun, the sixth prince of Shenyang Kingdom, is also going to Shenglong Kingdom, and all the dignitaries and nobles came to welcome him, so Ji Wushuang had no choice but to let Song Yitian take him to play elsewhere.

On the Golden Luan Hall, the scene three days ago was repeated. All the dignitaries and nobles stood straight in two rows under the Highness, waiting for the arrival of the prince of the Shenyang Kingdom.The difference is that today Long Aoxuan and Murong Zijing arrived on time, and although Long Aolin seemed to be worried about some things, he was not panicked like he was three days ago.

Seeing such a scene in the eyes of the prime minister, he couldn't help ringing the alarm bell secretly.It seems that the arrival of the sixth prince of the Shenyang Kingdom was probably arranged just like the little princess of the Wanhua Kingdom. The person who came was Long Aolin.

If he guessed correctly, he wanted to use a prince from the Shenyang Kingdom to settle himself, a princess from the Wanhua Kingdom, right?
Seeing that no one from the Shenyang Kingdom had arrived yet, Wen Tao saw the opportunity, went up and bowed respectfully to Long Aolin, and said, "Your Majesty, please forgive me for speaking bluntly, the second prince of the Shenyang Kingdom is coming to visit our country." I have never heard of it before, and the Ministry of Rites has not received any news, but now they suddenly come here without sending a greeting card, I am afraid they are disrespectful to our country!"

"Then what should Prime Minister mean?" Long Aolin didn't respond much, but just turned his words into a question and threw it back at him.

"Returning to the emperor, according to the wishes of the old minister, our country is still preparing for the marriage with the Wanhua country. It is not appropriate to cause more troubles. We can use this as an excuse to let the envoy of the Shenyang country leave as soon as possible, so as not to affect my Shenglong. The diplomatic relations between Wanhua and Wanhua." Wen Tao hastily remonstrated.

"In this way, when the little princess of Wanhua Kingdom came, it was just a word from you, the prime minister. Should I also tell them that they should not stay for a long time? The prime minister doesn't think that I, Shenglong, married Murong first, and now If we are going to marry Wanhua again, if we treat the Shenyang Kingdom like this at this time, will it affect our country's diplomatic relations with Shenyang?" Long Aoxuan sneered and asked back from the side.

"This..." Wen Tao never thought that Long Aoxuan, who usually doesn't talk much, would take the initiative to stand up and refute himself, and he didn't know how to answer for a while.

"Well, I also want to know, what is Ai Qing going to do to balance the two?" With a faint smile, Long Aolin looked at Wen Tao with questioning eyes.

"Uh, it's because the old minister didn't think carefully, and I hope the emperor will atone for his crime!" After being sung and questioned by Long Aoxuan and Long Aolin, Wen Tao could only clenched his fist secretly and retreated to the side.

Not long after, the eunuch came to report that the six princes of the Shenyang Kingdom had come to have an audience, and it was a done deal. From now on, everyone will have to rely on their own abilities!

Two days later, the originally planned banquet for Ji Wushuang was still going on as scheduled, but the protagonist of the banquet changed from only Ji Wushuang to a joint banquet for Ji Wushuang and Gong Yangchun.

According to the palace regulations of the Holy Dragon Royal Family, the banquet was scheduled to be held at Xu time, and the location of the banquet was chosen in the Long Xiao Palace.

As soon as Xushi arrives, all the members of the Holy Dragon Royal Family and the princes and ministers will sit at their seats on time according to their official ranks. The first three seats on the left hand side are the guest seats. Yang Chun and Murong Ziling, who stayed behind for Murong Zijing, had also taken their seats, and everyone was waiting for Long Aolin and the Empress Dowager to appear.

"Nai'er, who is that person next to Prince Gongyang?" Ji Wushuang noticed Murong Ziling who was dressed in a purple imperial robe, Zhuo Wei was tall and straight, and had an extraordinary bearing when he came in just now.

(End of this chapter)

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