Chapter 268 Purple Star Medal
Jiang Yuling's eyes widened when he heard the words "First Class Purple Star Medal".

She had heard from her father when she was a child that it was an extraordinary medal.

Jia Tiezhu said truthfully: "To tell you the truth, boss, I was entrusted to monitor you this time. I sneaked into this room last night and found that you were not in the room, so I secretly checked your luggage, and it turned out that it was in your backpack. Only after you discovered the first-class Purple Star Medal, did you know your identity."

"Tie Zhu, stop talking nonsense, I'm not your boss, you may have mistaken someone."

Ye Duan intends to deceive him.

Because he himself didn't know what the first-class Purple Star Medal represented.

Jia Tiezhu was really fooled, and said with a smile: "Boss, don't lie to me. Anyone who has been a special soldier does not know that whoever has the first-class Purple Star Medal is the leader of the special soldier. Whether it is active or retired, see The owner of this medal must be called the boss."

"Hehe, it seems that you are really not an outsider. Then I will test you again. Who is Mr. Ding?"

"Hey, Boss, don't look at me as simple and honest, but I'm not stupid at all. Isn't Mr. Ding the old man of Ding Yuanchao? He must have given you this medal."

Jia Tiezhu was not stupid, he was just loyal.

Faced with the boss's questioning, he said everything he knew.

Hearing his words, Jiang Yuling immediately remembered the story of the medal that his father had told.

He gently pinched his boyfriend's arm.

When Ye Duan received the signal, he deliberately said, "Haha, it really is my brother. If that's the case, you should go ahead."

"Yes, goodbye, boss."

Jia Tiezhu saluted and left cheerfully.

Jiang Yuling quickly locked the door, returned to her boyfriend and said, "Brother Duan, do you really have a first-class Purple Star Medal?"

"Yes, but I don't know what medal it is, and I don't know Mr. Ding."

After Ye Duan finished speaking, he opened his backpack and took out the first-class Purple Star Medal.

This trip to the old district, Liu Qian deliberately asked him to bring it with him.

Just to find clues to this medal.

Unexpectedly, I actually met an insider.

Jiang Yuling took the medal and looked it over carefully.

He muttered to himself: "Is this the first-class Purple Star Medal that father said?"

"Lingling, you also know this medal?"

"I heard from my father that there are 8 First Class Purple Star Medals according to legend, 4 are in museums and 3 are missing.

Hear Jiang Yuling's narration.

Ye Duan was amazed.

"It turns out that this medal is a token of the special forces. No wonder that Jia Tiezhu called me the boss when he saw the medal. It seems that he is also a special soldier."

"It should be. By the way, Brother Duan, you said you don't know Mr. Ding, but how did you get this medal?"

"You may not believe it, but I donated 100 billion to Jiangsu and Zhejiang Provinces. There is a project about the West Lake Nursing Home. An old man there entrusted Liu Qian to bring this medal to me. Nothing else Confession. Lingling, do you think it's strange?"

Ye Duan roughly understood the matter of the First Class Purple Star Medal.

The only thing he couldn't understand was why old man Ding Yuanchao gave him this medal.

Jiang Yuling thought for a while, but couldn't think of the reason.

"It's really strange. It's impossible for Mr. Ding to give you such an important medal because you donated money to the nursing home. There must be other reasons."

"Yeah, let's find the answer to this matter slowly. Let's go to eat first, and we have to fly later."

Ye Duan was very hungry and wanted to eat a delicious meal quickly.

Today they have to rush to the next old district.

Will something pleasant happen on the plane?

Ye Duan and Jiang Yuling had breakfast.

Without stopping, he left the Yanzhou Hotel directly.

Take a private plane to the second stop of the itinerary - the old area of ​​Dabie Mountain.

Because the flight time was too short, Ye Duan had no chance to attack at all.

Not enough time to take off and land.

If it is an ordinary person, it will definitely be over in half an hour.

But for the specially strengthened leaf segment, an hour is barely enough.

So he could only play games with Jiang Yuling on the plane.

"Lingling, let's play dice, whoever has the bigger dice can kiss each other."

"Brother Duan, you are such a scoundrel, whether you win or lose, you are the one who makes money, hum~ I won't play with you."

"I'm afraid I have made a fake girlfriend, and I won't let you kiss me, alas."

Ye Duan sighed.

Deliberately pretending to be sullen.

After Jiang Yuling saw it, her heart softened, and she agreed to his unreasonable request: "Okay then, but you can't kiss randomly."

"Hey, this is my good Lingling."

The two played the first hand.

3 points for Jiang Yuling and 4 points for Ye Duan.

"Haha, I won, let me give you a kiss. Boo~"

Ye Duan lay on Jiang Yuling's small face and kissed her happily.

Then play the second.

6 points for Jiang Yuling and 1 points for Ye Duan.

"Hee hee~ I won this time."

"Wow, Lingling, you are amazing."

Jiang Yuling was half happy, only to realize that she was still at a disadvantage, so she had to kiss Ye Duan.

When getting off the plane, Miss Jiang's face was kissed countless times by Ye Duan.

Even the blush was kissed clean...

After arriving at the destination, the arrangement was similar to that of Yanzhou.

The local person in charge has already made preparations. Jiang Yuling is in charge of reviewing the charity project, and Ye Duan is in charge of taking a group photo with the local person in charge.

The itinerary for the next few days is not bad.

The third stop is the hometown of great men, the fourth stop is the old district in central Guizhou, and the fifth stop is the birthplace of the Detachment of Women.

During this period, in addition to completing charity tasks.

Ye Duan also handles several major events.

One is to let the eldest wife Lin Meishuang lead the Shanghai Real Estate Company to successfully turn the market, and successively took pictures of the land king in the central city of Anshi, Shaanxi Province and a CBD land in the city center.

The second is to find clues to the little wife and mother.

The investigation company found a woman in Kyoto who looked very similar to Ding Xueer by hacking into the Sky Eye surveillance system.

Ye Duan ordered them to continue the investigation.

He will report in detail after he returns to Shanghai.


Ye Duan's charity trip caught the attention of cabinet bosses.

Several old districts made reports to the top respectively.

Every time the richest man goes to a place, he will donate 100 billion to the local area.

Ye Duan has become China's top benefactor.

Good man rewarded!
As a result of Ye Duan doing this, he got the affirmation from above.

(End of this chapter)

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