Chapter 319 Arrival
As soon as he walked out of the gate, he received a message from Jiang Wanquan: Ye Duan, I'm in Kyoto, if I have time, let's have lunch together.

Why is Uncle Jiang here?

Could it be that his second in command position has been settled?
Ye Duan immediately replied to Jiang Wanquan and asked him to meet at the delicious restaurant.

Before going to the restaurant, Ye Duan went to the shopping mall.

It took 300 million to buy a pair of Cartier diamond rings.

I was too busy yesterday and forgot to prepare a diamond ring for my mother-in-law.

According to my father-in-law's temperament, I definitely can't think of it.

Today, the two will receive their certificates.

When Xue'er comes back from the set, the family will celebrate together at night.

In the past 18 years, this family of three has had a difficult time.

Especially little fairies.

Since I was a child without my mother by my side, I must have suffered a lot.

When I was in school, I guess I was ridiculed by my classmates.

A child who was scolded by others as a motherless child.

It hurts just thinking about it.

Ye Duan secretly made up his mind that he must take good care of his little wife so that she will be happy every day in the years to come.

Several nights of company.

Let Ye Duan once again experience the beauty and wonder of the little fairy.

It's so beautiful and wonderful.

It's so haunting...

Before 12 o'clock, Ye Duan rushed to Meimei Zhai Restaurant, found a private room, and ordered a few authentic dishes.

Soon, Jiang Wanquan also arrived.

When the two met, it was inevitable to exchange pleasantries.

"Ye Duan, Uncle congratulates you for winning so many honors. You have won honor. Now when I go out to meetings, people will mention you in front of me. I feel very proud. When the cabinet chief met me this morning, he also specifically mentioned you. When it came to you, he praised you as a role model for young people, with lofty aspirations and a heart for the world. He also specifically asked me to strongly support your career."

"Thank you Uncle Jiang for your care and love. I can't get to where I am today, and I can't do without Uncle Jiang's support."

Ye Duan was also polite.

In fact, it is all the credit of the system sister.

If she hadn't given herself so many rewards, how could she have achieved today's results?
Jiang Wanquan waved his hand: "No, no, I'm ashamed to say that I didn't help you much, mainly relying on your own efforts. Besides, uncle should also thank you. If you hadn't made so much contribution, Uncle won't be able to join the job so smoothly."

"Uncle Jiang, is it finalized for you to enter the cabinet?"

"Yes, if there are no special circumstances, the news should be announced to the public tonight."

"Wow, that's great, congratulations, Uncle Jiang."

Ye Duan toasted Jiang Wanquan with tea instead of wine.

"Don't worry, Ye Duan. Uncle will support your career when he arrives in Kyoto. I hope you will achieve greater success and make greater contributions to Great Xia."

Jiang Wanquan expressed his attitude.

He shared the good news with Ye Duan immediately, in fact, to let Ye Duan understand his intimate relationship with Ye Duan.

It is not only for the two parties to continue to cooperate in the future, but also to remind Ye Duan.

Don't ignore your daughter Jiang Yuling.

Ye Duan is now Daxia's most popular fried chicken, and countless dignitaries want to get close to him.

And Jiang Wanquan was further promoted and became the second in command. The two families can be said to be well-matched and make progress together.

Jiang Wanquan's family has been prominent for generations, and they are very aware of this and attach great importance to it.

The leaves don't matter.

What he likes is Jiang Yuling himself, not the position of father-in-law.

It doesn't matter if he is the second in command or the person in charge here, or just ordinary people.

It doesn't matter.

Jiang Wanquan asked again with concern: "Ye Duan, how is the matter between you and the Jingyun Group going? The Li brothers didn't make things difficult for you anymore, did they?"

"Don't worry, Uncle Jiang, I have fully acquired the Jingyun Group. Li Kaiyun is helping me now, and Li Kaijing has not made any movement for the time being."

