Chapter 280 Arrangement
Ye Duan began to worry about safety issues.

The target of Tie Zhu's mission this time is obviously himself.

Not Uncle Jiang, not even Lingling.

This shows that someone wants to harm himself.

If it wasn't Tie Zhu who carried out the mission this time, and the sharp blade security team didn't show up in time.

I guess I've already hung up.

The news that Tie Zhu didn't complete the task must have spread, and the black hand behind the scenes is likely to continue to send killers.

You must ensure the safety of your women.

Thinking of this, Ye Duan continued to arrange: "Captain Huo, find a safe place in the city center as soon as possible, and move the sharp blade security team there."

"Okay boss, I'll deal with it right away. In fact, I have long wanted to move the sharp blade security team to the urban area. This place is too remote, but it is easy to attract attention. The urban area is safer."

"Yeah, Dayin lives in the city. The more dangerous the place, the safer. In addition, you have to send someone to protect these people."

Ye Duan sent the names of all the women to Huo Liqiang.

Prevent bad guys from playing their minds.

But who is this bad guy?
Ye Duan turned his gaze back to Jia Tiezhu again, and asked, "Tie Zhu, now you are no longer a killer, can you name the person who ordered you?"

"Boss, I have indeed returned to the team now, but according to the professional ethics of the killer, the things during the killer period must continue to be kept secret by the employer. So I can't tell who that person is, please forgive me."

Jia Tiezhu was also out of his mind.

Still tight-lipped.

Huo Liqiang was so angry that he roared loudly: "Jia Tiezhu! What is your attitude? How can you talk to the boss like this? Regardless of the past, the boss allowed you to return to the team and gave you a monthly salary of 8 yuan. Why don't you know how to be grateful? Woolen cloth?"

"Captain Huo, I don't think there is anything wrong with me doing this. I will definitely remember the kindness my boss has treated me. From now on, I will swear to protect the boss. But I, Jia Tiezhu, really did something about the secret not come out."

"Jia Tiezhu, you kid can really talk. Where is this going? You keep saying that you want to protect the boss, but now someone is going to assassinate the boss and you refuse to say who this person is. Aren't you contradicting yourself?"

"I don't know what is contradictory or not. Anyway, I won't tell the truth behind my back."


Huo Liqiang raised his arms angrily, wanting to slap Jia Tiezhu.

But was stopped by Ye Duan.

"Tie Zhu, look at me."

Jia Tiezhu obediently looked at Ye Duan.

Right at this moment.

Ye Duan muttered in his heart, and used a bottle of "Erha Medicine" on Jia Tiezhu.

I saw this fellow trembled a bit.

Immediately said to Ye Duan: "Boss, what are your orders?"

"Tie Zhu, who ordered you to assassinate me?"

"Report to the boss, it's Wu Neng."

"Who is Wu Neng?"

"He is the old housekeeper of Jingyun Group."

"Jingyun Group? The chairman is Li Kaiyun?"

"Yes boss, the chairman of Jingyun Group is Li Kaiyun."

Jia Tiezhu seemed to be a different person.

Tell everything the truth.

Huo Liqiang looked at him in surprise and couldn't believe his eyes.

Boss is too powerful, right?

Why did Jia Tiezhu become so obedient all of a sudden?

Does the boss use magic?
Huo Liqiang turned his head to look at his boss, with disbelief written in one eye and admiration in the other.

But Ye Duan was secretly distressed.

Uncle Jia Tiezhu, I wanted to save a bottle of "Erha Potion", but I didn't expect you to be so stubborn.

You have to drink a bottle of "Erha Medicine" to be obedient.

If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't waste my time with you.

Even if you don't tell me, boss, I can guess that the Li brothers must have done something good.

It has not been a day or two since they have been doing bad things secretly.

Recently, the real estate company has snatched two big cakes from Jingyun Group. One is the land king in Chang'an City, and the other is the first-level land development right in the new district.

They must have been furious and furious, and that's why they wanted to kill.

It's a pity, auspicious people are blessed by God.

I have done too many good things, God is protecting me.

Haha, Li Kaijing and Li Kaiyun, you brothers just wait, I will definitely train you to behave like dogs.

Ye Duan made arrangements for the sharp blade security team.

I hailed a taxi and prepared to return to the magic city.

If you don't go back, the subordinates will probably go crazy...

It was already past four o'clock in the afternoon when we left the sharp blade security team.

Ye Duan did not return directly to Zhongliang Jiangjing No. [-].

He also has an important person to express his condolences to.

This is Qin Miaofei.

He had already promised her yesterday, let her wait at home today, and went to find her as soon as he returned to Shanghai.

You can't keep your word!
"Shuang'er, the killer's matter is settled, and everything goes well."

"I need to visit Miaofei, tell Wenwen and the others that you don't have to wait for me at night."

Ye Duan sent two messages to Lin Meishuang.

He believed that Lin Meishuang would not complain about him, and the others probably would not either.

We all know that he loves to play with his heart, if he gets angry at every turn.

Already left him.

Anyway, they are all his subordinates, so it doesn't matter if you wait two more days.

Miao Fei is different, she is not her own.

So special attention should be given.

What if people can't wait and fly away?

When she arrived at Qin Miaofei's house, she was honestly waiting at home.

Ye Duan just pressed the doorbell, and the door opened.

"Brother Duan~"


Two lovers who missed each other embraced each other tightly.

"Miaofei, are you in a hurry?"

"Well~ I thought you wouldn't come today?"

Qin Miaofei's eyes were red, and there were a few teardrops on her fair face.

It is crystal clear, and looks lovely and pitiful.

Ye Duan gently wiped away the tears, bowed his head and kissed her face.

For a while, the fragrance overflowed, and the sweet feeling came to my heart, and the whole person was intoxicated.

"Brother Duan~ come in quickly."

Qin Miaofei bent down and changed Ye Duan's shoes herself.

Looking from the top down, it is so lovely.

Entering the house of the beautiful woman in the magic capital is like coming to a secret place full of flowers.

It makes people linger and forget to return, not knowing what year it is.

The last time I was here, I was disturbed by the French beauty Karina.

There should be nothing wrong this time, right?
Ye Duan came to the living room and sat on the sofa.

Qin Miaofei immediately brought tea.

"Miaofei, does this house belong to grandpa?"

"how do you know?"

"You can guess it just by looking at the decoration style. Who among young people can decorate in an antique style, with antique calligraphy and paintings everywhere?"

Ye Duan pointed to a landscape painting on the wall and said.

Qin Miaofei nodded: "That's right, brother Duan, this house indeed belongs to grandpa. He is going to retire soon, and this is the retirement house he decorated for himself."

"It seems that the old man doesn't like the wind and sand in Kyoto either. Miao Fei, I'll give you a house at Jiangjing No. [-] in Zhongliang later. How about living in the same community as Sister Lin and the others?"

"This... I'm afraid it won't work, right?"

Qin Miaofei hesitated.

Of course it's good to live in a suite alone.

After grandpa retires, he will return to Shanghai from Kyoto.

It will be very inconvenient if we live together at that time.

However, you can't just accept gifts from the boss, right?

In that case, what is the difference between myself and a gold digger?
Qin Miaofei stood beside the sofa blankly.

(End of this chapter)

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