Sleeping in math class, my status as a scholar is exposed

Chapter 133 The system is a beautiful girl

Chapter 133 The system is a beautiful girl

"Silly girl! Even if Xue'er and I are together, you can't be so impulsive."

"No, if you get along with her, you must also get along with me."

Xiao Di looked up at Ye Duan with a firm tone.

Ye Duan was a little confused.

"Damn it! What kind of logic is this?"

Xiao Di put his arms around Ye Duan's neck and said, "There is no logical logic, anyway, you can't leave me alone."

"Okay, okay, got it."

"Hold me to sleep for a while."

Facing Xiao Di's unreasonable request, Ye Duan had no choice but to agree.

When Ye Duan woke up, it was already four o'clock in the afternoon.

The sun shines on the bed, emitting a golden light.

A beautiful little face, eyes closed tightly, waiting for the awakening of the sweetheart.

Xiao Di lay in his arms, unwilling to get up.

"It's time to get up, little slob, don't let Xiaoyu see you."

"Enhmm~~ Let's sleep a little longer..."

Xiao Di stuck to Ye Duan.

Still don't want to get up.

She enjoyed the feeling of sleeping with all her clothes on.

Neither far nor near.

For stars who don't want scandals, this distance seems to be just right.

Both feel the warmth of the other party, but there is no skin-to-skin relationship.

Ye Duan was very helpless.

Why are girls so clingy in front of him?
No matter what they looked like outside, when they were alone with him, they were all too boring.

What a headache!
Is it that fragrant?
Each one depends on oneself.

Can't get used to them!

"Get up quickly, or I will spank your ass."

As Ye Duan said, he patted Xiao Di's butt twice.

"It hurts, you bastard~~"

Little Di's words.

She startled herself.

When did I become so clingy?

He actually said such silly words.

Really ashamed.

No, you must be reserved!

He is a big star, so he can't rely on Ye Duan like this.

Otherwise, you will only be laughed at by him.

Thinking of this, Xiao Di quickly got up from the bed and tidied her hair.

Ye Duan couldn't help but chuckle at the flustered look.

This little Di also has such a cute side.

It's really cute!

The two walked to the living room.

The little assistant was still sound asleep.

Xiao Di walked up to her and shook her arm.

"Get up Xiaoyu, we should go."

"Oh, what time is it?"

The little assistant stood up in a daze.

"It's past four o'clock. Hurry up and pack your things. I have to study the script of Han Han's new movie tonight."

Xiao Di kept urging that she wanted to get out of here quickly.

She was afraid to stay with Ye Duan any longer.

Just almost fell...

Alas, it's all my own lack of concentration.

Why did you hug him in a daze?

And fell asleep with her arms around him.

Obviously not drinking!

It's all because this guy is so charming, like a magnet, he almost sucks himself in.

Xiao Di turned around and glanced at Ye Duan, trying to hide her restlessness.

But he blushed instantly.

"Mr. Ye, let's go, goodbye."

"I'll take it to you."

"No, the company's car is nearby and will be there soon."

"Okay, then I won't give it away, thank you today, Xiao Di."

Ye Duan got busy immediately after seeing off Xiaodi and the two of them.

Copy the photos to the computer first.

Then trim it non-stop.

As soon as the first photo was opened, the sound of the system suddenly sounded in my mind.

【Ding!Congratulations to the host for completing the hidden mission, withstood the test of human nature three times, and will be rewarded with a grand prize. 】

Ye Duan felt a little surprised.

Three trials of humanity?

what is it then?

"Sister System, I didn't do anything, what are the three tests?" Ye Duan asked.

[Sleep with clothes three times, the first time was with Yang Bingyue, the second time was with Ding Xueer, and the third time was with Xiaodi.It's because you didn't do anything that you passed the test. 】

"Oh, that's right, hehe, it's really a blessing in disguise."

Ye Duan couldn't help being happy.

I have suffered three times, and I should give some compensation.

The taste of being able to see but not eat is really uncomfortable.

Ordinary men really can't hold back.

[The host's reward this time is: 1000 billion charity fund + 100% equity of Modu Film and Television Company.Remarks: The charitable fund has been deposited into the host's bank card and can only be used for charity, not for the host's daily consumption.The relevant procedures and materials of Modu Film and Television Company have been placed in the host's safe. 】

"Wow! What a great reward! Thank you, Sister System."

Ye Duan was very excited.

Open mobile banking now.

Sure enough, another 1000 billion was added to the sub-account!
Although you can't spend it on yourself, it's not bad to use it for good deeds!

There is no one among the top richest people in China or even in the world who does not do good deeds.

Making money and philanthropy are like two sides of the same coin, one cannot exist without the other!

If you can't make money, you can't do charity.

If you don't do charity, you can't make a lot of money!
This reason is still very easy to understand.

Besides, his goal in life is far more than just being a rich man.

But to be a person who contributes to the earth!
Ye Duan was looking forward to a better life, but the system was unhappy.

[Smelly host, who is your sister?How many years younger than you! 】

"Sorry, System, shall I call you System Sister from now on?"

[Okay host brother, goodbye first. 】

"Goodbye, sister system."

Ye Duan was overjoyed.

The system was indeed a girl, and she was younger than herself.

She must be a well-behaved and beautiful girl!
I wonder if there will be a chance to meet her in the future?

Ye Duan thought wildly.

Opened the safe.

Sure enough, there was an extra file bag, which contained some procedures about Modu Film and Television Company.

This company is the largest film and television company in Shanghai, and it releases many blockbuster films and TV series every year. In the Chinese film and television circle, it can be said that it is like a big dipper.

The safe was almost full, too.

Some certificate procedures for sports cars and luxury houses, as well as procedures for three shopping centers, procedures for five-star hotels, procedures for the office building of the International Finance Center, and procedures for the transfer of several companies...

There are still more than 2000 billion cash lying in the bank card.

The system younger sister's reward is really generous!

Ye Duan sighed, locked the safe, and started processing Xiao Di's photos again.

At six o'clock in the evening, a set of beautiful cover blockbusters has been repaired!

Ye Duan picked up the phone and called He Shiping.

"Hey, Pingping, are you off work?"

"I'm going to leave soon, is there something wrong, master?"

He Shiping was pleasantly surprised when she received Ye Duan's call.

Because the master has not contacted her for a long time.

Although it was only a few days, it seemed as long as centuries.

"Pingping, I've finished the cover photo you want, can I send it to you?"

"Well, come quickly, master, I'll be waiting for you."

Ye Duan hung up the phone and drove to the "Silk Road Beauty" magazine office.

When she arrived at the editor's office, He Shiping was already waiting impatiently.

"Master, why did I come here?"

Ye Duan and He Shiping worked hard, screening photos in front of the computer.

Outside the window, it seemed that there was a storm.

The heavy rain wants to sweep everything.After the rain, the sky cleared, and a rainbow illuminated the office.

(End of this chapter)

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