Sleeping in math class, my status as a scholar is exposed

Chapter 262 The Plan of the Two Brothers

Chapter 262 The Plan of the Two Brothers
Li Kaijing nodded: "Uncle Neng, please continue."

Wu Neng glanced at Li Kaiyun, then turned to Li Kaijing and said, "Master Jing, the thunderstorm of the Shanghai Real Estate Company was originally a good opportunity to bring down Jiang Wanquan, but Ye Duan came to his aid again. He did not hesitate to bear tens of billions of debts to accept this mess.

Now, Jiang Wanquan and Ye Duan are almost being praised to the sky on the Internet.Some gossip said that Ye Duan did this because he liked Jiang Wanquan's daughter.

If Ye Duan and Jiang Wanquan are allowed to collude, it will be worrying..."

"Uncle Neng, I don't know what you said. Half of the credit goes to Ye Duan.

In addition to the Shanghai Real Estate Company incident yesterday, Jiang Wanquan also wooed Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Jiangsu provinces to hold a joint charity development forum, and Ye Duan's support was also inseparable, because this kid donated money to both provinces.

To tell you the truth, Ye Duan was responsible for the seizure of Jiaxing Tianxia Company. "

Li Kaijing's voice just fell.

Li Kaiyun shouted loudly: "It really is this kid! I guessed right, I said from the beginning that it was Ye Duan who made it bad, and you still don't believe me."

"Master Jing, how can Ye Duan have the ability to interfere with our affairs in the capital?"

Wu Neng asked suspiciously.

Wu Neng was puzzled.

It is because there is an unwritten rule between Kyoto and Modu.

The two cities cannot directly interfere in each other's affairs.

So even if they wanted to intercept Jiang Wanquan and Ye Duan.

It is also necessary to use a proxy to make a stumbling block.

For example, Huang Wentao of Huangchao Company and Tian Bichi of "Time Basha" magazine are the pawns of the Li brothers.

Jiaxing Tianxia Company is a Kyoto company, so how could its seizure be related to Ye Duan?

Li Kaijing threw away the cigarette butt in his hand, took a sip of tea, and explained: "I also thought that Jiaxing Tianxia Company was found out about tax evasion and yin and yang contracts, so it was seized. But my people found out, Qin Yichuan, who is in charge of this operation, has a granddaughter who works as the general manager of Modu Film and Television Company."

"I understand! Because Ye Duan also owns Modu Film and Television Company, this kid must have ordered his female subordinate to say hello to Qin Yichuan, deliberately shut down Jiaxing Tianxia Company, and snatched away my little Di."

When Li Kaiyun thought of this, he couldn't help feeling angry.

He tried his best to make trouble behind Ye Duan's back, the fundamental reason was to get Xiao Di, and help his elder brother Li Kaijing to trip Jiang Wanquan by the way.

It was Li Kaiyun who gave Xiaodi a courtyard house from Kuo Shao in Kyoto.

But Xiao Di ignored him.

Seeing that Xiao Di and Ye Duan were getting closer, that's why he purposely made trouble for Ye Duan.

Arranging people to make trouble behind Ye Duan again and again.

Unfortunately, all of them were resolved by Ye Duan.

Literally lost his wife and lost his army!
In the end, Xiao Di went to Ye Duan's bed...

The Li brothers joined hands to deal with Ye Duan for the sake of women.

Think of Xiao Di being taken away by Ye Duan.

Li Kaiyun clenched his fists in anger, and beat the sofa vigorously.

He said angrily to his brother: "Brother, as long as you say a word, I will find someone to kill Ye Duan. Jiang Wanquan will definitely not be able to get in without the help of his future son-in-law."

"I said Kaiyun, you are in your 40s, why are you still so impulsive? For a female star, you kill this and that at every turn. You think this is the country of America, and killing people will pay for their lives!"

Li Kaijing still couldn't make up his mind.

The younger brother is a businessman who likes to take risks and go to extremes.

And I have to think twice before doing everything.

It's easy to kill Ye Duan, but what if he is found out?

The risk is too great!
Wu Neng knew what the Elder Master was worried about, so he comforted him from the sidelines: "Master Jing, don't worry, we can find a way to deal with Ye Duan without anyone noticing, and we promise not to leave any traces."

"Forget it, we don't want to take this risk unless it is absolutely necessary. However, since Ye Duan dares to interfere with our affairs in the capital, then we will fight back with an eye."

Li Kaijing patted his younger brother on the shoulder and continued: "Kaiyun, you lead the Jingyun Group into the magic city and kill Jiang Wanquan's headquarters. A piece of land will be auctioned in the central city of the magic city in these two days. Take it. Got it?"

"Got it, big brother."

Li Kaiyun reluctantly agreed.

Li Kaijing got up and was about to leave. He knew that his younger brother was not convinced, so he instructed again: "Kaiyun, you must calm down, don't spoil a big deal because of a woman, I'm going to the ministry first."

"Uncle Neng, I'm counting on you here."

"Master Jing, don't worry, I will definitely take good care of Master Yun."

Hearing Wu Neng's words, Li Kaijing left in peace.

My brother just left.

Li Kaiyun became furious and kicked down the flower stand next to the sofa.

"I told you to get rid of Ye Duan, but you always didn't listen to me. Now it's over, and he has helped Old Fox Jiang a few more times! If Jiang Wanquan gets in, this kid will definitely be even crazier after he has a backer! My brother That’s right, what on earth is he afraid of? There’s only Ye Duan, and he doesn’t even have a bodyguard around him. It’s easier to kill him than to crush a fly. You don’t want me to get rid of Ye Duan at this time, but let me go to Shanghai Take the land? I really don’t understand him!”

"Master Yun, calm down. Master Jing means to give Jiang Wanquan a clear signal. Since he dares to interfere with our affairs in the capital, we will not sit idly by and will kill him at his door."

Wu Neng explained Li Kaijing's intention.

"Is it useful? You people are really ink marks, so what if you get the land in the devil's capital? You are just shitting in front of Jiang Wanquan's house. He is still fine, will he be suffocated to death?"

Li Kaiyun lit a cigar, took two puffs, and continued to shout: "Although my brother disagrees, I can't listen to him all. Grab it. Uncle Neng, you can arrange it. We will make two-handed preparations this time. First, send a team to Shanghai to take the land. Second, find a reliable person to monitor Ye Duan’s movements 24 hours a day, and do it at any time. Get ready."

"Yes, Master Yun, I'll arrange it right away."

Wu Neng was about to turn around and leave.

Li Kaiyun ordered again: "Wait a minute. Uncle Neng, bring back the person monitoring Xiaodi. Ye Duan has slept with this bitch several times. I don't want it anymore. You can investigate Jiang Wanquan's daughter's movements for me." , I want to find a different woman to play with this time."

"Master Yun, the young lady of the Jiang family is not an ordinary person. Is it too much to do this? If Madam finds out, I'm afraid she will be angry..."

Wu Neng wanted to stop Li Kaiyun's impulsive move.

Then he moved out his wife as a shield.

Because he knows very well that the master is a henpecked person.

(End of this chapter)

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