Sleeping in math class, my status as a scholar is exposed

Chapter 295 Let's go together to receive the award

Chapter 295 Going to Receive the Award Together
"Okay, okay, it's not just now that you know I'm smart."

Li Kaiyun lit a cigar, put his legs up on the tea table, and began to puff.

I am triumphant.

Suddenly received a phone call.


"What? The bank wants to call back the loan?"


"All over 2000 billion was recovered? Is there a mistake?"


"Did you tell my brother? What did he say?"


"Okay, just do what my elder brother said. Delay it for me. If you procrastinate, I won't pay back the money. Let's see what they can do to our Jingyun Group?"

Li Kaiyun hung up the phone.

He took several puffs on his cigar.

Seeing that the situation was wrong, Wu Neng quickly asked, "Master Yun, what happened?"

"The bank doesn't know which muscle is wrong, and they want us to pay back the money, with a total of more than 2000 billion yuan with interest. Oh, crazy!"

"Why do you want to call back the loan when it's so good? There must be something strange in it."

"The idiot also knows that there is something wrong in it! Why are you still here, hurry up and check it out for me!"

Li Kaiyun roared at the old housekeeper again.

Wu Neng was so frightened that he disappeared in a flash.

Ye Duan and Ding Xueer have done a good job.

Did not rest in bed as usual.

Instead, he immediately got up and memorized the manuscript.

Even lunch is eaten in the room.

The top ten moving figures party held in the evening was not sloppy.

It is even more grand than the ten outstanding youth awards ceremony in the morning.

This is a show that the whole people pays attention to.

Many schools are asking students to watch from home.

After watching it, I will write an after-view review.

Ye Duan didn't want to be embarrassed in front of hundreds of millions of viewers, so he was determined to memorize the manuscript by heart.

But some content is too awkward.

In addition, the little wife was on the side, so she couldn't concentrate, and she still stuttered and couldn't memorize it after reciting it for a long time.

Ding Xueer also saw it in her eyes and was anxious in her heart.

Suddenly, I came up with a good idea.

"Uncle ~ let's practice together, use the bed as a stage, I will be the host to ask questions, and you will answer them. What do you think?"

"I think so."

Ye Duan also thinks this method is good.

It's like a dress rehearsal.

But there is one place that needs to be corrected.

The little wife doesn't wear anything, so she doesn't have the heart to answer questions.

So Ye Duan said tactfully: "Little Fairy, with your appearance, you catch a cold easily."

Ding Xueer also understood in seconds.

His little face flushed with shame, and he quickly put on his clothes.

"Bad uncle~ Is it okay now?"

"Well, please start your performance."


"Darling, if I answer correctly, reward me with a bite of peach."


While flirting, the young couple practiced their question and answer words.

have to say.

The method Ding Xueer came up with is really good.

Mainly mobilized the enthusiasm of the leaves.

With peaches as bait, the memory also improved.

In less than an hour, the two exchanged answers fluently.

The content is completely in the mind.

"Finally completed the task~"

Ding Xueer suddenly collapsed on the bed.

Just now her peach was kissed by Ye Duan countless times.

I'm going to die of pain.

Ye Duan held her in his arms distressedly, and fell asleep soundly.

Five o'clock in the afternoon.

The alarm goes off.

We have to go to the CCTV building.

Although the awards ceremony didn't start until [-]:[-] pm.

But there is a rehearsal at 06:30.

Ye Duan had to go.

"Baby, do you want to go to the party with me?"

"is it okay?"

Ding Xueer's eyes were full of longing.

The mind is also self-evident.

Ordinary people can only watch this kind of party on TV or mobile phones.

If you can go to the scene, you must wish for it.

Moreover, I can see the uncle accepting the award on stage with my own eyes, and I can take pictures with my mobile phone. What a memorable moment.

"Of course, let's go."

Ye Duan pulled up the little wife.

Out of the room and down the stairs.

