Chapter 107 Supreme Customer
Just now the branch manager reported the appearance of a mysterious customer, and he immediately rushed over from the branch.

"President Liu, is there something wrong?"

Ye Duan looked at Liu Jinzhu calmly, without showing the slightest surprise.

"Uh, it's fine."

An embarrassed smile appeared on Liu Jinzhu's face, feeling a little uneasy.

The handsome boy in front of him didn't even show a trace of surprise.

As expected of a legendary mysterious client, his words and deeds are really different.

"Oh, since President Liu is fine, I'm leaving."

Ye Duan responded politely and prepared to leave the VIP room.

"Mr. Ye, please stop. Our bank...actually, I am very curious about a question, and I would like to ask Mr. Ye to explain it clearly."

Seeing that the mysterious client was about to leave, Liu Jinzhu hurriedly stopped him.

He wants to solve the mystery...

"Oh, what's the problem?" Ye Duan asked.

"Mr. Ye, please sit down."

Liu Jinzhu respectfully asked Ye Duan to sit on the sofa, and stood aside by himself, just like a primary school student facing his class teacher.

The branch manager and others present were already terrified.

It was the first time for them to see the branch manager Liu Jinzhu treat customers with such humility.

"It's like this, Mr. Ye, your bank card ends with eight 8s, and it is a super supreme VIP card issued by our Huaxia International Bank."

"And then?" Ye Duan still didn't quite understand.

"Ten super supreme VIP cards were issued, but now there is only one left in China, and the others have been destroyed." Liu Jinzhu explained.

"Oh, that is to say, mine is the only Super Supreme VIP card still in use?"

"Yes, in other words, you are currently the only super supreme VIP customer of our bank."

"Hey, no wonder they are so polite."

Ye Duan understood a little bit, so he still has such a noble status.

It's all thanks to the system!

Liu Jinzhu continued: "We are also very curious. Your bank card has cash credited every second. At first, it was 10 yuan per second, then it was 20 yuan per second, and now it is 30 yuan per second."

"Yes, is there a problem?" Ye Duan asked back.

"Mr. Ye, there is no problem, but we are curious about who or what institution sent you the money."

"Oh, can't you see?"

Ye Duan is also very curious.

The system did reward him with the "Lucky Life System". At the beginning, it was the first level, with 10 yuan in the account per second, and later upgraded to the second level, with 20 yuan in the account per second, and now it is the third level, with 30 yuan in the account per second.

But he didn't know who it was that sent the money.

Because a line of * is displayed on the mobile banking.

Liu Jinzhu frowned and said: "Mr. Ye, we can't see that the remittance party displayed on the bank's backstage is several asterisks. To be honest, we specifically asked the central bank about this, and the answer was: everything is normal. Except every second In addition to the income of 30 yuan, there is an income of 100 billion yuan and several other incomes, and the remitter cannot be found. Therefore, it is an honor to meet you this time, and we would like to take the liberty of asking."

Ye Duan took a sip of tea, looking thoughtful.

It turned out to be the case.

But this is a reward from the system, and I don't know the answer!

If you tell them that it is rewarded by the system, they will definitely not believe it is true, and they may throw themselves into a mental hospital.

My glorious life is completely over!
Thinking of this, Ye Duan decided not to tell them the truth.

He can't do the thing of betraying the system!
"Sorry President Liu, I can't tell you this."

Seeing that Liu Jinzhu was still very curious, Ye Duan said again: "I don't say it, it's actually for your own good. Do you understand?"

"Understood, understood. Thank you, Mr. Ye, for reminding me!"

Liu Jinzhu quickly responded.

Having said so much, even a fool can make a rough guess.

Ye Duan got up and left the bank, and Liu Jinzhu and others sent him outside the gate.

After seeing Ye Duan's car, everyone broke out in a cold sweat.

The lobby manager, who had just breathed out, was frightened and fainted again.

