Chapter 144 Fans' Doubts

Jiang Yuling really wanted to hide behind the crowd.

Ye Duan noticed the displeasure on her face.

Turning around on purpose, he glanced at her.

He nodded to her, as if encouraging her.

Jiang Yuling understood, and his heart warmed up, and he felt less uncomfortable.

At this time, there was a booming sound in the sky.

It's the sound of propellers.

There was a brief panic in the crowd, and they all looked up to the sky.

I saw 6 helicopters coming slowly, stopping above the stage and the crowd one by one.

The side door of the helicopter opened.

Thousands of flowers fell from the sky, just like a celestial maiden scattered flowers.

It rained petals in the sky.

The crowd boiled again, all raising their hands to catch the petals.

The stage is also covered with petals.

Xiaodi and Ding Xueer are covered all over.

Make them look more attractive, just like the beauties in classical paintings.

Ye Duan caught a petal, handed it to Lin Meishuang, and said with a smile: "Shuang'er, your idea is also very good."

Lin Meishuang shook her head: "Isn't this a surprise from you?"

Both thought it was the other's idea.

Ye Duan thought for a while and guessed the answer: "Brother Cong Cong probably did it, this kid is very good at creating romance."

So he looked for Wang Congcong in the crowd.

Sure enough, this kid was waving to the stage, smiling like a monkey with a big mouth.

Ye Duan also raised his hand to greet him and express his gratitude.

The use of helicopters to scatter flower petals was indeed the idea of ​​Wang Congcong and his cronies.

They want to use a different way to support their eldest brother.

The actions of these dandies are always so advanced.

Many ideas of chasing girls are first thought of by them.

Driving a sports car to send roses, arranging candles in a heart shape to express love, kneeling downstairs in the girls' dormitory and singing conquest...

It's all the tricks they played.

Now Wang Congcong has started to use helicopters to create romance again. I don't know if it will become a new way of expressing love in the future.

I have to admit, this trick is really romantic.

The girls at the scene went crazy and screamed piercingly.

It was as if he had been confessed by someone, and he was almost dehydrated with excitement.

In fact, the people who were really confessed were Xiaodi and Ding Xueer standing on the stage.

Because they are the heroines of today.

Needless to say, Ding Xueer's heart has already blossomed.

The uncle's love for her is beyond measure, and her heart has long belonged to Ye Duan.

Xiao Di is also full of joy.

A flush appeared on his face.

What kind of spokesperson appearance event is this? It is clearly the scene of Ye Duan's confession to himself.

There has never been such a spokesperson event in China!
It even used 6 helicopters to scatter petal rain.

This is obviously to drown myself...

If Ye Duan came to confess his love at this time, he would definitely agree to him!

Any punishment from the company doesn't matter.

You don't have to be a star either.

Being his woman is the happiest thing!

So Xiao Di couldn't help but look at Ye Duan frequently.

He finally caught his gaze, but turned his head away in embarrassment.

She didn't dare to look at Ye Duan anymore.

Afraid that I would lose control, I wanted to get into his arms...

At this moment, Jiang Yuling was also in a complicated mood.

She also wants to be the one to be confessed.

Since elementary school, many boys have confessed to her, and the number of people who have pursued her is countless.

So she has seen many ways of confession.

But this is the first time she has seen the method of using 6 helicopters to rain petals.

I didn't expect this handsome rich man to be such a romantic person.

No wonder so many beauties surround him.

I was about to be captured by him...


Can't have this kind of thinking!
Too dangerous!

Jiang Yuling immediately stopped thinking about it, not daring to think about it anymore.

He even dared not look at Ye Duan.

His eyes that can discharge electricity can really fascinate people...

Just when everyone was immersed in the great romance of Petal Shower, something bad happened.

Lin Meishuang walked up to Ye Duan in a panic.

Holding the mobile phone, he said, "Xiaodi's fans are making a fuss under our mall's Weibo."

"I've already guessed this will happen, don't worry, they will shut up soon."

Ye Duan's face was very calm, with a confident look on his face.

Lin Meishuang looked at him suspiciously, but she admired him extremely in her heart.

Is the old classmate a fairy?

Why is he always predicting things like a god?

There is nothing he can't handle!
Old schoolmates are really cool...

Ye Duan had expected this from the day he chose Xiaodi and Ding Xueer as spokespersons.

Xiao Di is a popular star, and Ding Xueer is an unknown freshman.

It would obviously be detrimental to Xiao Di if they were allowed to be spokespersons at the same time.

She herself may not care, but her fans may not necessarily agree.

Fans of many celebrities are like this, eager to protect the Lord.

I'm afraid that my idol will be wronged a little bit.

There is nothing wrong with doing this most of the time, and you can even win many opportunities for your idols.

But it's also a double-edged sword.

Some fans lost their minds because of this, and forcibly whitewashed the inappropriate behavior of their idols.

As a result, idols suffered a reputational crisis.

What's more serious, idol capsized, ruined...

As the saying goes, success is also a fan, and failure is also a fan.

So how to handle the relationship with fans is also an extremely complicated matter.

Ye Duan also expected this.

Once Xiaodi and Ding Xueer make their public appearance, they will officially become the spokespersons of the IFC mall.

Some of Xiao Di's fans will definitely feel sorry for her.

Will question: What qualifications does Ding Xueer have to be on an equal footing with her own idol?

That's why they went to the mall's Weibo to make trouble.

"Who is Ding Xueer? Is it from Mars?"

"Being pretty can do whatever you want? Can you take a shortcut to reach the sky?"

"What works does she have? What qualifications does she have to stand with Xiaodi?"

"It's okay to have two people endorse at the same time, but they can't be treated equally, and Xiao Di can't be wronged!"

"Yes, we can't wrong our little Di! We just can't swallow this breath!"

Lin Meishuang was very anxious about this.

Because it is a good thing to find celebrities to endorse, it is to enhance the reputation of the mall.

It turned out to be counterproductive, which drew doubts from fans.

Damage to the store's reputation.

So he complained: "These fans are too ignorant, they put pressure on the advertisers directly, which advertiser will dare to ask your idol to endorse next time?"

Ye Duan said with a smile: "The fan group is like this, it is easy to be led by others, and they will automatically stop after a while."

"Old classmate, what are you going to do?"

"Be nice to Xiao Di, and her fans will shut up."

"Better? Are you not good enough for her?"

Lin Meishuang knows everything Ye Duan has done for Xiaodi.

Not only was the endorsement fee extremely high, but she was also given a lot of gifts, and the luxury goods alone were worth several million.

Even Lin Meishuang couldn't stand it anymore.

She's not your girlfriend, isn't that good enough for her?
Ye Duan saw Shuang'er's displeasure, and explained: "Her fans didn't know what I did before, so today I want to let her fans know that their idol has not been wronged."

(End of this chapter)

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