Chapter 297 Food Solve Everything

Ye Duan tidied up his clothes and got out of the car.

Huo Liqiang stood in an open space 8 meters away.

"Captain Huo, is the plane arranged?"

Ye Duan waved to him.

Huo Liqiang hurried over.

"Report to the boss, it is ready and ready to take off at any time."

"Okay. Does the Blade Security Team have a contact point in the United States?"

"No, although we had this plan a long time ago, we were short of funds before, so we didn't set up an overseas liaison station. But now that the boss has given so much funding for the event, there is no problem in setting up a liaison station there."

"In this case, then I will give the Blade Security Team another 10 billion yuan in activity funds, recruit some brothers who can speak foreign languages, set up a contact station in each other country, and implement it immediately. First, send some people to the United States to protect Ms. Jiang. Safety."

"Yes, boss, I'll do it right away."

Huo Liqiang was not surprised this time.

No question was raised either.

He has already seen the strength of the boss.

In the eyes of the boss, 10 billion rice coins may be just a meal.

Ye Duan didn't do this to show how powerful his money-making ability is.

It wasn't just to protect Jiang Yuling.

After he got rid of the Li brothers of the Jingyun Group, he was about to march overseas.

Whether it is exporting civilization to the outside world, or establishing overseas energy bases and sea transportation lines.

All have to deal with external forces.

Before that, he had to pave the way.

Overseas is much more dangerous than domestic.

At 12:28 in the morning, Jiang Yuling boarded the "Yulin" plane and flew to the United States in the dark.

Ye Duan returned to the hotel by car.

In order not to affect He Lingling's good deeds, he deliberately turned his phone to silent.


Ding Xueer didn't even make a call.

Not even a WeChat message.

Must be angry!
Ye Duan felt that the little wife's behavior was abnormal.

Sitting anxiously on the car back.

I am going to find a way to appease the little fairy's hurt heart.

"Captain Huo, is there any barbecue near the hotel?"

"Report to the boss, there is a 'Sanmao' barbecue that tastes okay, and it's in the alley behind the hotel."

"Okay, I'll pack some barbecue later."

Ye Duan decided to buy something to eat and go back.

Give the little fairy a supper.

This girl usually likes to eat these things.

Malatang, small hot pot, barbecue, and skewers are the most suitable for her stomach.

Taking her to eat a delicious meal is happier than giving her an Hermes bag.

Once she was in a good mood, she might not be angry anymore.

Huo Liqiang drove to the alley where "Sanmao" BBQ was located.

Ye Duan chose some dishes that his little wife likes to eat on weekdays.

Then pack it up and take it back to the hotel.

It was past one o'clock at night.

Ye Duan swiped his card to enter the house, and found that the lights in the room were still on.

It seems that the little fairy is really angry.

It's so late and I still don't sleep.

"Little Fairy..."

Ye Duan called softly a few times, but no one answered.

The room was empty, and there was no one on the bed.

Where did the little girl go?
It's broken, Xue'er won't be angry and leave, right?


If you leave her alone, will she come back to the hotel?

Only fools will come back!

Ye Duan sat on the sofa annoyed.

My heart aches.

Just now, he only cared about doing good things with Lingling, and didn't care about his little wife.

The little girl must be very angry.

Ye Duan turned on the TV, and CCTV Channel 15 was playing a song.

It's "Baby, I'm Sorry" by CoCo.

"...Baby, I want to say sorry to you, I loved you in the wrong way, because I care too much..."

Ye Duan couldn't help but sang along.

I meditated in my heart: Little Fairy, I'm sorry...

At this time.

Suddenly a female voice also sang softly.

"Without you, my world would only be memories, and I would only face loneliness every day..."

A beautiful figure slowly came out from the balcony.

"Little Fairy!"

Ye Duan blurted out.

He quickly stood up and held Ding Xueer in his arms.

"Baby, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have left you alone at the venue."

"It's okay, uncle. I'm not a three-year-old kid. I have hands and feet. Wouldn't I be back after a taxi?"

