Chapter 276 The situation is serious

"Yes, Lord Jiang."

The captain of the guard sent the three of them into the car, led a group of people, and immediately ran towards the terminal building.

The terrain and architectural layout of the airport are very special. Except for the terminal building where you can hide, the other places are almost empty. Whether it is the runway or the apron, there is no place to hide.

So if the killer wants to use a sniper rifle to eliminate the target who just got off the plane, the only hiding place can only be the terminal building.

However, this is only the judgment of the general guard.

For retired special forces elites like Jia Tiezhu, the terminal building is not a safe place.

That's right.

The sound just now was indeed gunfire.

The person who shot was Jia Tiezhu.

At this moment, he is hiding in a cargo plane not far from the "Rain Spirit" private plane.

After receiving Wu Neng's order last night.

Jia Tiezhu sneaked into the airport overnight and hid in the cargo hold of the cargo plane.

Waiting for Ye Duan to show up.

After about 8 hours, the target finally appeared.

Jia Tiezhu also fired a bullet without hesitation.

However, he didn't hit any targets.

After firing a shot, he immediately packed up his weapons and prepared to continue to hide before looking for an opportunity to abscond.

Saw guards running towards the terminal.

Jia Tiezhu couldn't help cursing in his heart: "A bunch of trash!"

However, just when he was complacent.

Three capable young men suddenly appeared behind them, all with guns in their hands.

"Put your hands up!"

One of them ordered in a low voice.

The tone was very decisive and there was no room for negotiation.

Jia Tiezhu could tell right away that this man must have been a soldier.

I had to obediently raise my hand...


Ye Duan and the other three got into the commercial vehicle and left the airport immediately.

"Immediately block the news. Before the investigation of what happened just now, it is not allowed to leak any news to the outside world."

Jiang Wanquan immediately called the captain of the guard.

He didn't want to make his family ugly.

This kind of thing is unusual and must be handled with caution.

If word spreads that there has been a shooting at the airport, it will definitely have a very bad impact and even cause panic.

Especially at this critical moment, I am about to enter Kyoto and join the cabinet.

There can be no accidents!
Jiang Wanquan was very anxious.

The most urgent thing now is to find the murderer.

Prevent the killer from launching a second round of attacks.

If you can find the real culprit behind the scenes in the first time, you can control the situation in the bud, and it won't affect your future.

Thinking of this, Jiang Wanquan called the captain of the guard again: "Immediately put down all work and find the murderer within 24 hours. This is a task that must be completed, understand?"

He looked at his father with a serious face.

Jiang Yuling knew that this matter was very serious, and she was terrified in her heart.

Regardless of his father's presence, he tightly grasped his boyfriend's arm.

Half of her body was also snuggled up to her boyfriend.

That's the way girls are, once they have a boyfriend, they don't need a dad anymore.

Ye Duan was also thinking non-stop.

Who is this murderer?

Is his target himself, or Uncle Jiang?
Knowing that there are a large number of guards at the airport, why would he do this?
If he was a lurking killer, why didn't he hit any targets?
Ye Duan thought about it, and suddenly thought of a person.

Could it be the "pillar" encountered in the hotel?

After he left last time, he never showed up again.

He also admitted that he was entrusted by others to monitor him.

But he knew that he had the first-class Purple Star Medal, and he still called himself the boss.

You shouldn't assassinate yourself, right?
If it wasn't the "pillar" who sent the killer?

Could it be the Li brothers of Jingyun Group?

Do they have the guts to do such a thing?

At the Modu Airport, they shot and killed Jiang Wanquan in front of him.

Is it too arrogant?

Countless question marks hovered in his mind, and Ye Duan was restless.

I really want to see Shuang'er and the others soon.

With a group of beauties by my side, I won't think about such bad things...

Ye Duan vaguely felt that this matter had something to do with Jingyun Group.

Because during this trip to the old district, the real estate company not only won the land king in Chang'an City, but also won the first-class land development right in the new district.

This was originally the fat that Jingyun Group wanted to eat, but it was snatched by myself. The Li brothers will definitely not let it go.

Last time, I was also careless and forgot to ask who that "pillar" ordered him to monitor him.

Who is behind the crime at the airport?

Ye Duan couldn't figure it out, so he didn't dare to make a conclusion.

Jiang Wanquan was also worried at the moment.

Decades of experience made him feel very keenly that this might be a conspiracy.

The killer fired, but missed any targets.

This is very abnormal.

The mastermind behind it may just knock the mountain to shake the tiger, let himself voluntarily give up the election, or deliberately create panic.

Create momentum in public opinion to influence your own plans.

This is the so-called killing invisibly.

The killer didn't hurt anyone, but broke the calm.

Kill people and kill their hearts!

In a majestic international metropolis, a shooting incident happened under his nose.

If the news spreads, what will be my face?

Jiang Wanquan was also in a cold sweat.

The murderer must be caught as soon as possible!
Let the black hand behind the scenes see that he has the ability to control the situation in Shanghai.

Wanting to use this to obliterate my own achievements is simply wishful thinking!

Thinking of this, Jiang Wanquan called the captain of the guard again: "Have you caught the murderer? You must catch him within 12 hours!"

Seeing his father's distraught look, Jiang Yuling was helpless.

He looked helplessly at his boyfriend.

Try to find comfort in him.

Ye Duan also tightly hugged the beauty in his arms with one arm, regardless of the presence of the child's grandfather.

When they arrived at his mansion, Jiang Wanquan and his daughter got out of the car and invited Ye Duan to have lunch at home.

"Ye Duan, why don't you stay and have a light meal together, maybe the murderer will be caught after the meal."

Jiang Yuling also said beside him, "Brother Duan, let's go after dinner."

"Thank you Uncle Jiang for your kindness, but I have already made an appointment, and I will visit you another day. Lingling, I'm going back first, let's talk on the phone."

Ye Duan declined their invitation.

Take a commercial vehicle to the Ritz-Carlton Hotel.

Shuang'er and a group of sisters are waiting for him to have lunch.

Arrived at the hotel restaurant.

"Dong dong dong..."

Ye Duan knocked on the door of the box, and said with a smile: "Several beauties, can I come in for dinner?"

Seeing the boss appear, all the sisters stood up to greet him.

"Boss, you are back."

Lin Meishuang was sitting at the door of the box, so she was the first to come to Ye Duan.

Looking at his boss, his eyes turned red instantly.

But he couldn't cry in front of his younger sisters, so he could only hold back his tears.

Liu Qian, the conch girl, also ran over quickly when she saw her master.

He held the man's hand tightly, and said distressedly: "Brother Ye~ You've been exhausted these days, I miss you so much~"

Not to be outdone, female apprentice He Shiping rushed to Ye Duan.

She threw herself into his arms, and said coquettishly, "Master~ why did you come back? I miss you so much~"

The great beauty Su Mengwen also walked quickly to Ye Duan's side, and called out charmingly: "Brother Ye~"

Ye Duan was also in a good mood when he saw all the beauties appearing beside him in all their glory.

Forget about what happened at the airport just now.

You have to enjoy life to the fullest, isn't it silly to think about those shitty things now?

Then he said to the female subordinates with a smile: "I miss you very much too. I am exhausted these few days. I fly to one place every day, and I am on the road every day..."

(End of this chapter)

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