Chapter 218
Just left a private investigation firm.

Ye Duan then received a call from Su Mengwen.

"Hey, Wenwen, what's the matter?"

"Brother Duan, there has been progress in the acquisition of "Times Basha" magazine. I want to report to you face to face."

"Okay, where are you now? I'll go find you."

"I'm on the side of the investment company."

"Wait for me, I'll be right there."

hang up the phone.

Ye Duan went straight to the office building of the IFC.

It's time to make a break with Tian Bichi and her "Time Basha" magazine.

Who is behind this old woman?

Why do you want to have trouble with the "Silk Road Beauty" magazine, why do you want to tear down your own station?

Ye Duan couldn't understand it.

It seems that only by prying open Tian Bichi's mouth can we find clues.

When they arrived at the investment company, Su Mengwen was waiting in the manager's office.

I was very excited to see the boss coming.

"Brother Duan, I miss you so much~"

"What's wrong with Wenwen today, it's not like your style."

Ye Duan looked at Su Mengwen carefully.

It's really charming.

The black lace shirt has a large round neck.

So tempting!

Su Mengwen bit her lip and said shyly, "Brother Duan, you don't care about others at all~"

"Wenwen, what do you say?"

Ye Duan sat on the sofa.

Su Mengwen complained: "I have been back from Hengdian for five days."

"It's been five days since you came back?"

Ye Duan still didn't respond.

Su Mengwen was also anxious, she lowered her head and said, "My relatives have already left..."

"The relative is gone, oh, I see."

Only then did Ye Duan understand.

When Wenwen went to Hengdian, relatives happened to come.

Now five days have passed and the relative is gone.


"Brother Duan~"

Su Mengwen was shy.

Two tender eyes looked at the boss affectionately.

The vermilion lips parted slightly, as if calling for a man's favor.

Ye Duan smiled and said, "Wenwen, I haven't seen you for a few days, you are growing very gratifying."

"Brother Duan~ what did you say?"

Su Mengwen's face turned red with shame.

But there is nowhere to escape.

The slender eyelashes are also extremely charming.

"Wenwen, you are so pretty."

"Where do I look good?"

"Everywhere is beautiful!"

Ye Duan started talking about earthy love again.

Although plain and unpretentious, Su Mengwen is sweet in her heart.

There is a sweet smile on his face.

"Wenwen, we need to keep our distance."

"Brother Duan, I understand."

"Know what?" Ye Duan asked.

"Keep a distance from you. You can only have one girlfriend now. I'm your female employee and I can't provoke you."

Su Mengwen said something.

Ye Duan nodded, very satisfied.


a long time.

Su Mengwen found a hole in the pantyhose.

He took it off and showed it to Ye Duan.

"Brother Duan, my stockings are all torn, you have to pay me for a pair."

"Pay, I'll buy you ten pairs, one hundred pairs."

Ye Duan laughed.

Su Mengwen also blushed.

"Brother Duan, I want to report to you about the acquisition of "Times Basha" magazine."

Ye Duan nodded.

The two also quickly entered the working state.

Su Mengwen continued: "Because Pingping managed the 20th anniversary celebration of "Girl on the Silk Road" very successfully, the Girls' Day star night event originally planned by "Time Basha" was cancelled, which caused the reputation of their magazine to plummet. Many stars And advertisers have also canceled cooperation with them."

"Now Times Basha is in a very difficult situation. Two of the three shareholders intend to change hands of the magazine. Only the editor-in-chief Tian Bichi insists on running the magazine. However, her shareholding is only 32%, so if we insist on Tian Bichi will not be an obstacle to the acquisition of "Time Basha", because her strength cannot acquire the shares held by the other two shareholders."

"I have arranged for people to contact the other two major shareholders of "Times Basha". Their asking price is not high. If you agree, we will be able to buy "Times Basha" magazine soon."

Ye Duan kept nodding, appreciating the beauty's work.

By buying the "Times Basha" magazine, he can vent his anger for his apprentice and blow Tian Bichi's arrogance.

Secondly, it can be given as a birthday gift to apprentices, Pingping's birthday is coming soon.

Thirdly, it can shock the people behind Tian Bichi and knock the mountains and shake the tigers.

The most important thing at the moment is not to buy "Time Basha", but to take the opportunity to find out who is behind the scenes.

Ye Duan thought for a while, and said to the beautiful woman, "Wenwen, make an appointment with Tian Bichi, I want to talk to her face to face."

"Is this appropriate, Brother Duan?"

Su Mengwen was a little puzzled.

"Brother Duan, Tian Bichi is in a fit of anger, will this further irritate her, and jump over the wall in a hurry?"

"It's okay, she can't fly into the sky no matter how much she jumps. I want to clarify some things with her face to face, and I also have questions to ask her. You can arrange it as I said, the sooner the better."

"Okay Brother Duan, I'll arrange this now."

Su Mengwen immediately told her colleagues in the administration department to contact Tian Bichi's office.

The meeting was quickly arranged.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, a cafe near the IFC.

Ye Duan and Tian Bichi met here.

"Editor Tian, ​​hello, don't come here unharmed."

"Hmph, don't pretend to be a good person here. Let me tell you, if you want to buy "Times Basha" magazine, there is no way!"

When Tian Bichi came up, he was very aggressive.

Ye Duan had expected that she would put on such an airs.

This eighth woman claims to be the fashion godmother of Shanghai, and she has a very bad temper!

And eat soft but not hard.

Even if you step her on the ground and rub her, she won't bow her head.

So she had to use tricks to pry her mouth open.

Only in this way can we find the mastermind behind the scenes.

Ye Duan didn't take it hard with Tian Bichi.

She was a mother after all, and she couldn't be rude like a man.

"Editor Tian, ​​I can understand your feelings, but all of this is caused by you alone. There is a saying that it is your own fault."

"People can't help themselves in the rivers and lakes. I admit that I lost to you."

"Okay! Editor-in-Chief Tian is really a cheerful person."

Ye Duan pointed at a deck in front of him.

Tian Bichi looked along.

I saw the back of a familiar man flirting with a young woman.

It's also not getting angry.

"Cao Jianren, that bastard, dares to sneak outside!"

Tian Bichi strode over and walked up to the man, ready to yell at him.

Before he could speak, he realized that he had admitted the wrong person.

This man is not his husband, but the clothes he wears are very similar.

Had to walk back resentfully.

"Ye Duan, are you kidding me?"

Tian Bichi questioned Ye Duan.

"No, I'm just reminding you. Editor Tian is a smart person, so he must know what it means."

"You mean, Cao Jianren has someone outside?"

"If you don't believe me, just ask someone to investigate."

"Ye Duan, why did you tell me? Did you mean to see my joke?"

Tian Bichi did not doubt Ye Duan's words, and began to resent his husband in his heart.

This is not the first time Cao Jianren has done this kind of thing.

I have given him two chances.

There was a third time, and he was kicked out of the house.

Unexpectedly, this guy still doesn't have a long memory.

Moreover, he was discovered by outsiders, making himself ashamed.

Divorce, must divorce Cao Jianren!
But why did Ye Duan tell himself this, is it just for a joke?
Tian Bichi was very curious.

(End of this chapter)

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