Chapter 234 Management
Ye Duan originally wanted to go further with Qin Miaofei.

Helpless is.

The office phone kept ringing one after another.

Basically, artists from Jiaxingtianxia Company want to join Modu Film and Television Company.

It seems that the news that Jiaxing Tianxia has been banned has spread.

Artists under the banner have to fend for themselves.

Some are direct calls from artists, and Mao recommends himself to sign a contract with Modu Films.

Some are well-known directors in the industry to recommend artists.

the reason is simple.

Modu Film and Television Company has strong strength. In addition to the regular shooting plan, it also has a film and television creation fund of 200 billion.

200 billion doesn't sound like much.

But you must know that in the whole of China, the total investment in TV dramas is only about 200 billion per year...

Therefore, Modu Film and Television can be said to be the hottest film and television company in China at present.

The industry's well-deserved NO 1!

The point is, Modu Film and Television has never signed an artist before.

Now there is only one Ding Xueer who is open to the public.

There are many opportunities here.

If he can become the own artist of Modu Film and Television Company, he will basically be able to get a share of the 200 billion yuan.

In addition to real money, there is also fame that artists love most.

Whoever seizes this opportunity first will have a greater chance of becoming famous in the future.

Such a good thing, who wants to miss it?

That's why the artists from Jiaxing Tianxia Company flocked here.

Keep Qin Miaofei busy.

There are famous artists who can sign without thinking twice.

Some artists had problems with their previous designs, so they had to think twice.

If the artist contacted directly, you can find an excuse to wait for a while.

As for the artists recommended by well-known directors, there are many factors to consider.

The relationship here is very complicated!
A top director recommends a third-rate artist, should he sign or not?

Qin Miaofei had to deal with it.

Huaxia is a society of personal relationships, and the entertainment industry is no exception.

Between artists, between artists and directors, between artists and investors, between directors and patrons.

The relationship is very complicated.

Even the superficial relationship and the real relationship are difficult for outsiders to figure out.

Among many female artists, there is a plastic sisterhood.

Everyone is friendly on the surface, but they are jealous and tear each other down in private.

Today we are still very close together, but when we meet tomorrow, we will become passers-by, even enemies.

They look sentimental, but are actually the most ruthless.

There are many similar situations among male artists, elders and younger generations.

For example Gazi and Panzi.

He coined a new word called "Gapanzhijiao".

Qin Miaofei was busy answering the phone.

Ye Duan couldn't help at the side, it was very boring.

"Miao Fei, I'm going back first, and I'll come to see you another day. You have to take care of your body and don't get too tired."

"I know, brother Duan, thank you for your concern."

The two hugged again sweetly.

Ye Duan just left Modu Film and Television Company.

Getting ready to visit Ding Xueer.

I haven't seen my little wife for a few days, and I miss her very much.

That pure virginity is unforgettable.

Every part of her, every inch of her skin is extremely ecstasy.

After resting for so many days after the first time on the "Xueer" yacht, he should have almost recovered, right?

On the road.

But Ye Duan received phone calls asking for money one after another.

Liu Qian and Yang Bingyue called one after the other as agreed.

"Brother Ye, the Charity Federation of Jiangsu and Zhejiang Province has already reviewed 100 billion charity projects. I will send you the documents. If there is no problem, you can transfer the money to their account."

Yang Bingyue also called.

The Jiangsu Provincial Charity Federation also submitted a total of 100 billion charitable projects.

"Brother Duan, regarding our 100 billion directional donation in Jinhai County, the Jiangsu Provincial Charity Federation wants to go directly to Jinhai for inspection. I just went back to my hometown. What do you think?"

"Okay, let's do it according to your plan. Yueyue, there is one more thing to ask you, go to my house after returning to Jinhai."

"I know, brother Duan. If you don't tell me, I will visit my uncle and aunt. Don't worry."

Yang Bingyue has been very sensible since she was a child.