Ding Xueer's words.

It made Ye Duan feel even more uncomfortable.

What a girl!

How could I have the heart to deceive her?

"Xue'er, in order to see me, Lingling deliberately made a detour to Kyoto and went to the country of America from here. I just sent her to the airport, so I didn't wait for you."

Ye Duan told the truth.

Ding Xueer didn't care.

Blinking her big eyes, she said, "Uncle ~ Sister Lingling is so nice, I'm a little touched."

"You stinky girl, don't coax me here, you are so touched, shouldn't you be jealous?"

"Hmph~ People don't get jealous, they just like to eat..."

"Hey, what do you like to eat?"

Ye Duan deliberately teased the little wife.

Want to get her hooked.

Ding Xueer saw the barbecue on the table, changed the subject cleverly, and said loudly: "I like to eat barbecue, wow~ it smells so good~"

"I know you like it!"

"Hee hee~ Uncle still understands me, mua~"

Ye Duan was kissed.

The feeling of happiness struck again.

"Xue'er, wait a minute, I'll ask the waiter to bring up some bottles of beer."


Ding Xueer jumped up happily.

Hugging Ye Duan like a koala...

Soon, the waiter brought a pitcher of beer.

Ye Duan poured two full cups.

He drank with Ding Xueer.

"Wow~ so refreshing~"

Ding Xueer drank beer like a boy.

Pick up a bunch of grilled sausages and feast on them.

Beef kebabs, prawns, chicken wings...all meat.

Ye Duan drank his beer and shook his head: "Little fairy, eat slowly, how long has it been since you ate meat, look at you in such a mess."

"Uncle~ I haven't eaten such delicious food for a long time. We are filming in Yanjiao this time, and there is nothing around. I eat box lunch every day, and I have lost a few pounds~"

Ding Xueer complained while gnawing on the chicken wings.

Ye Duan touched her face distressedly.

"Well, it seems to be a little thinner, and there is no flesh on the face. But you are exaggerating when you say that you have lost a few pounds?"

"It's not an exaggeration at all. I just had a measurement yesterday, and I lost 2.2 catties compared to when I was in the Chinese New Year."

"2.2 catties? How can you call it thin! You wore cotton padded clothes during Chinese New Year, but now you wear JK, your weight must have dropped."

"It makes sense, you are still smart, no wonder you were named an outstanding youth."

Ding Xueer raised her wine glass and clinked it with Ye Duan.

"Uncle~ Congratulations on being on TV~"

"Thank you, Cher."

The two drank.

Then he burst out laughing.

There was a cheerful air in the room.

Ye Duan also heaved a sigh of relief, the little fairy is easy to coax, and a delicious meal is enough.

Eat and drink well.

The two played again in the bathroom.

Ding Xueer found something unusual.

"Uncle, who gave you this jade pendant? It wasn't there at noon."

"Oh, Lingling gave it to me just now. She said she didn't prepare a gift for me, so she gave it to me."

Ye Duan told the truth.

He has never liked to lie, he will say what he has.

If you rely on deception in exchange for a girl's favor, the love you get like this is meaningless.

And he hates people who cheat their feelings the most.

This is a hundred times worse than scammers and thieves.

Ye Duan's confession.

Ding Xueer felt very relieved.

He touched the jade pendant and said, "So it was Sister Lingling who gave it to you, so I don't worry, if it's given by any random cat or dog, I'm sure I won't be able to forgive you."

"haha why?"

"Because... Sister Lingling is beautiful and temperamental. She is not the kind of frivolous girl, so I am very relieved."

Ye Duan was also very happy when he heard this.

I didn't expect the little fairy's brain circuit to be so strange.

This reason, even I can't think of it.

It's just so cute.

So he intentionally teased her and said: "Little Fairy, you see that Lingling has already given me presents, what are you going to give me?"

"I...I don't have time to prepare presents. As soon as people saw you coming to the capital, they ran over. How could they have time to buy presents?"

Ding Xueer bit her lip.

Poor, like a child who has done something wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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