Chapter 162 The Boss' Trust

Being with He Shiping is always a novel experience.

Because of this female apprentice who loves to explore, she can always delve into knowledge with her master in different ways.

Even Ye Duan felt ashamed.

"Pingping, where did you learn it?"

"Master, don't talk nonsense, I didn't learn it, I just saw it~"

"You didn't see it online, did you?"

"And movies..."

He Shiping shrank her head in embarrassment.

There are actually quite a few girls watching this.

But it's embarrassing if someone else finds out.

It's even more embarrassing to say it yourself.

Ye Duan smiled mischievously, and pinched his apprentice's cheek.

"No wonder there are so many tricks, learn more next time, let's study and study."

"Hmph, Master, you are so hypocritical~"

"I'm hypocritical? Are you not mistaken?"

"You always make fun of me for being bad, but you are the worst yourself! Isn't it hypocritical to let me learn to be bad and pretend to be good?"

He Shiping is right.

She was also a very pure girl when she first graduated and joined the magazine.

Never talked about a love.

Clean as a blank sheet of paper.

Know nothing.

Later, I don't know when it changed.

Because many of the magazine topics given to her by the master are topics for adults.

In the process of searching for information, she discovered a lot of knowledge that she had never touched.

It was like opening a door to a new world.

Let her discover her ignorance.

So she plunged into the ocean of knowledge and studied tirelessly.

It's a pity that she has knowledge in vain, but she has never practiced it.

Later, the master finally agreed to be with her.

Her knowledge came into play.

Only now did she realize that it was the master who taught her badly.

Unexpectedly, Master, a pious guy, turned out to be a hypocritical villain!
Ye Duan quickly excused himself.

"Hey, I don't have time to learn, it's the same if you teach me after learning."

"Then you are not allowed to make fun of me anymore, or I won't teach you."

"Okay, okay, I know, Pingping is the most obedient."

Ye Duan coaxed.

He Shiping immediately behaved.

She can't bear to part with the master!

If there is no master, who will she explore knowledge with?
"Master, I don't want to leave tonight, shall we just sleep here for one night?"

"Of course not, whoever leaves is a fool!"

"Hee hee, you are an idiot!"

He Shiping thinks the master is a fool.

He wanted to give it to him a long time ago, but he pretended to be confused on purpose.

Don't even send it to your mouth!
Isn't it a fool?

Leaf doesn't think so.

He just didn't want to hurt his apprentice.

At that time, he was a poor boy, and he couldn't even save enough for the house down payment.

How can we delay Pingping's bright future?

"You are stupid! Big silly girl!"

"I'm not a silly girl, it's so ugly~"

He Shiping leaned on Ye Duan's body.

He pouted at the master.

The angry look is also very cute.

Ye Duan continued to tease her.

"Then you're a little fool."

"Hate~~you talk about me again~"

He Shiping turned her head to one side, her back to the master.

Don't want to bother with this bastard.

Ye Duan hastily coaxed her.

"I was wrong, I was wrong, Pingping, teach me two more tricks?"

"Kiss me once and I'll teach you~"

He Shiping played tricks.

Take the initiative to ask the master for rewards.

As a result, he was severely taught by the master.

a kiss.

From forehead to ankle.

He Shiping's whole body is crisp...

"Master, isn't your kiss too long?"

"Who made every place of you so beautiful?"

Receive praise from the master.

He Shiping was very happy.

Excitedly explore new knowledge with Ye Duan.

"Pingping, you are amazing!"

"You are also great, master~"

The two boasted to each other.

Throwing everything on cloud nine...

the next morning.

In the kiss of the female apprentice, Ye Duan opened his eyes.

The little fox was secretly looking at him and smiling.

Probably full at night!
The complexion is ruddy and shiny.

"Master, will you take me to work later?"

"Okay, let's get up now."

The two got up and had breakfast at the hotel.

Ye Duan sent He Shiping to the magazine office.

On the way back, the voice of the system's sister suddenly came from my mind.

【Ding!It was detected that the host’s elder brother had a happy night, and the Shenhao life task system is starting...]

[Task content: Help He Shiping fulfill her wish, and invite 100 celebrities to participate in the 20th anniversary celebration. 】

[Mission Reward: 100% property rights of Magic City Disneyland + 100 billion TV drama creation funds. 】


Ye Duan's face flushed red.

It seemed that the system sister was really in his mind all the time.

She knew all the good things Ye Li and Ping Ping did...

Could she blame herself for being too bad?

"Sister System, do you know my every move?"