Very likable, but also endearing.

Ye Duan's parents also liked this neighbor's child very much, and took care of her like a half-daughter.

When Yang Bingyue returns to her hometown this time, she will naturally visit the second elder.

What's more, Brother Duan made her live like a princess in Shanghai.

Not only a decent job, but also a sports car and a mansion.

If you say it, no one will believe it.

Yang Bingyue was looking forward to returning home this time.

The family members probably don't know that she is Ye Duan's woman now.

Her mother kept telling her to hurry up and make cooked rice with Brother Duan.

Now the task is finally completed...

Ye Duan listened to the reports from Liu Qian and Yang Bingyue.

Decided to go to the Shanghai Charity Federation first.

Ask colleagues to help and confirm the charity projects submitted by Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Jiangsu provinces.

If there is no problem, call them the donation as soon as possible.

If you donate the money one day earlier, you can complete the task of the system sister one day earlier.

Arrived at the office of the Shanghai Charity Federation.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Yuling was also here.

"Brother Ye, why are you here?"

"I'm see you."

"Look at me? Impossible. How did you know I'd be here today?"

Jiang Yuling is very smart.

Immediately saw through Ye Duan's lies.

"Because you are in my heart, wherever you go, my heart will follow."

Ye Duan continued to coax the little girl.

Jiang Yuling knew that he was talking sweetly, but he was very sweet in his heart.

What girl doesn't like to hear nice things?
Since ancient times, the routine has won the hearts of the people!

Jiang Yuling's face suddenly burst into a smile: "Brother Ye, don't coax me, I know if you have me in your heart. But, why are you here?"

"I want you to help review these charitable projects, and then help me transfer the money to their accounts."

Ye Duan no longer teased Miss Qianjin.

It also explained the purpose of coming.

First printed out the document on the phone, and then handed it to Jiang Yuling.

"Brother Ye, you want to donate money again?!"

After Jiang Yuling read the document, she was instantly shocked.

The beautiful young woman from last time also hurried over to take a look.

Like winning a grand prize of 500 million, he shouted loudly: "My God! 100 billion plus 100 billion, President Ye, you want to donate 200 billion?"

"That's right, thank you for helping me to review again."

"Okay Brother Ye, leave this matter to us."

Jiang Yuling immediately agreed.

As long as she is doing charity, she is very energetic.

The pretty young woman is not calm anymore.

Staring at Ye Duan obsessively, he murmured: "President, you are so handsome, so cool."

Ye Duan checked the time, it was already past 5 pm.

So I ordered a takeaway from a Michelin restaurant with my mobile phone, ready to reward everyone.

Soon, the takeaway arrived.

"Everyone has worked hard, let's eat first."

Ye Duan greeted everyone for dinner.

Hearing this, the beautiful young woman immediately ran over.

"Wow! It's so rich! President, you are too polite. In fact, you can just order a few boxed lunches. I dare not eat such an exquisite dinner."

"You have worked hard these days, it is necessary to eat something good."

As Ye Duan spoke, he didn't intend to sit down and eat.

Jiang Yuling came over and asked, "Brother Ye, don't you want to eat with us?"

"Lingling, I won't accompany you guys anymore. I'm here to affect everyone's meal."

"Oh, then you should hurry up and eat, and leave it to me here."

After Jiang Yuling finished speaking, she sent Ye Duan to the door.

Ye Duan told her: "Lingling, don't stay up late tonight, go back early after dinner, and it won't be too late to review tomorrow."

"Okay Brother Ye, you have to take care of your health. I'm still waiting to help the old district with you."

"Well, I'll let you know when I set a time."

"Okay, goodbye Brother Ye."

"Bye Lingling."

Ye Duan secretly took Jiang Yuling's hand.

It feels so soft and smooth.

If I hadn't invited my little wife to dinner, I wouldn't have wanted to leave...

(End of this chapter)

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