"Oh, now is indeed a good opportunity to buy the bottom of Jingyun Group. But you should be careful. This time, Li Kaijing will be very unconvinced if he loses the election. You have to beware of his petty tricks. If you encounter any problems, come to me , I will uphold justice for you."

"Thank you, Uncle Jiang, for your kindness. The capital is at the feet of the emperor. Li Kaijing is a man who is scheming and calm. He probably won't openly trouble us."

Ye Duan was actually a little worried that Li Kaijing would seek trouble.

Not only did he lose the election, he also lost Jingyun Group.It stands to reason that he should take revenge on himself, but from yesterday to now, he doesn't seem to have moved at all.

Have you just conceded defeat?
Ye Duan and Jiang Wanquan had lunch together.

They also left separately.

As soon as I got back to the hotel to take a nap, I was woken up by the rapid ringing of my mobile phone.

"Hey, who is it? Do you let people rest at noon?"

"It's not good, master, Li Kaijing sent someone to investigate Jingyun Group."

on the phone.

Wu Neng's voice was very anxious.

Received a call from Wu Neng.

Ye Duan felt relieved.

He is not afraid of fighting with Li Kaijing with swords and guns.

I'm afraid that Li Kaijing will play tricks behind his back.

After all, this is Li Kaijing's sphere of influence, and it would be very difficult to guard against him if he did some tricks behind his back.

But the characters of the two Li brothers are completely different.

Li Kaijing is calm and calm, not as impulsive as Li Kaiyun.

He is in a high position, and he will not buy murder behind his back like Li Kaiyun did.

Therefore, under the banner of the Ministry of Commerce and Trade, they sent people to investigate the equity transfer of Jingyun Group.

Want to terminate this transaction.

Ye Duan immediately rushed to Jingyun Group.

In the small conference room.

Both the Li brothers and Wu Neng were there.

They were originally a family, but now Li Kaiyun and Wu Neng both drank the "Erha Potion" and became members of Ye Duan.

This is awkward.

Before the leaves come.

Li Kaiyun has already told Li Kaijing everything.

He was the one who willingly sold Jingyun Group to Ye Duan.

It was also the person he personally found, entrusted, and completed the transfer procedures.

Li Kaijing was so angry that he vomited blood.

Be puzzled.

What went wrong?
The younger brother was so stupid that he handed over the Jingyun Group to others.

It's so fucking aggrieved!
Seeing Ye Duan coming, Li Kaiyun also fell into schizophrenia.

I don't know who to listen to.

"Li Kaiyun, Wu Neng, you guys go out first, it's none of your business here."

Ye Duan was afraid that the two "erhas" would say the wrong thing, so he sent them away.

Only he and Li Kaijing were left in the meeting room.

"Ye Duan, what did you do to my brother? Why did he become like this?"

Li Kaijing was furious when he came up.

Ye Duan smiled slightly, waved his hand at him and said: "Calm down, your brother is actually very smart to do this. You see, Jingyun Group is surrounded by all sides and owes a lot of debt. If it is not repaid, the light ones will be restricted from spending. The property will be confiscated, and the serious ones will even be caught. Now he has thrown this mess to me, and he retreated unscathed, what's wrong?"

"You... don't argue with me, you are taking advantage of the fire. No matter what method you use to deceive my brother, I will make you spit out the Jingyun Group! Remember, this is the capital, not your capital! "

"Yo, I'm so scared, haha!"

Ye Duan put his arms around his shoulders, deliberately pretending to be scared.

Then he laughed loudly and said, "Minister Li, what's wrong with the capital? Your Li family is a wealthy family, so you can't get into the cabinet either?"

"Don't be arrogant, kid! I know about your relationship with Jiang Wanquan. If you hadn't donated tens of billions to several old districts in the name of the president of the Charity Federation and earned enough fame, how could Jiang Wanquan have joined the job so smoothly? up?

I will submit a report letter to the police and let him thoroughly investigate the matter between you.Hehe, you kid won't be jumping around for a few days, Jiang Wanquan will obediently go back! "

(End of this chapter)

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