Because someone said that this car is worth tens of millions, and you can't buy it even if you have money...

Back at the bank, the branch manager asked Liu Jinzhu: "President Liu, I still don't understand what happened to Mr. Ye's bank card."

"Don't understand? Think about it?" Liu Jinzhu said, pointing upwards.

"Above?" The branch manager still had a question mark on his face.

"The central bank said everything was normal, and today Mr. Ye also said it was for our own good. What does this mean? It shows that Mr. Ye's identity is very special, and the power behind it is unimaginable. Even the central bank... dare not say it! Fortunately, he Wake us up, otherwise if we continue to investigate, I'm afraid it will lead to a big mistake!"

After Liu Jinzhu finished speaking, he wiped the sweat from his forehead.

The branch manager was too scared to stand still...

Ye Duan drove to the Ritz-Carlton Hotel, and Zhao Feiyan had been waiting in the general manager's office for a long time.

He didn't think this nympho would seduce him a second time.

Because a sane person usually doesn't fall twice in the same place.

Unfortunately, he was wrong.

Zhao Feiyan's mind was quite normal at first, but after meeting the handsome new boss, her mind became abnormal.

As soon as Ye Duan entered the room, the nymphomaniac immediately surrounded him delicately, with tears in his eyes.

If you don't know her previous coquettish operations, she looks quite pitiful.

After all, she has good looks and a very attractive figure.

The low-cut round-neck shirt was so bloated that the buttons were about to be undone, and the top was white, like a buttered bun, exuding a tempting delicacy.

"Mr. Ye, please sit down."

Zhao Feiyan asked Ye Duan to sit down and brought over another glass of water.

"Mr. Ye, drink water."

Then, he stood aside with his head bowed.

"Manager Zhao, if you have something to say, just say it."

Ye Duan took a sip of water and deliberately stared at the buttered bun in front of him.

Isn't this nympho dressed like this just to let him see it?
Then satisfy her and treat it as a good deed.

Seeing Ye Duan staring at her all the time, Zhao Feiyan thought that her steamed buns had played a role, so she quickly seized the opportunity to perform.

"Mr. Ye, I want to apologize to you."

"Tell me, what bad things have you done?"

"First of all, it's my younger brother who offended you by not knowing Mount Tai. He already knew he was wrong, and now his face is still swollen like a toad. Please forgive him this time, please."

Ye Duan didn't say forgive, nor did he say he wouldn't forgive, but asked, "Is there any more?"

The nymphomaniac took out a tissue, wiped the corners of his eyes, and continued: "Also, last time I really didn't seduce you, it was because you were so handsome. The first time I saw you, I... Fever, very uncomfortable, want to release myself..."

Zhao Feiyan seemed to be getting hot again, so she fanned herself with a paper towel, and said: "Later, I pretended to have leg cramps, but actually I wanted to be watched and touched by you a few more times..., and then I wanted to have sex with you." something happened..."

"Hehe, is it because I'm handsome, or because I'm the boss?"

Ye Duan glanced at Zhao Feiyan and sneered.

"It's all... You are already handsome, and you are the new boss, so you are even more handsome. Anyway, when I see you, I can't control myself, just like the water in this glass, I want to be drunk by you... ..."

As Zhao Feiyan said, she closed her legs tightly, bit her lip, and winked.

A look that owes a C.

Ye Duan was so disgusted that he couldn't control it all of a sudden, and spit out the water he just drank, just spraying it on her face.

Unexpectedly, instead of being angry, Zhao Feiyan touched the water with her hand, and then put her finger in her mouth...

"Fuck! You're perverted!"

Ye Duan was terrified and ran away from the door.

Zhao Feiyan chased after the door with her finger in her mouth, and shouted coquettishly, "Don't go, boss, I like you so much..."

I like your mother!

Ye Duan went downstairs like crazy, got into the Lamborghini car, kicked the accelerator and fled.

(End of this chapter)

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