Chapter 256
"Master, you are a big villain."

He Shiping's painting style changed suddenly.

Ye Duan was stunned for 5 seconds before waking up.

This hot and hot girl is my apprentice!

The aggrieved and crying appearance just now is not like her style at all.

Which one is this girl acting in?
Ye Duan tentatively asked: "Pingping, do you have a fever?"

"Master~ You just have a fever."

He Shiping shyly buried her little head in Ye Duan's arms.

"Let the master check it out."

"No, master, the colleagues outside will hear it."

Ye Duan is very curious.

Such words came out of Pingping's mouth, as if the sun was rising from the west.

She was afraid that people outside would hear it! ?

Pingping never cared about these before.

"Pingping, you don't really have a fever, do you?"

As Ye Duan said, he put his hand on the apprentice's head to measure the temperature.

"No fever, but why are you talking nonsense?"

"Master~ I'm not talking nonsense, the magazine is such a big place, it's not good to be heard by my colleagues."

"Oh, you little clever ghost, it turns out that this office is too small to accommodate you, the editor-in-chief, right?"

"Master~ I didn't think so..."

Although He Shiping refused to admit it.

But Ye Duan could see clearly his thoughts.

When this girl asks for help, she is the best at acting.

She used to have such a loud voice that she was not afraid of being heard, but now that her colleagues knew about her relationship with her, she was actually afraid.

There must be a reason.

Ye Duan decided to meet his apprentice's request, took her hand, and left the editor's room.

"Master, where are you taking me?"

"Aren't you worried about being heard here, then let's go to a place where no one can hear you."

He Shiping followed the master into the car with a question mark on her face.

Ye Duan galloped all the way to the yacht club by the Huangpu River.

"Master, do you want to take me to play on the yacht?"

Only then did He Shiping react.

My heart is also full of anticipation, it must be very exciting on the yacht.

Ye Duan smiled and said: "That's right, I want to play in the middle of the river, do you want to go with the master?"

"I think ~ master, you take me there quickly, I can't wait."

He Shiping excitedly hugged her master from behind.

Ye Duan took her on his shoulders and walked towards his small yacht.

Came to the cab, drove the yacht, and sailed to the center of the Huangpu River.

After confirming that it would not affect the navigation of other ships, Ye Duan anchored on the river.

Holding the apprentice's hand, he came to the top sightseeing deck.

"Pingping, don't worry about someone hearing it now, right?"

"Well, I'm not worried at all, hehe~"

He Shiping was sitting on the luxury yacht, already intoxicated in the romantic atmosphere.

The small face is also becoming more and more rosy and charming.

Under the glow of the sunset, the figure with convex and concave is like a woman in an oil painting, exuding a unique charm.

Ye Duan became interested again.

Sitting down on the large sofa, he waved to his apprentice.

He Shiping also understood.

First, he glared at the master, and then walked over with a smile.

He Shiping asked her master today, and her words became gentler.

The delicate voice made people feel numb all over.

Xiang sweat overflowed.

The bangs are attached to the forehead.

It looks more amorous.

"Pingping, have you learned something new recently? Would you like to discuss it with the master?"

"Master~ You haven't practiced for so long, I'm afraid you won't be able to bear it."

"What a joke! Master, I have never seen such a big storm. Come on, don't worry about it, master."

"I hate it~~ Then your old waist should take it easy."

He Shiping carefully turned her body 180 degrees, with her small face facing away from Ye Duan.


He Shiping had a great time playing with her master every time.

The setting sun that was still hanging over the river just now.

It has now fallen below the surface of the river.

Only the glowing red sunset glowed.

"Pingping, tell the master honestly, do you want to change offices?"

Ye Duan asked.

"Hmm~" He Shiping no longer concealed it, and expressed her little thoughts: "Master, I want to change the office not because I think the office is small, but because the distance between "Grace on the Silk Road" and "Time Basha" is too far. I often have to run back and forth between the two magazines, which is a waste of time and energy. So I want to change to a new office and let the two magazines work together, which can also integrate resources and save manpower."

"Yeah, running back and forth like this is not an option. It's not safe if you drive every day."

Ye Duan thought for a while and decided to fulfill his apprentice's wish.

"How about this, Pingping, let me tell Sister Qian to find you a bigger office in the office building of the International Finance Center. This way you will be very close to Sister Lin and Wenwen, and you can have afternoon tea together .”

"Great master, I knew you would promise me."

He Shiping was also very excited.

"If you have anything else, tell the master quickly. The master will go on a business trip tomorrow and will not be back until a week later."

"Sister Wenwen has already told us, Master~ You have to take care of yourself outside~~"

"It seems that you sisters have a very good relationship. You all know that I'm going on a business trip so soon."

Ye Duan doesn't know yet.

In fact, it was Su Mengwen who told the news that he was going on a business trip in the "Secret Garden of Good Sisters" group.

That's why He Shiping behaved differently than before.

She couldn't help crying after seeing Ye Duan.

It was because she missed Master very much.

It's also because the master is going on a business trip.

I won't see him for several days.

"Master, there is one more thing I want to report to you."

"What's the matter? The master is satisfied with you!"

Ye Duan thought that his apprentice was about to make another request, so he agreed without even thinking about it.

Such a knowledgeable female apprentice, of course, should be pampered in the palm of my hand.

Seeing that the master misunderstood her, He Shiping said quickly: "It's not my business, master, you told me to develop an international version of the small video APP last time. I have drawn up a design plan with my colleagues and I want you to give it Give the app a name."

"It's not easy, let's call it 'Shi Ping', use my disciple's name, how nice it is!"

Ye Duan thought that his idea would make his apprentice very happy.

Show your love for Pingping.

Unexpectedly, there was a blank stare.

He Shiping pouted and said, "Master~ Don't be kidding, this name doesn't sound good at all."

"Shi Ping, it sounds very nice."

Ye Duan didn't feel that there was anything wrong.

Wenwen specially named the investment company Yeduan Investment Company, which is also very good.

I heard that there are still people who come here to seek cooperation.

He Shiping once again rejected the master's kindness: "This is a name for a small video app, not a girl's name. Shiping has no special meaning, and it is not easy to spread."

"Okay, let's just use the name of "Girl on the Silk Road" and name it 'Silk Road'."

"Silk Road?"

He Shiping was a little puzzled.

Ye Duan explained: "Yes, Silk Road is the abbreviation of Silk Road. In the past thousands of years, the Silk Road has been the main channel for China's foreign trade and the main way for Chinese civilization to spread outward. I will let you develop The original intention of the international version of the small video app is also to promote our Chinese culture to the outside world, which just fits the connotation of the Silk Road."

"Master, what you said seems to make sense."

"What do you mean seems to be very reasonable." Ye Duan continued without any modesty, "I have also thought about the English name, and it would be good to just use the pinyin of Silk Road."

"The pinyin for Silk Road is SiLu?"

"That's right, it's called SILU. It's simple and easy to remember, and it retains the original Chinese language."

"Master, you are so smart. I admire you so much. You came up with such a meaningful name all at once. You are indeed my master~"

He Shiping happily praised the master.

The word worship is written in the eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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