Chapter 207 Birthday Surprise
Haha, Shuang'er, Shuang'er, you are the most understanding person in the world.

Qin Miaofei was confused by the two of them.

Confusedly holding the boss's hand.

Came in front of several other beauties.

"Come, come, let me introduce you again. This is Qin Miaofei, the general manager of Modu Film and Television Company."

"Hello sisters, hello sisters."

Qin Miaofei couldn't get off the tiger, so she had to politely greet her sisters.

The sisters actually knew her already.

Especially Su Mengwen and He Shiping have dealt with Qin Miaofei many times.

Very impressed with this stunning beauty.

"Come, come, let's toast together, welcome Miaofei."

As the initiator of tonight's event, He Shiping personally poured wine for Qin Miaofei.

Qin Miaofei was too embarrassed to refuse, so she clinked glasses with everyone one by one.

After a few glasses of wine, my head is already dizzy.

The rosy little face looks even more charming.

Qin Miaofei suddenly thought of a word.

Involuntarily said: "If the two feelings last for a long time..."

"How can it be day and night?"

Ye Duan said the next sentence.

The two looked at each other.

Instantly collided with infinite sparks.

The two lips gradually came together, only 10 centimeters apart.

Qin Miaofei closed her eyes in shame.

Ye Duan didn't kiss her.

"Miaofei, I know you're not ready yet."

"Brother Duan, you really understand me."

Qin Miaofei is drunk...

After dinner.

Ye Duan sent Qin Miaofei back home.

Then they hurried back to Zhongliang Jiangjing No. [-].

He had already told Lin Meishuang to ask Pingping to wait at her house first.

Tonight I will give my apprentice a house.

Arrived at Lin Meishuang's house.

Twins are taking a bath.

Ye Duan hugged He Shiping into his arms.

"Pingping, today's event is very successful, it's all thanks to you!"

"Thank you, master, if you backed me up, I would be nothing..."

"Hey, you are my apprentice, so of course the master wants to beat you!"

Ye Duan finished speaking.

He Shiping blushed with shame.

"Master~ Are you good or bad~~"

"Pingping, the master said that he will give you a house. You can choose a house from the 30th to the 35th floor of this building."

"Should I choose now? Master, the houses here are very expensive, and one set costs tens of millions..."

"Don't say no, don't just slap the master in the face!"

Ye Duan's tone was very firm.

He Shiping was too embarrassed to refuse again: "Then I will choose the 35th floor."

"Okay, I'll take you to the new house now."

Ye Duan pulled He Shiping to go downstairs.

Lin Meishuang just came out of the bathroom.

"Shuang'er, I took Pingping to look at the house."

"Okay, I see. You can sleep in the new house tonight. I'm closing the door. Good night."

Lin Meishuang said, and drove them out.

Then he closed the door.

Ye Duan laughed, pulled the female apprentice into the elevator, and went straight to the 35th floor.

Although the house type on the 35th floor is exactly the same as that of Lin Meishuang's house.

He Shiping has been no stranger to this for a few days, but she was still shocked.

Because this is the house given to her by the master.

From tonight, this set of Jiangjing Daping, worth tens of millions, will be hers.

"Master, thank you~"

He Shiping hugged her master tightly.

Ye Duan gently stroked his apprentice's smooth and fair face.

It is also love and compassion.

"Pingping, in fact, I have wanted to give you a house for a long time, but you have not agreed. Let you live outside for so long, the heart of the master is very painful."

"Master, I know you treat me well, but I'm just an ordinary little girl. If I don't have any grades, how can I have the nerve to accept such a big gift from you?"

"You silly girl, you gave the most precious thing to the master, even if the master gave you his life, you can afford it."

The master and apprentice came to the balcony unknowingly.

In the distance is the brightly lit and bustling night scene of the magic city.

An outdoor lounge chair, just right under your feet.

Ye Duan sat down.

He Shiping murmured.

The body that has practiced yoga is so flexible and flexible.

The leaves are numb all over.

Lying on the outdoor chair do not want to move.

He Shiping turned into a bird.

Flapping beautiful wings.

It's like flying in the air.

Leaving a dazzling dance.


a long time.

The cool air hits my face.

Ye Duan was afraid that his apprentice would catch a cold, so he hugged her into the soft blanket.

He Shiping is still immersed in happiness and cannot extricate herself.

Tears of happiness flowed continuously.

Ye Duan gently comforted her.

"Pingping, I plan to buy the "Times Basha" magazine in the near future, and I will let you take care of it when the time comes."

"No way, master, "Girl on the Silk Road" is already busy enough for me, and if you give me "Time Basha", are you trying to exhaust me to death?"

"You silly girl, where are you now? How can you be so exhausted? I actually have a big plan to set up a Silk Road Media Group in the future to spread Chinese culture overseas, and you will be the chairman at that time. "

Ye Duan's words scared the apprentice.

He Shiping remained silent for a long time.

Ye Duan pinched her cheek.

It was only then that the girl came to her senses.

"Master, you trust me so much, how should I repay you?"

"Silly Pingping, master doesn't need your reward."


He Shiping was moved and cried.


The next morning.

He Shiping went to work in the magazine.

Ye Duan didn't sleep in either.

Tomorrow is the little fairy's birthday.

Today I have to prepare a birthday surprise for her.

Giving a girl a birthday gift is a real headache.

It is even more difficult to serve a rich girl like Little Fairy who was born with a golden key in her mouth.

For ordinary girls, spending tens of thousands or 10,000+ on a luxury bag can basically make a beauty happy.

Girls with a higher level can go to open a house together if they send tens or millions of cars.

Go a little higher, send a luxury house worth tens of millions, or put 99 million pocket money in the card, and almost [-]% of women can kneel at your feet.

But Ye Duan didn't want to be so vulgar.

Of course it’s fine to give money, but you have to give it in style.

Sending money directly to the card is not called falling in love, that is called Bao-yang.

The gift does not represent money, but represents a boy's love for a girl.

With money, you can get a girl's body.

Only with your heart can you capture the sincerity of girls.

The little fairy is not only Ye Duan's sweetheart.

It is his little luck.

If it wasn't for being hit by Ding Xueer's car on the night of New Year's Eve.

It is also impossible to summon the system sister.

There is nothing now.

People must know how to be grateful.

She couldn't be too kind to Ding Xueer.


The little fairy is going to give her most precious thing on her birthday tomorrow.

Don't be nice to her by giving her a few meaningful birthday presents.

How dare you sleep with her?
Don't you feel ashamed?
So Ye Duan prepared a birthday present for Ding Xueer a long time in advance.

Eventually came up with seven surprises.

(End of this chapter)

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