Huo Liqiang's special car was already waiting at the entrance of the hotel.

Get in the car.

Ye Duan then asked: "Captain Huo, can you get me a ticket for tonight's awards ceremony?"

"If my sister-in-law wants to go, there is no need for a ticket. The person in charge of the security work tonight is also from our sharp-edged security team."

"You boy, you really didn't disappoint me."

Ye Duan knew that the sharp blade security team had great powers.

He must be able to find a way to get the little wife into the party.

Unexpectedly, even the security work of the CCTV building was also in charge of the sharp blade security team.

This strength is worthy of being the strongest security guard.

According to this situation, the activity funds of the Sharp Blade Security Team may still not be enough.

No, you have to pay more.

Thinking of this, Ye Duan said to Huo Liqiang again: "Captain Huo, was the annual budget I gave to the Blade Security Team last time too small?"

"Report to the boss, it's already a lot, because the salary is paid extra and not included in it."

"I think it's still too little. How about this? I'll increase the annual activity budget of the Blade Security Team to 10 billion, so that we can attract better talents and use the most advanced equipment."

"10 billion?"

Huo Liqiang couldn't believe his ears.

10 billion a year activity funds.

Even fighter jets can be bought several times.

Boss is not kidding, is he?
Seeing Huo Liqiang's shocked expression, Ye Duan said again affirmatively: "Yes, 10 billion a year, if it can't be spent, expand the team, increase contact stations, and buy heavy equipment."

"Yes, Boss, our Blade Security Team will definitely follow Boss to the death!"

Huo Liqiang was overjoyed.

This is good, with such a huge sum of money.

All the brothers who wanted to join the Blade Security Team before can join.

The advanced equipment that I was reluctant to buy before can also be bought whenever I want.

Wait for 10 billion yuan to arrive.

First buy two helicopters and come back.

As a special soldier on land, how could he miss this thing?

Ye Duan saw Huo Liqiang excited.

I feel a little incomprehensible.

Is 10 billion yuan a lot?
There seems to be more and more money in my account, and I don't know when it will be spent.

Oh, it's also a hassle.

To the CCTV building.

All cars were stopped outside the gate.

And Huo Liqiang drove the car directly to the entrance of the hall on the first floor.

Ye Duan got out of the car, holding Ding Xueer's arm.

Entered the studio unimpeded.

"Miss Ding, please follow me."

A man in a white shirt and black suit brought Ding Xueer to the auditorium.

It's right in the middle of the third row.

The absolute golden position, the VIP of VIPs.

Because the first two rows are reserved for leaders at all levels.

So the third row is already the best position that ordinary people can get.

Of course, it is impossible for real ordinary people to sit here. Those who can sit in the first five rows are almost all related households.

And it is a related household among related households.

Ding Xueer sat in her seat, feeling a little uneasy.

Isn't this too far ahead?
Uncle's relationship is so hard?

I decided to come here temporarily, and arranged such a good location as soon as I came up.

It's unbelievable, uncle is too powerful!

Ding Xueer was overwhelmed with excitement.

I saw that Ye Duan had already stepped onto the stage and started rehearsing with the host.

Seeing the handsome look of the uncle under the spotlight.

The little fairy was also mesmerized, she turned into a little fan girl, her eyes were filled with admiration.

Leaf rehearsal is over.

Seeing the little wife in the audience, he couldn't help but waved to her.

Ding Xueer became even more excited.

Standing up uncontrollably, he blew several kisses to Ye Duan.

Until the uncle went behind the scenes and disappeared.

Just sit down.

The little heart was still pounding.

Soon, the audience began to fill in.

An "old friend" sat next to Ding Xueer, and said hello, "Miss Ding, are you coming to the party?"

"Oh, Miss Jiang... hello."

Ding Xueer was also taken aback.

What a coincidence, Miss Jiang also came to the party, and she was sitting next to her.

(End of this chapter)

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