Ye Duan asked in his mind.

[Not necessarily, of course I know what the host brother has done, but the process of some things, I am embarrassed to watch...]

"Hey, I thought you were staring at me 24 hours a day?"

Ye Duan was a little scared.

Girls are always jealous.

If the younger sister of the system is also jealous, will she leave her alone?

【Humph!People are not so boring! 】

"Yes, yes, sister System must be an innocent, lovely, pure and beautiful little girl."

Ye Duan hurriedly said something nice.

【That's right, I'm just...a little girl.Cough cough, since the host brother is so considerate, I will give you a chance to draw a lottery. 】

"Hey, thank you sister system, let's start the lottery draw."

【Ding!Congratulations to the host brother who won the lottery and won a Gulfstream G700 luxury business jet. 】

"Wow! It's a big plane! Thank you, my system sister!"

Ye Duan was very happy.

Sister System is really a generous and good sister!
[Aircraft rewards will be issued soon, brother host, hurry up and complete the task, bye! 】

"Goodbye, sister system, it's good to have you!"

Ye Duan was looking forward to it.

It would be great if I could see the system sister.

I don't know if she is a beautiful little girl or a cute robot?

Too late to think about it.

Ye Duan drove to Modu Film and Television Company.

He must fulfill He Shiping's wish, even if there is no systematic reward, he will complete this task.

Because he gave his apprentice a promise.

Talk about a must do!

As for how to complete the task, he already has a preliminary plan after inviting 100 stars.

It is not feasible to pay directly.

The first is that the capital investment is too large, and some stars may sit on the ground and raise the price, and the lion will open his mouth.

This kind of thing happens a lot in the entertainment industry.

The second is that doing so is very lacklustre and not classy.

Just like a nouveau riche throwing money, others will make irresponsible remarks.

Even if they win "Time Basha", the opponent will not be convinced.

Ye Duan decided to use the existing resources in his hand.

Let the stars rush to participate in the activities held by themselves.

The world is hilarious, all come for profit.

Everyone in the world is benefiting.

As long as the benefits given are large enough, the stars will definitely flock to it.

The resources in Ye Duan's hands can affect the entertainment circle in two aspects.

One is Modu Film and Television Company.

The other is three top shopping malls.

He decided to make a fuss from these two aspects.

Throw two big baits.

Plus a big stick.

At that time, let alone 100 stars, it is possible to double it.

thought here.

Ye Duan turned on the speakerphone and dialed the number of Qin Miaofei, general manager of Modu Film and Television Company.

"Hello, Manager Qin, I'm Ye Duan, are you in the office? I have something to ask for you."

"Mr. Ye, I'm in the office, waiting for you at any time."

Qin Miaofei hung up the phone.

Get dressed up in no time.

The boss drove there himself.

She must be well received.

Women are those who please themselves.

Which woman doesn't want to show her beautiful side to the man she admires?
When they arrived at Modu Film and Television Company, Qin Miaofei was already waiting.

Ye Duan sat down on the sofa in her office.

He said straight to the point: "Manager Qin, can you tell us about the company's current predicament?"

"Mr. Ye, you must be aware that the past two years have been a cold winter for film and television, and the development of the entire film and television industry has encountered difficulties. The biggest problem is the lack of funds. Although our Magic Capital Film and Television Company is a big company in the industry, we have been living on our laurels. , I have stopped in the creation of new film and television dramas, simply speaking, I don’t have enough funds, so I dare not start filming new dramas.”

Qin Miaofei stood in front of Ye Duan and reported the work to him truthfully.

Ye Duan waved to her, beckoning her to sit down and said.

Qin Miaofei carefully sat on the sofa opposite and said "thank you".

She doesn't know much about the new boss, Ye Duan.

All he knew was that he was the new richest man in Shanghai.

All I know is that he looks handsome when he fights!
All I know is that he spends a lot of money.

I only know that he is very kind-hearted, and donated 10 billion to sanitation workers at one time!

As for other aspects of Ye Duan, Qin Miaofei was not clear.

"Manager Qin, I don't really know much about the film and television industry. I want to know how much a film and television drama actually costs?"

"It is difficult to generalize the cost of film and television dramas. There are great differences. The investment of high-cost movies is nearly 10 billion yuan, while the low-cost movies only need tens of millions or even millions of yuan. The same is true for TV dramas. Some production costs cost several Hundreds of millions, some only need tens of millions.”

"What are the main factors that determine the cost of film and television dramas?"

There is actually a reason for Ye Duan to ask these questions.

