Chapter 265 Difficulties
Jiang Yuling understood instantly.

The little face turned even redder with embarrassment, and slowly got its little head under the quilt.


Right at this embarrassing moment.

The phone by the bed rang. It was from the front desk of the hotel, telling them to go to the restaurant on the first floor for dinner.

Ye Duan checked the time, it was already past seven o'clock in the evening.

"Lingling, let's go down to eat."

"Brother Duan, wait for me outside first~"

Jiang Yuling's clothes were untied, and she was embarrassed to be seen by her boyfriend again.

Ye Duan came to the door knowingly.

By the way, I listened to the movement in the room next to me.

Ears just pressed against the door.

Then came the pig cry.

I rub!

Are these two pigs?

Still calling TM!

Ye Duan shook his head helplessly.

Looks like I'm going to sleep in another room tonight.

How about sleeping with Lingling?

No, she would definitely not agree.

Ye Duan was thinking about something good, Jiang Yuling came out of the room dressed up.

"Let's go, Brother Duan."


Ye Duan signaled Jiang Yuling not to speak.

Sure enough, the voice came again.

Jiang Yuling hurriedly covered her ears, and walked quickly to the elevator entrance.

The little face that had just cooled down became hot again.

Ye Duan couldn't help but feel happy when he saw it.

Haha, will something good happen tonight?

The two arrived on the first floor, and as soon as they got out of the elevator, they were greeted by the waiter to the banquet hall.

Arriving in a luxurious large box, several people who looked like leaders also immediately got up to greet them.

Ye Duan only knew a few local leaders in Yanzhou, but he didn't know the leader who was standing in the middle of the meeting just today.

"Mr. Ye, Ms. Jiang, welcome to Yanzhou, to our Shaanxi Province."

The leader took the initiative to shake hands with the two.

Jiang Yuling quickly said, "Thank you, Uncle Gao, when did you arrive?"

"I heard that you came to Yanzhou, and you came here from the provincial capital."

"Uncle Gao, you are too polite. In fact, you don't come to Yanzhou. If there is anything wrong, we can go to the provincial capital to find you. It is really hard for you to trouble you to travel so far."

Jiang Yuling was busy introducing Ye Duan again: "Brother Duan, this is Uncle Gao, the person in charge here."

"Hello, Uncle Gao."

Ye Duan shook hands with the leader again.

Seeing Jiang Yuling who was coping so well beside him, he was also moved with emotion.

Miss Jiang is indeed extraordinary.

All the officials in the province are so familiar with her, she deserves to be the daughter of the highest person in charge.

If she wasn't by my side, I really wouldn't know how to deal with these big officials in the frontier.

I can't believe that such a noble beauty will be with me. Wasn't that scene just a dream?

This Uncle Gao is none other than Gao Shenghan, the person in charge of another district.

He didn't come to Yanzhou purely to meet Ye Duan and Jiang Yuling.

Instead, there are important matters to discuss.

After the dinner, Gao Shenghan invited the two of them to a small conference room in the hotel.

Only three people were present, and even the secretary was sent out.

Jiang Yuling immediately noticed the importance of this meeting, and habitually checked the curtains and other places.

After confirming that there was no problem, he sat next to Ye Duan.

Gao Shenghan cut to the chase and said: "Mr. Ye, I am very happy that you donated 100 billion to Yanzhou. I have heard about your deeds there for a long time.

To tell you the truth, Lingling's father and I are comrades-in-arms, we have been on the battlefield together, we love brothers, this time I came to look for you, it was also recommended by him. "

"Uncle Gao, Brother Duan is amazing. Not only is he very successful in his career, but he is also very kind-hearted. He has donated tens of billions of dollars to charity."

Jiang Yuling also praised Ye Duan from the sidelines.

She had guessed that Gao Shenghan must have something important to ask Brother Duan.

Ye Duan said modestly: "Mr. Gao, you are being polite. Mr. Jiang has always loved Xiaosheng very much. His absurd praise cannot be fully trusted. I wonder why Uncle Gao came here this time?"

Gao Shenghan put away the smile on his face, and his expression suddenly became serious.

"To be honest, a vicious case happened in Yulin City, our province yesterday. The richest man in the area was brutally broken, and no clues have been found yet.

The deceased was the boss of more than a dozen local coal mines and a well-known real estate developer in our province.His real estate company was preparing to take a piece of land in the provincial capital, but something like this happened, which caught me off guard. "

Hearing this, Jiang Yuling was so frightened that she hurried to lean against Ye Duan.

Ye Duan also held her hand tightly.

The two looked at each other, not understanding why Gao Shenghan brought this up.

"Mr. Ye, I heard from Chief Jiang that you bought a real estate company. I wonder if you are interested in coming to my side to develop and win this piece of land?"

"To be honest, Uncle Gao, the real estate company is also in chaos. It is currently being rectified, and I am afraid it will not be able to operate normally for a while."

What Ye Duan said was the truth.

The real estate company I took over was not the biggest real estate company at all, but an empty shell.

Except for tens of thousands of employees and the 5000 billion cash rewarded by the system sister, everything else needs to start from scratch.

I don't know how the eldest wife has been rectifying these two days, and whether she has found a clue.

Gao Shenghan thought that Ye Duan was just talking politely, and wanted to find out his cards.

Then he told the truth: "Please rest assured, Mr. Ye, this piece of land is located in the city center, and the price is very fair. If the real estate company takes the bid, it can cooperate with local developers to operate it.

What we lack is a partner with financial strength. If Mr. Ye is willing to make a move, I guarantee that he will get a very generous return.Lingling is also here, and I will definitely be responsible for what I say. "

"Uncle Gao, I can understand your situation. Something happened to the boss of Yu Lin Coal and he couldn't take pictures of Chang'an Land King, but you can also find other partners. Brother Duan just took over the real estate company and distributed tens of thousands of employees for half a year. Salary, in terms of funds, I'm afraid..."

Jiang Yuling took the initiative to share Ye Duan's worries and expressed his views.

Ye Duan also felt very warm in his heart.

It was quite right to bring Miss Jiang out this time.

Gao Shenghan smiled wryly, sighed, and said, "Some things are hard to explain clearly. Let me just say it clearly. The king of land in Chang'an is being targeted by Jingyun Group. They insist on paying 20% ​​lower than the market price. The price is land.

The background of the Jingyun Group is very strong, and the pressure is very tight. If I can't find a suitable partner, this land may fall into their hands. "

"Jingyun Group? Is it the Jingyun Group owned by brothers Li Kaijing and Li Kaiyun?"

Ye Duan suddenly became interested.

It's really a narrow road.

Unexpectedly, he and his brothers met in Shaanxi Province.

Gao Shenghan nodded: "That's right.

Jingyun Group acquires land at low prices in major cities in China to obtain high profits.I don't want them to get involved in Chang'an, the sacrifice is our interests.

Mr. Ye is philanthropic and acts aboveboard. This time he donated 100 billion to Yanzhou but did not ask for anything. Based on this alone, I believe you are a person worthy of cooperation. "

"Thank you Uncle Gao for your trust. Since that's the case, I'd rather be respectful than obedient. Please ask Uncle Gao to give me an idea of ​​how much money is needed to take pictures of the king of this land, so I can be prepared."

(End of this chapter)

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