Chapter 205
On the way, a familiar voice sounded in his mind.

It is the sister of the system.

【Ding!Congratulations to the host brother for helping He Shiping fulfill her wish, inviting more than 800 artists to participate in the 20th anniversary celebration, and obtaining 100% property rights of Shanghai Disneyland + 100 billion TV drama creation funds. 】

[Relevant procedures and documents have been placed in the safe of Tomson Yipin's home, and the 100 billion fund has also been remitted to the designated account, please pay attention to the host brother to check it. 】

Ye Duan was overjoyed upon hearing this.

This task is finally completed.

"Sister System, I haven't heard your voice for a long time, how are you doing recently?"

[Thank you, brother host, for your concern, I'm fine.Because the host brother overfulfilled the task, he was rewarded with a chance to draw a lottery. 】

"Okay, let's start the lottery draw."

【Ding!Congratulations to the host brother for winning the lottery and gaining the ability of "moving flowers and trees". 】

[Remark [-]: This ability allows the host to transfer the skills it owns to the designated target.Remark [-]: This ability can only be used while sleeping. 】

Ye Duan instantly understood the connotation of this skill.

Last time, I wanted to pass on the proficiency skills of "Duxiuer" to Ding Xueer.

The younger sister of the system probably noticed it, so she rewarded herself with this skill.

This little girl is so sweet!

But what does it mean to use it while sleeping?

"Sister System, can you explain the meaning of Note [-] again?"

Ye Duan asked in his mind.

[Brother host, I'm embarrassed to say it, "sleep" refers to the thing you and Ding Xueer are about to do...]

"Oh oh oh, I get it, I get it."

Ye Duan understood in seconds this time.

Huaxia language is really broad and profound, a word can have different connotations.

Sleep can refer to sleep, or sleep, hahahaha.

No wonder the system sister was embarrassed to speak out directly.

For girls, this kind of thing is indeed a bit embarrassing.

By the way, the system sister is so cute.

I really want to meet her...

[Brother host, don't think about it, you still have a task to complete, hurry up and work hard. 】

Ye Duan knew that it was the task of donating 1000 billion charitable funds.

But deliberately asked: "Sister System, what is the mission? It's been so long, I have forgotten."

[The host brother is getting more and more naughty, you clearly remember to ask me, hum~]

"Hey, sister system, don't be angry, I just want to chat with you for a while, your voice is so nice."

[Brother host, don’t eat the bowl and think about the pot, bye~]

"Sister System, I'm not that kind of person..."

Ye Duan quickly explained.

But the system sister stopped answering.

I don't know if she heard it or not.

It seems that nothing I do or think can escape the eyes of my younger sister.

Let's be more honest in the future.

If it continues like this, and the system sister is pissed off, I'm afraid I will return to the primitive society overnight.

Ye Duan made up his mind that he would never be frivolous again.

At this time, Lin Meishuang called.

"Hey, Shuang'er, what's the matter?"

"Ye Duan, where are you? Come here quickly, Pingping is treating guests."

"This girl is finally willing to treat you, please tell me the address."

"Sanku Yisheng Restaurant on the Bund, Pingping has reserved the restaurant today."

"Okay, I'll be there soon."

Ye Duan turned around at the intersection of traffic lights.

Lamborghini Poison is like a wild horse, heading towards the Bund.

After Ye Duan arrived at Sanku Yisheng Restaurant.

as predicted.

Basically all the female subordinates came.

Lin Meishuang took the lead.

Su Mengwen, Liu Qian, He Shiping, Yang Bingyue, and Qin Miaofei.

Appeared in front of them neatly.

Ye Duan was stunned for a moment.

There are so many beautiful girls, all of them are gorgeous, and they are so eye-catching!

If one of these women is pulled out at random, it can sweep a street.

Ye Duan feels dry and hot all over.


Flying through the clouds.

The brain is severely deprived of oxygen.

It was almost impossible to tell who was who.

"Brother Ye, did you send your little fairy away, making us wait for you for a long time?"

"Brother Duan, why do you act like you haven't woken up, are you unhappy seeing us?"

"Master, are you unwell? You look dazed, do you want to see a doctor?"

"Master, how did I behave today? I want to thank you very much~"

"Brother Duan, you look so handsome today~"

Several beauties greeted Ye Duan in a hurry.

Only one beauty remained silent.

It was Qin Miaofei.

She is different from the other beauties.

Still a pure single dog...

Ye Duan hugged several beauties respectively, and then walked towards the silent beauty.

Lin Meishuang secretly pointed at him from behind.

He whispered to his sisters: "Let's go, let's all go to the other side, don't disturb others."

Hearing Lin Meishuang's order, although the sisters were unwilling.

Still obediently walked to the other side of the restaurant.

Liu Qian pursed her mouth angrily, and He Shiping glared at the master's back angrily.

Yang Bingyue also bowed her head and remained silent.

Only Su Mengwen was very calm, just like Lin Meishuang.

The two of them were able to put themselves in their positions.

Know who you are.

Sanku Yisheng Restaurant is one of the most famous outdoor restaurants in Shanghai. He Shiping has covered the entire terrace with an area of ​​more than 500 square meters.

Standing on the terrace, you can directly see the Huangpu River.

The sisters were enjoying the night view of the magic city while eating the buffet food.

Yang Bingyue pointed to Zhongliang Jiangjing No. [-] Community on the other side and said, "Sisters, look, our home is in that building, right?"

"Yes, yes, I seem to see the balcony of my house."

Miss Conch is exaggerating.

Su Mengwen couldn't help joking: "Sister Qian, your eyesight is too good, you must have been a giant squid in your previous life."

"Giant squid? Why?" Yang Bingyue blinked and asked.

"Because their eyes are as big as a basketball, they can see very far, haha~"

"Basketball? That's not ugly, sister Wenwen, you are good or bad, let me see if I don't tear your mouth apart."

Liu Qian got angry and raised her fist to hit Su Mengwen.

Yang Bingyue quickly persuaded the fight: "You two sisters, stop fighting."

Several people chatted and laughed, making a fuss.

He Shiping on the side was a little unhappy.

Lin Meishuang was considerate, saw her thoughts, and comforted her: "Pingping, you made the magazine's 20th anniversary celebration so successful this time, your master will definitely reward you. Didn't he say before that I want to give you a house, I will remind him later."

"Thank you, Sister Lin, for your concern. Don't bother my master. It's fine if I live outside."

"No! How can we feel sorry for you living outside alone? If you continue to be so stubborn, I will kick you out of the sister group."

"Don't kick me, Sister Lin, it's okay if I listen to you."

He Shiping was also shocked when she heard the words.

The sisters are so lively in a group.

Not only is there a care for everything, but occasionally they can also make appointments to play cards together, do beauty treatments and so on.

I can also teach a few of them to practice yoga.

What a pleasant little day!

(End of this chapter)

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