He wants to know how many movies and TV series can be produced with a creative fund of 100 billion yuan.

The system sister has rewarded 100 billion film creation funds.

Excluding the 4 million yuan for Hanhan's brother, there are still 96 billion yuan left.

I can post another 4 million to make it 100 billion.

Anyway, there are billions in the bank card.

After Yida Film's shareholding is reduced, tens of billions of cash can be obtained.

No worries when it comes to cash.

If He Shiping's task is completed, a TV drama creation fund of 100 billion will be rewarded.

With so much money, how many film and television dramas can you make?

Ye Duan wanted to know the answer.

Qin Miaofei answered very professionally.

"Mr. Ye, there are five main factors that determine the cost of a film and television drama. The first is the popularity of the director and leading actors, the second is the type of film and television drama, the third is the production method of the film and television drama, and the fourth is investment. The form and source of funding, the fifth is the internationalization factor.”

Ye Duan seemed to understand but half understood.

"Can I understand it this way, the cost of film and television dramas involving big directors and well-known actors will be higher."

"In some cases it can be said that."

"Okay, let me think about it."

Ye Duan has been thinking about how to use the 100 billion in his mind.

But his eyes were fixed on Qin Miaofei.

It made her feel embarrassed.

I don't know what the boss is planning.

Is there something on your face?
Qin Miaofei subconsciously touched her face and smoothed her hair.

The little face blushed unknowingly.

"Manager Qin, you look pretty."

Ye Duan suddenly said something.

Qin Miaofei was startled.

What play is the new boss singing?

Why brag about yourself for no reason?
He could only politely reply: "Thank you, Mr. Ye, for your compliment."

Ye Duan nodded and said, "I have decided to inject 200 billion into your company, 100 billion for film creation and 100 billion for TV drama creation."

"200 million? So much?"

Qin Miaofei was shocked.

How can there be such a boss who directly throws money at you?

Isn't it too inconsistent with the production method of film and television dramas?
"Boss, I want to correct you. This is your company, not mine."

Qin Miaofei was a little nervous, and directly called Ye Duan the boss.

Forgot to call him Mr. Ye.

"Actually, what I said is correct. You are the general manager. You are fully responsible for the company's specific affairs. I just pay you money."

"Thank you boss for your trust."

Qin Miaofei was flattered.

In the past, the shareholding of Mordu Film and Television Company was relatively dispersed, and there were several major shareholders.

Although she is the general manager, she has almost no decision-making power.

Dealing with trivial matters all day long.

Now the new boss has let her take full charge of company affairs.

What a trust!

"Manager Qin..." Ye Duan called out.

"Mr. Ye, what else do you want?"

"I have another bold idea, and I want to hear your opinion."

"Please speak."

Ye Duan revealed his plan.

"I want to use the 200 billion to set up two funds, namely a 100 billion film creation fund and a 100 billion TV drama creation fund, and then directors and related film and television creators all over China can apply with their own scripts and ideas. These funds come to discuss cooperation with our company."

"Mr. Ye, this idea is indeed avant-garde, but there is no such precedent in the film and television industry, and I worry that it will be difficult to implement it."

Qin Miaofei expressed her worries.

Ye Duan thought she was worried about her future and fear of failure.

He gave her a reassurance.

"Manager Qin, just go ahead and do it without worrying about the result. Whether it succeeds or not, I will thank you."

"Mr. Ye, I'm not worried about myself. What I'm most worried about is that those well-known directors may not be willing to let go of their status and apply for our fund. If they don't respond, we won't be able to recruit excellent works."

Ye Duan thought for a while, and felt that Qin Miaofei's worry was not unreasonable.

"Manager Qin, what do you think should be done?"

"I think we can make a fuss about the remuneration. VAM agreements are popular in the film and television industry now. Both directors and stars are under great box office pressure. Although this can motivate them to work hard on creation, it also discourages them. and innovative spirit, they cannot be allowed to give full play to their strengths."

"What exactly is a VAM agreement?" Ye Duan asked.

"In the film and television industry, a VAM agreement can sometimes be understood as a guaranteed release. It is an agreement signed between the creator of a film and television drama and the investor. To give a simple example, how much money the investor has invested in the creation For example, a film director must reach a certain box office after the film is released, otherwise, the director himself must compensate. Under the guaranteed release model, the director may not only make no money from making a film, but may even lose money."

"So that's the case. You speak very well, Manager Qin. Please continue."

Ye Duan was very interested in the suggestion of the beautiful manager in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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