Chapter 196 I thought you were angry
Ye Duan made up his mind and agreed to Qin Miaofei: "Alright Miaofei, I will stay with you."

"Thank you, Mr. Ye."

The two went to the bed and sat down.

Qin Miaofei snuggled into Ye Duan's arms unknowingly, like a little rabbit that just escaped from the mouth of a wild wolf.

She was so frightened that she fell silent and trembled all over.

Ye Duan took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Xiao Di, telling her that he had something to do and that he would not go to see her at night, and that he would study new knowledge with her after returning to Shanghai.

Xiao Di knew that he was busy with business, so he didn't ask any questions, so he fell asleep by himself.

Ye Duan sat with Qin Miaofei's arms around her for a while, but felt that she couldn't stretch her legs, so she simply fell on the bed.

At some point, the two of them took off their shoes as well.

Lie on the bed and hug each other tightly.

Qin Miaofei still didn't say a word, buried her head in the boss's arms, and didn't care about whether men and women could kiss or not.

I lost my soul, still care about these feudal morals?

Ye Duan smelled the fragrance of her body, his head was dizzy, and he also became dreamy...

I don't know how long it took.

Ye Duan's cell phone rang.

The rapid ringing of the bell woke them both up.

Ye Duan took a look and found that it was an unfamiliar number.

He wanted to get up and go outside to answer the phone, but Qin Miaofei still hugged him and did not let go.

This girl is probably really terrified.

Just lay down and answer the phone: "Hello, who is there?"

"Mr. Ye, someone asked me to tell you that the matter of Zheng Guanxi has been settled. Don't mention this matter to anyone in the future."

Only then did Ye Duan remember that fellow Zheng Guanxi.

It seems that someone has already settled this matter for him.

Then he replied: "Okay, I see, thank you boss for me."

After ending the call.

Both Ye Duan and Qin Miaofei lost sleepiness.

The lonely man and the widow are in the same room, how can they sleep?

Ye Duan checked the time, it happened to be midnight.

Qin Miaofei had already regained her composure, and said softly: "Mr. Ye, thank you just now, if you hadn't helped me, I would definitely be in the hospital right now."

"Miaofei, it's my fault that frightened you. That guy came for me. If I really hurt you, I'll probably feel uneasy for the rest of my life."

Ye Duan thought about what happened just now, and also felt scared.

If that bastard Zheng Guanxi really stabbed Manager Qin.

I can only promise myself.

Otherwise, you will definitely feel guilty for life.

Thinking of this, Ye Duan couldn't help stroking Qin Miaofei's face with his hands, trying to comfort her.

Qin Miaofei felt a little embarrassed.

Quickly pushed his hand away and asked, "Boss, who is that masked man?"

"It's Zheng Guanxi."

"I also guessed that it was him. He lost his position as the general manager and was thrown into a hitchhiker by the extras. He must have been suffocated, and that's why he came to retaliate against us."

Qin Miaofei regained her senses and wanted to leave the boss's embrace.

But Ye Duan hugged him tightly, unable to move at all, so he had to give up.

The two continued to chat.

"Yes, Miao Fei, but it's his own fault. If he'd been a decent man, he wouldn't have ended up like this."

"So it is said that good will be rewarded with good and evil will be rewarded with evil. It is because he has done too many bad things that he has received retribution."

"That's right. Miao Fei, did you scare me just now?"

"Well, I'm really scared. Boss, am I too timid? You won't laugh at me, will you?"

When Qin Miaofei woke up, she realized that her request just now was a bit embarrassing.

In the middle of the night, he even asked the boss to accompany him.

(ω)(So shy), if you say it, you will definitely be ashamed.

The boss doesn't think of himself as a nympho, does he?

But I was really scared just now, and my legs were so frightened.

Ye Duan said like coaxing a child: "How could it be? You are an honest girl at first glance, and it's normal for you to be timid."

"How did you find out? I have been very obedient since I was a child, and I am also very timid."

"Hey, if you are not good, can you be admitted to Kyoto University?"

Ye Duan said this.

Qin Miaofei couldn't help being arrogant: "That's right, I was a good girl when I was in school, and my grades have always been very good."

"Then you must have never been in love?"

Ye Duan took the opportunity to ask a private question.

Qin Miaofei was really shy: "No...not once..."

"Ah? Didn't I become a sinner then?"


Qin Miaofei was a little puzzled.

Ye Duan deliberately said: "Because I stole your first night away."

"Boss~ what are you talking about? Nothing happened to us..."

Qin Miaofei's little face instantly turned crimson.

My heart is also angry.

The boss is good or bad, he can even say such words, isn't this bullying?
"But the two of us slept on the same bed and hugged each other. Forget it, I'd better go, lest you regret it later and call me a villain."

As Ye Duan said, he was about to sit up and leave.

But Qin Miaofei firmly held her back: "Don't leave the boss, I don't blame you..."

"You really don't blame me? Then call me Brother Duan."

Ye Duan smiled badly and scratched the back of Qin Miaofei's hand.

Qin Miaofei couldn't escape the boss's charm net, so she could only shout: "Brother Duan..."

"Hey, it's so sweet."

Qin Miaofei was extremely shy, she tried her best to push her little head into Ye Duan's arms.

Ye Duan is also holding the beauty tightly in his arms...

Ye Duan slept all night with Qin Miaofei in his arms.

The nature of a man made him feel uncomfortable and even woke up.

Why does this happen all the time?
Sleep with clothes on all the time!

Really, you girls, don't you know I'm a man?
Are you testing me, or are you torturing me?

I'm not Liu Xiahui, I would think about that too!

Ye Duan was really annoyed.

But seeing Qin Miaofei's pretty face in her arms, most of her anger dissipated.

For the sake of your good looks, let me forgive you this time.

If something like this happens again, don't blame me for being rude!
Ye Duan reluctantly left the beauty in his arms and went to the bathroom.

When she came back, Qin Miaofei was already up.

Both of them were sober at this moment, and neither of them wanted to speak first.

The lonely man and the widow slept together all night.

Who has the nerve to say such a thing?
Especially Qin Miaofei, when she saw the handsome boss, she blushed instantly.

He lowered his head and went to the bathroom.

Ye Duan also came to the washbasin to wash up.

As soon as Qin Miaofei came out, she saw the boss standing at the door.

I also became more shy in my heart.

The boss is good or bad.

Either morning or evening, I just wash up when I go to the bathroom.

You must have heard yourself going to the toilet.

Hey, I'm so ashamed...

Qin Miaofei wanted to sneak past Ye Duan.

But he stopped him: "Miaofei, did you flush the toilet? Why didn't I hear the sound?"

"Boss, I'm rushing."

"Oh, maybe I didn't hear it."

Qin Miaofei was ashamed and angry.

Looking at Ye Duan's back angrily, he gave him a hard look.

Humph, the boss is such a badass!
did not expect.

Ye Duan saw Qin Miaofei behind him in the mirror.

Then she turned around and asked, "Miao Fei, why are you staring at me?"

"Boss, I... no..."

"Oh, I thought you were still mad at me."

(End of this chapter)

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