Chapter 246 Pay attention to safety
After Ye Duan left.

Kong Xiuju, Jiang Yuling's mother, came to her husband's side.

expressed his concerns.

"Wanquan, do you really intend to let Lingling and Ye Duan be together?"

Jiang Wanquan frowned.

"Ma'am, didn't you tell me they were dating? And told me not to interfere with young people, have you changed your mind?"

"In the beginning I did support the two of them dating, but in the past two days I specifically inquired about Ye Duan's situation and found that he seems to be dating a girl named Ding Xueer.

Ye Duan also specially set up the 'Ding Xue'er' scholarship at the Shanghai Academy of Drama.Moreover, Ye Duan seems to be having an affair with star Xiao Di. "

Jiang Wanquan pulled his wife to sit down.

It seems that these are not taken to heart.

Smiling and comforting his wife, he said, "Madam, don't worry too much. I also understand what you said. Especially Ding Xue'er, it is said on the Internet that she is Ye Duan's little girlfriend."

"Wanquan, since you already know, why did you still say that at the dinner party? If Ye Duan exposes bad scandals in the future, won't Lingling be laughed at by others?"

"Madam doesn't know that Ye Duan is now a businessman, he is not suitable to marry Lingling.

You also know that the spouses, children and spouses of the current executives are not allowed to engage in business, so Lingling can date Ye Duan, but cannot marry. "

"You've confused me, Wanquan, what are you talking about?"

Kong Xiuju became more and more confused.

What exactly does husband mean.

Since the two cannot get married, why should Lingling and Ye Duan be in a relationship?
Jiang Wanquan saw that his wife was very puzzled, so he continued to explain: "I support Lingling and Ye Duan dating, and I don't object to Ye Duan having other rumored girlfriends now.

By doing this, Ye Duan can give the outside world a false impression that he is not my Jiang Wanquan daughter's boyfriend, and some people will not be able to use this as an excuse to attack us.

But in fact, Ye Duan is my future son-in-law, Jiang Wanquan, and I like this kid very much.Lingling can associate with him, and if the two want to get married, it will take at least a few years.

By the time they get married, I guess they have already retired, so they haven't violated the rules.Now, you should understand what I mean, right? "

"Wanquan, you want to build plank roads in the open and hide in the dark? But what if Ye Duan marries another girl in the future? Have you considered this?"

"Ma'am, don't worry, you have so little confidence in your daughter? Ye Duan is a businessman, and a businessman knows how to weigh the pros and cons. He is just young and loves to play. After a few years, he will definitely choose Lingling."

Kong Xiuju was a little disappointed by Jiang Wanquan's logic.

Can you take this risk for your daughter's lifelong event?

"Wanquan, I still think it's inappropriate, why don't I go and persuade Lingling to break up with Ye Duan."

"Ma'am, don't you know Lingling's personality? What kind of boy has she never seen before? Whether it's the son of a feudal official, the young master of a wealthy businessman, or a well-educated talent, none of them can make Lingling see catchy.

Only this Ye Duan, Lingling met him a few times and said that she wanted to associate with him.Although I cherish my own future, I care more about my daughter's happiness. Lingling likes Ye Duan, and I will never object.

I've even made a plan, if Lingling wants to marry Ye Duan, I can retire right away. "

Only then did Kong Xiuju understand her husband's good intentions.

That's right, since Lingling was born, she was the apple of his eye.

How could this man delay his daughter's happiness?
"Wanquan, why don't you talk to Ye Duan and let him calm down and stop making trouble outside. Wouldn't it be better to let him associate with Lingling wholeheartedly?"

"Ma'am, it is not yet possible to let the outside world know that Ye Duan is in contact with Lingling, people with ulterior motives will seize this opportunity to attack me, especially at this critical moment.

I have a good chance of winning the cabinet position this time, so there must be no trouble now. "

"But it's safe..."

Kong Xiuju wanted to continue persuading her husband.

Jiang Wanquan interrupted her: "Ma'am, I know you will say that I cherish my future, as I said just now, if Lingling wants to marry Ye Duan, I can submit my resignation right away.

Isn't that the case now?And you have to be clear, once I lose my current status, what kind of future will Lingling face?
She will be the daughter of a fallen man!At that time, let alone a young man like Ye Duan who is excellent in all aspects, even if he is the son of an ordinary family, he might not choose Lingling. "

Hear her husband's heartfelt words.

Kong Xiuju completely understood his thoughts.

That's right, children of officials and officials will never be able to fall in love and get married like ordinary people without any scruples.

The slightest negligence of parents will ruin the happiness of their children.

Lingling's father is indeed more considerate than himself.

It's really hard for him to come up with such a way to get the best of both worlds.

Lingling can communicate with Ye Duan in private without affecting her husband's future, nor will it delay her daughter's future happiness.

I just hope that Ye Duan won't change his mind in the future.

Kong Xiuju got up and walked behind her husband, rubbing his shoulders.

"Wanquan, you are indeed more considerate than me, and I will listen to you."

Jiang Wanquan grabbed his wife's hand and patted it lightly.

My heart is also mixed.

It's too cold at the heights!

I am in an important position, so I have to be cautious in everything.

If you want to go far in the officialdom, stand firm and don't stumble.

You must know more about tactics than the bad guys.

Only by constantly rising can I give happiness to my daughter, and be attractive enough to keep that boy Ye Duan from changing his mind...

Kong Xiuju suddenly remembered something.

"Wanquan, Ye Duan gave Lingling a sports car today, did he tell you?"

"No. Do you know what sports car it is?"

"It seems to be a Bentley Continental. Lingling said she wants 400 million. Lingling doesn't want it, but Ye Duan has to give it to her."

"Hehe, do you see that your daughter is very charming. I guess this is the beginning, and Ye Duan will definitely give Lingling gifts later. This kid is sincere to Lingling, I can see it."

Jiang Wanquan believed in his own judgment.

He has been in the officialdom for many years and has always been very accurate in knowing people.

Kong Xiuju said again: "Lingling said that she would not drive this sports car to go out, because she was afraid that other people's gossip would affect you badly."

"Lingling is a sensible girl. You can tell her that she can drive with confidence. A 400 million sports car is fine. Tell people outside that it is your brother who gave it to Lingling. No one else will. What did you say?"

"Okay, I'll tell Lingling now."

Kong Xiuju came to her daughter's room.

Jiang Yuling was lying on the bed, staring at the phone in a daze.

"Lingling, what are you looking at, so fascinated?"

"I didn't see any mother, why haven't you slept yet?"

Jiang Yuling quickly turned off the phone.

Kong Xiuju sat down beside her daughter, and said with a smile, "Are you thinking about Ye Duan?"

"Mom~ I don't have it~~"

Jiang Yuling's blushing face gave her away.

That's right.

She was looking at Ye Duan's circle of friends just now.

Although it hasn't been updated for a long time, the handsome avatar still exudes the charm of men.

Kong Xiuju told her daughter what her husband said.

He also asked: "Lingling, parents will not interfere with your relationship with Ye Duan. Now that you are old, you have the right to decide your own affairs. Mom just reminds you to pay attention to safety in everything, understand?"

"Mom~ I know, you go to rest early, good night~"

Jiang Yuling knew what her mother meant.

Men and women fall in love and pay attention to safety.

Isn't it just to remind yourself to take protective measures?
It's embarrassing for my mother to say that...

After Kong Xiuju left.

Jiang Yuling lay on the bed, thinking of Ye Duan again.

What is Brother Duan doing now?
(End of this chapter)

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