Chapter 273 Super Rewards
Jiang Yuling seemed more interested.

"Miss sister? She is so rich and caring, she must be a beautiful angel."

"I guess so. Not only is she beautiful in heart, she must also be beautiful in person."

"You haven't seen her?"

"No, never."

Ye Duan pulled Jiang Yuling to sit down on the sofa, and placed her on his lap.

Holding her small face, he said, "I guess, this young lady is as beautiful as you, and they are both kind angels."

"Brother Duan~ You make me want to see this young lady."

"I want to see her too, but I don't know if there is a chance."

Ye Duan imagined the appearance of the younger sister of the system.

Is she a cute girl like Xueer, or a long-legged beauty like Qianbao, or is she as intellectual and elegant as Lingling in front of her?
do not know.

Looking forward to it!

"Lingling, let's go eat. We've been busy all afternoon, are you hungry?"

"I don't seem to feel hungry at all."

"I don't believe it, let me check."

As Ye Duan said, he put his hand on Jiang Yuling's flat belly.

Jiang Yuling was so ashamed that she closed her eyes.

"Lingling, I'm so hungry."

For Ye Duan, something is obviously wrong.

Jiang Yuling also instantly understood what it meant.

Near Zhu Zhechi, near the ink is black.

After staying with Ye Duan for a long time, Miss Jiang gradually matured and understood the connotation of some words.

Before the two had dinner, they ate a pre-dinner dessert.

This time Ye Duan behaved very gentlemanly.

The eating looks very elegant, and there is no CD, because he plans to have another supper at night.

The point is, Jiang Yuling's body is very fragile now, and he can't exercise vigorously yet.

Of course Ye Duan wanted to pity the fragrance and cherish the jade.


The two had dinner directly at the hotel restaurant.

It is convenient and saves time.

Spring Night is worth a thousand dollars!
Cherish every minute and every second of tonight.

Jiang Yuling knew very well.

Once he returns to Shanghai, Brother Duan no longer belongs to him alone.

So I ordered two random dishes, took a few mouthfuls and went back to the room.

Ye Duan did not follow immediately.

Instead, he went back to his room, ready to get some things to change and wash.

As soon as he entered the room, the voice of the system's sister came from his mind.

【Ding!Congratulations to the host brother who has exceeded the quota and completed the task of distributing charity funds ahead of schedule. The task reward has been upgraded to 1000 billion US dollars + 1000 billion US dollars. 】

【Ding! 2000 billion US dollars has been transferred to the bank account of the host brother, please pay attention to check. 】

Ye Duan opened the mobile banking as quickly as possible.

After seeing the account balance, the whole person is completely not calm.

My God!

Sure enough, a transfer of 2000 billion rice coins was received.

It's still hot.

"Sister System, are all these money rewards for me?"

[Yeah, it was rewarded to the host brother. 】

"Are there any usage restrictions?"

Ye Duan was worried that, as before, the reward cash had to be earmarked for its own use.

Such as investment funds, film and television drama creation funds, and charity funds can only be used for specific things.

[There is no limit to these 2000 billion rice coins, and the host brother can use them unconditionally. 】

"Sister System, I remember that you said before that you would not reward me with cash that I can use directly. Last time, the 5000 billion was also transferred to the real estate company's account. Why did you reward me with so much money this time?"

[Because the host brother has more and more girlfriends, hee hee~]

Ye Duan couldn't help being happy.

"to be frank?"

【Okay~ It's because the host brother's ideals are very ambitious, so he must have strong financial resources to support him. 】

"That's it? Is there any more?"

【Also... I also want to see the host brother soon...】

"Does it cost a lot to see you?"

Ye Duan was confused.

What is the relationship between these two things?
[Maybe... I've said too much today, the rest needs to be explored by the host brother, bye~]


Ye Duan sat down on the sofa, looking at the 2000 billion rice coins in the mobile bank.

Don't know what to do next...

Ye Duan checked the exchange rate on his mobile phone.

According to the quotation of the day, 2000 billion US dollars is equivalent to more than 1.2 trillion on their side.


Are you a member of the Trillion Club?

With so many deposits, the bank will not suspect that the source of his huge wealth is unknown, right?

probably not.

The bank had already investigated his account before, and they were shocked or shocked, indicating that there was nothing wrong with the money, so there must be nothing wrong this time, right?
The little sister of the system is so mean to herself!

This caring little rich woman doesn't know what kind of medicine is sold in the gourd.

Do you need so much money to see her?
Ye Duan remembered seeing a piece of news a few days ago that Forbes had just released a new issue of the world's richest people.

So I took out my phone and searched for the news.

The list shows that American Bezos ranks first in the world's rich list, with a total personal wealth of 1770 billion meters.

I rub!

So, Lao Tzu is now the richest man in the world?

Regardless of the properties under his name, the cash deposit alone surpasses Bezos.

Haha, we Daxia people have also become the richest man in the world!

Ye Duan couldn't restrain the ecstasy in his heart.

Kissing and kissing on the phone.

With so much money, I can't spend it all. What should I do?
When the sister of the system gave out the rewards, she gave three reasons: one was that she had many female employees, the other was that she had lofty ideals, and the third was that she wanted to see herself.

The first two are easy to understand.

The first is that raising female employees is very expensive, and the second is that realizing dreams also requires money.

But what does the third point imply?

To see her, do you need money?
Where is it spent, and who is it given to?

Ye Duan thought for a long time but couldn't find any clue.

Holding the mobile phone, he fell asleep on the sofa drowsily.


Jiang Yuling had already finished taking a shower, and was under the covers, waiting for her sweetheart.

In order to avoid suspicion, people outside are not allowed to discuss behind their backs.

The two always open two rooms.

But I waited and waited, but there was no knock on the door.

Miss Jiang was also very disturbed.

What is Brother Duan doing?Why not come?
It's almost eleven o'clock, won't he not come tonight?

Is it because he is too tired and doesn't want to sleep with himself?
It's not going to happen, is it?
Last time, a thief went to his room to steal things.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yuling quickly put on his clothes and got up from the bed.

Came to Ye Duan's door.

Just as he was about to knock on the door, he found that the door was actually ajar.

So he pushed the door lightly and walked in.

the light is on.

Jiang Yuling seemed to be walking in the dark night.

Tiptoed, not daring to make a sound.

Afraid of meeting bad people.

Seeing Ye Duan lying on the sofa, Jiang Yuling's little heart beat faster.

Why is brother Duan motionless?
The door was open and the lights were on.


Jiang Yuling hurried over and put his finger on Ye Duan's nostril.

And breathing.

Then he put his little hand into his clothes and placed it where his heart was.

And heartbeat.

Jiang Yuling's hanging heart finally fell to the ground, and he knelt down in front of the sofa weakly.

At this time, Ye Duan suddenly woke up.

He grabbed her hand.


Jiang Yuling was startled, and cried out involuntarily.

Ye Duan quickly covered her mouth: "Hush..."

"Brother Duan~ you scared me to death."

Jiang Yuling quickly patted his chest.

(End of this chapter)

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