Sleeping in math class, my status as a scholar is exposed

Chapter 223 Worried About Spending Money

Chapter 223 Worried About Spending Money

The 1000 billion charity fund given by the system sister is really not an easy task to quickly invest.

A total of more than 100 billion has been donated in Shanghai.

Because all his properties are here, Chief Jiang is also very caring for himself.

The two even became close friends.

Donate 100 billion in Jiangsu and Zhejiang Provinces, mainly to repay Chief Liu Shixian.

It was for the Hengdian Film and Television City and Zheng Guanxi.

Donate 200 billion in Jiangsu Province, because this is my hometown.

It can be regarded as doing something practical for the elders of the hometown.

There are about 600 billion left, how to spend it?

Ye Duan was a little worried.

If you donate indiscriminately, if someone maliciously takes it away, wouldn't you live up to the good intentions of the system's sister?

But I am not familiar with other provinces, so I can't donate money one by one, right?

Not only the efficiency is too low, but also laborious.

Maybe it will be taken as a liar by others.

If you take the initiative to come to donate money, you will either be out of your mind or get kicked by a donkey.

It's hard to spend 600 billion yuan!

Ye Duan felt a little sad.

How can we donate 600 billion in a steady, accurate and ruthless manner?

Yang Bingyue felt that Ye Duan had something on her mind.

Then he asked intimately: "Brother Duan, are you unhappy? Can you talk to me?"

"Yueyue, can you think about it for me, how can I donate tens of billions of charitable funds within a month?"

"Hee hee, it's not easy. Isn't it helping the poor now? Every impoverished village donates a little, and the donation will be exhausted soon."

Yang Bingyue thought her brother was joking, so she said something casually.

"Good idea! Yueyue, you are so smart!"

Ye Duan was overjoyed upon hearing this.

Not a bad idea.

There are ready-made lists for impoverished counties and impoverished villages.

According to the map, you don’t have to look for charity projects one by one.

Since it is a poor village, it definitely needs help.

There is no need to worry about the misuse of charity funds.

Yang Bingyue frowned and asked, "Brother Duan, don't you really want to donate tens of billions?"

"Of course it's true, otherwise why would I ask you to donate to Jinling?"

"Brother Duan, you are too...great..."

Yang Bingyue was also shocked.

I can't find the right words to praise my brother at all.

All I can say is he's great.

In the whole of China, it seems that no one has ever donated so much cash.

Looking at his brother's firm eyes.

Yang Bingyue has completely transformed into a little fan girl.

Two big eyes stared at his love brother.

The admiration in my heart was already surging.

The pretty little face is also becoming more and more charming.

Ye Duan smiled slightly.

"Yueyue, do you like elder brother to do good deeds?"

"Of course I like it. Brother Duan, you are really great. You must be the most caring person in Huaxia now."

"Hey, Yueyue's little mouth is getting sweeter and sweeter."

The little girl was overwhelmed with shame.

The body curled up.

"Brother Duan, I don't want you to go, can you accompany me tonight?"

Yang Bingyue was intoxicated by it and couldn't extricate herself.

She regarded Ye Duan as a mountain.

You can depend on it.

Ye Duan also wanted to be Yue Yue's backer.

This cute little girl next door was once so helpless.

Now I want to make up for all the love she lost before.

"Okay Yueyue, I'm not leaving tonight, I'll coax you to sleep, okay?"


Yang Bingyue shyly walked towards the bedroom.


Ye Duan coaxed Yueyue and slept on the carpet all night.

Early the next morning.

Ye Duan drove Yang Bingyue's Aston Martin sports car and sent her and Liu Qian to the high-speed rail station.

The two will go to Hangzhou and Jinling respectively.

Liu Qian will donate 100 billion to Jiangsu and Zhejiang Province on behalf of Ye Duan, and Yang Bingyue will donate 200 billion to Jiangsu Province on behalf of Ye Duan, of which 100 billion will be donated to their hometown Jinhai County.

The two beauties looked at each other and smiled when they met.

"Sister Yueyue, did Big Brother Ye spend the night at your house last night?"

Liu Qian tilted her head and asked intentionally.

Yang Bingyue nodded in embarrassment, patches of blush instantly appeared on her face.

"Hee hee, what's so embarrassing, brother Ye was at my house for most of the day yesterday."

Liu Qian leaned on Yang Bingyue's ear and said softly.

When two girls are together, they seem to be able to whisper anything.

Ye Duan didn't know what the hell the two of them were doing.

He just kept telling them: "Be careful on the road, and call immediately if you have anything to do."

"Understood, Brother Ye, you can rest assured."

The conch girl comforted her master sensiblely.

I'm afraid he's too worried.

Yang Bingyue looked at Ye Duan reluctantly, her little head kept nodding.

"Come on, hug one."

Ye Duan hugged Yang Bingyue and Liu Qian respectively.

This left the station.

Go to the Magic City Charity Federation.

Before 12:[-] noon today, donations must be made to projects in need.

As the richest man in Shanghai and the president of the Charity Federation, I can't break my promise!
After arriving at the place.

Jiang Yuling was reviewing the project with the staff in the office.

"Lingling, why are you here so early?"

A pretty young woman at the side said: "President Ye, Miss Jiang didn't leave at all yesterday, and she worked overtime with us all night here."

"Thank you for your hard work, Lingling, everyone has worked hard."

Ye Duan was very moved when he heard this.

Unexpectedly, this rich young lady loves charity so much that she has been busy here all night.

Jiang Yuling didn't intend to claim credit at all.

He smiled and said: "Brother Ye, you came at the right time. We have almost sorted out the project, so you can check it again."

"Okay, I'll check with you."

Ye Duan said, and sat next to Jiang Yuling.

Several people checked it carefully again and confirmed that there was no problem.

"Brother Ye, we have reviewed a total of 25 projects, and the total donation needed is 92 billion yuan."

Jiang Yuling reported the final list to Ye Duan.

"Okay Lingling, do me a favor and use my mobile banking to transfer the money to the accounts of these 25 projects."

"Brother Ye, if you don't go to the bank to handle it, can you use mobile banking?"

Jiang Yuling was very puzzled.

How can there be such a donation?
This is the first time I have heard of direct bank transfer via mobile phone.

The young woman on the side also looked disbelieving.

"President Ye, we know that you are the richest man in Shanghai, the richest person in Shanghai, but with nearly 100 billion yuan, your mobile banking is too good, right?"

Ye Duan smiled slightly: "It's too troublesome to go to the bank. It's so convenient to use mobile banking. You can donate the money with just a flick of your finger."

"Uh... alright."

Jiang Yuling also didn't know what to say.

I had no choice but to take Ye Duan's mobile phone and use mobile banking to transfer money to 25 projects.

The young woman couldn't help but stick her head out to watch Jiang Yuling operate.

Jiang Yuling entered the account of the first project on the mobile bank, and then entered the transfer amount of 5 million yuan.

"1, 2, 3, 4..."

The young woman also counted to zero.

After confirming that the amount was correct, Jiang Yuling submitted the transfer request and came to the step of entering the password.

"The password is six 6s."

Ye Duan said beside him.

(End of this chapter)

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