Chapter 301 The reason

Ye Duan was even more puzzled.

Judging by Wu Neng's appearance, he doesn't seem to be lying.

But Zhong Manru is indeed very similar to Xue'er, and judging from her age, she is also worthy of the name.

The two should be mother and daughter without a doubt.

If Wu Neng is telling the truth, Zhong Manru was never married before marrying Li Kaiyun.

Where did Xueer come from?
Ye Duan continued to ask: "Uncle Neng, do Li Kaiyun and Zhong Manru have any children?"

"No... no."

"No? They should have been married for more than ten years, why don't they have children?"

" comment!"

Wu Neng turned his head to one side.

Looking at the door of the box, he refused to answer.

Ye Duan got up and sat beside him: "Uncle Neng, I hope we can communicate happily, don't fight and kill like Jia Tiezhu, you will be able to take care of yourself soon, why bother with yourself?"

"You...don't threaten me, I've said enough, leave."

Wu Neng got up and wanted to open the door.

Ye Duan didn't stop him.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the door opened, two burly men were seen.

Huo Liqiang and Jia Tiezhu clasped their fists in front of their chests, blocking the door tightly.

Wu Neng had no choice but to return to the box obediently.

Sitting on the sofa, still silent.

Ye Duan closed the door.

I don't want to spend any more time with this old guy.

Now when he started to ask questions, Wu Neng was so uncooperative. If he continued to pester him like this, he would be unable to do anything tonight.

The little wife has come back from the set and is waiting for me at the hotel...

Just use "Erha Medicine" and forget it.

Simple and convenient, fast and efficient.

Moreover, Wu Neng can continue to lurk in the Jingyun Group like Jia Tiezhu.

Thinking of this, Ye Duan looked at Wu Neng and said silently in his heart: Use "Erha Medicine".

Wu Neng trembled all over.

It looks like nothing has changed.

But he stood up suddenly and said: "Report to master, Li Kaiyun wants to plant a bomb on your plane and kill you on your way back."

"Oh? Is there such a thing?"

Ye Duan chuckled.

"Erha Medicine" is easy to use.

Before he could say a word, Wu Neng took the initiative to explain.

"Yes master, Li Kaiyun asked me to arrange for Jia Tiezhu to do this, I haven't had time to inform him yet."

"Okay, I get it, you don't need to tell Tie Zhu, he is also one of his own."

"No wonder Tie Zhu calls you the boss. It turns out that he has long since given up on the bright and the dark."

Wu Neng scratched the thinning white hair on the top of his head.

A look of hindsight.

Like an old urchin.

Ye Duan didn't find it funny either.

"Uncle Neng, why don't Li Kaiyun and Zhong Manru have children?"

"Report to master, because Li Kaiyun is impotent."


Ye Duan couldn't believe his ears.

It's been a long day.

Li Kaiyun is actually a softie.

Then Xueer's father must be Ding Xiangdong.

Wu Neng thought Ye Duan was calling him, and quickly responded: "Master, what's the problem?"

"No, no, I'm asking, is Li Kaiyun really impotent?"

"That's right, master, Li Kaiyun was beaten in the ballroom half a month before the wedding, and the thing broke..."

It turned out to be the case.

So Li Kaiyun didn't taste Zhong Manru at all.

Both of them are very poor.

Li Kaiyun saw that he couldn't eat it, and Zhong Manru married a fake man.

A widow who has been guarding for more than ten years...

Ye Duan asked suspiciously: "Why did Zhong Manru marry Li Kaiyun, and why didn't she divorce him?"

"Hey, Madam is the victim of the exchange of interests. The Li family and the Zhong family are family friends. My old man promised the Zhong family that if his wife married the Li family, he would support Master Zhong to run for the person in charge of the capital. Later, Master Zhong really As the person in charge here, Madam can only marry a chicken and follow a chicken and marry a dog as a dog."

After Wu Neng finished speaking, he also sighed, as if feeling sorry for Zhong Manru.

Ye Duan also wanted to curse.

No matter what age, some people use their own daughters as bargaining chips.

For the sake of his official career, can he disregard his daughter's lifelong happiness?

My own mother-in-law is really pitiful.

No, it is still not 100% sure that Zhong Manru must be Xueer's mother.

What if it was her aunt?
I have to ask more carefully.

Ye Duan continued to ask: "Uncle Neng, did Zhong Manru ever fall in love before getting married?"

"Reporting to the master, this... I don't know very well. I only know that Madam studied abroad for a year before getting married."

Study abroad for a year?
Could it be that Xueer was born during this period?
More question marks appeared in Ye Duan's mind.

"Uncle Neng, how is Jingyun Group's cash flow?"

"Don't mention Master, Jingyun Group is about to go bankrupt now. After the media reported what the cabinet chief said when he met you today, several major banks began to urge Jingyun Group to repay the loan. Li Kaiyun was going crazy."

"No way? Isn't the Jingyun Group very powerful? Could it be that they can't even make up this little money?"

Ye Duan couldn't believe it.

Jingyun Group is known as a trillion-scale enterprise, so it won't collapse so easily, right?
Although the bank withdraws the loan, it will not force the enterprise to death all at once.

Wouldn't it be possible to delay for a while by repaying the interest first?

Wu Neng shook his head helplessly, and explained: "The master doesn't know. The Jingyun Group only looks strong, but in fact, it doesn't operate in a down-to-earth manner. Li Kaiyun always borrows from the bank based on his relationship. After buying the land at a higher price, and then reselling it to other developers to earn the difference, after repaying the bank loan and interest, there is actually not much money left. Although Li Kaijing is in a high position, there are still many relationships that need to be managed. It’s a waste of work to divide it.”

"That's not going to go bankrupt, is it?"

"Now the Jingyun Group does have some land that can be sold, but it will be difficult to find a buyer for a while. If the land cannot be sold, how can we get the money to repay the loan? But Li Kaijing said that he will find a way to borrow some Pay back the interest on the money first, and I don’t know what the result will be.”

Ye Duan asked some questions about Jingyun Group.

Wu Neng also answered truthfully.

But about Xueer's life experience.

Ye Duan didn't ask.

He didn't want outsiders to know about Xue'er's situation.

Although Wu Neng has become a loyal "second ha" now, he can't reveal anything to him.

The less people know about this, the better.

Since Wu Neng didn't know about Xue'er's existence, he simply didn't tell him.

In order not to spread it out, there will be a lot of trouble.

In the future, the little wife will become a big star, so there must be no such gossip.

Ye Duan decided to ask Zhong Manru directly.

Whether she is Xueer's mother or her aunt, she must know the inside story.

"Uncle Neng, go back first, don't tell anyone what happened today."

"Don't worry, master, although I'm a bit old-fashioned, I'm not that stupid yet."

Wu Neng stood up cheerfully.

He left the box with Ye Duan.

to the parking lot.

Several people dispersed separately.

Ye Duan was escorted by Huo Liqiang and returned to the hotel.

Ding Xueer was already waiting in the room.

"Xue'er, I'm back."


The little fairy got up from the bed and jumped into Ye Duan's arms.

She said coquettishly, "Uncle~ why did you come back, people are waiting impatiently~"

Ding Xueer left Ye Duan's embrace.

Pick up a beautifully wrapped gift box from the table.

Handed it to Ye Duan: "Uncle ~ here it is for you."

"Give it to me?"

"Yes, you were received by the cabinet minister today. This is a great event. I want to congratulate you."

(End of this chapter)

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