Chapter 321 The Sense of Ceremony

Ye Duan chuckled: "It is necessary, I am someone who has watched "The Chrysanthemum and the Sword". Give Uncle Ding a call and ask him to bring Aunt Zhong to come quickly."

"Well, I'll call Dad right now."

Ding Xueer called her father.

The waiter brought the menu, knelt down and asked Ye Duan which set meal he wanted.

There are two types.

They are 3000 yuan and 5000 yuan respectively.

"Can't you order a la carte here?"

Ye Duan flipped through the menu and asked.

The waiter replied: "Excuse me sir, our dishes are all fixed, and there are only these two sets for dinner. Which one do you want?"

"Then let's get four 5000 yuan ones, and wait until we are all here."

Ding Xueer clucked her tongue: "Tsk tsk, 5000 yuan per person, isn't it too expensive?"

The waiter heard her.

She replied with a smile: "Miss, this is the first time to come to our store. Our Hanaden Minokichi is a well-known restaurant in Toyo. All the ingredients in the store are airlifted from Toyo, including rice washing water. .

The chef and our waiters are also from Toyo, so the price is slightly more expensive. "

"I hope your dishes and services can match your price."

"Don't worry sir, we will definitely provide you with the most delicious food and the best service."

The waiter knelt down and kowtowed to Ye Duan again.

Only then slowly got up and retreated.

Ding Xueer shook her head after seeing it.

"Uncle~ They have been kneeling and talking, don't their knees hurt?"

"This is their custom, and we can't say anything. If they want to kneel, let them kneel. If they don't kneel, their wages may be deducted."

The little fairy nodded.

I think what the uncle said makes sense.

No wonder it is said on the Internet that marrying a Dongyang woman is the happiest.

They are so gentle.

They are soft-spoken and always kneel down to serve you. Even if you feel angry, you can't bear to lose your temper with them.

People are already so good, what else do you want?
Ding Xueer rolled her big eyes, smiled and said to Ye Duan: "Uncle~ Do you want to find a Dongyang girl as your wife?"

Ye Duan wisely refused: "No, you are enough for me, and I don't want any Oriental girls."

"You really don't want it? Look at how gentle they are, and their voices are also delicate. They must be very good at serving people."

"Tch, I'm looking for a wife for love, not for servants, why do I let them serve me?"

Ye Duan spoke righteously.

Ding Xueer was also very moved, she put her little head in front of Ye Duan, and leaned on him sweetly.

"Uncle~ You are so kind~~"

"No, I'm only good to my wife."

"Uncle~ Stop talking, people can't help but want to call you husband..."

Ding Xueer was so happy that she was about to cry.

Ye Duan held her face and kissed her small mouth: "Scream if you want, there is no one else here."


Ding Xueer called her husband twice delicately.

The voice hasn't fallen yet.

The door of the box was suddenly pushed open.

Ding Xiangdong and Zhong Manru walked in arm in arm.

The daughter's voice was heard clearly.

When Ding Xueer saw her parents, her face turned red like pomegranate seeds.

Quickly stood up and shouted: "Dad, Mom..."

Ye Duan also stood up and called "Uncle and Auntie".

He patted the little fairy on the shoulder again.

I want to give her some comfort.

Ding Xiangdong pretended to be angry and rolled his eyes at his daughter.

Zhong Manru didn't care at all.

He quickly walked to his daughter and hugged her tightly: "Xue'er, sit down quickly."

Ye Duan also took the opportunity to say: "Everyone sit down, the food will be served soon."

Ding Xiangdong and Zhong Manru sat aside.

Ye Duan and Ding Xueer sat on the other side.

Four people, one big and one small two couples.

Seeing that the atmosphere was slightly awkward, Ye Duan deliberately asked, "Uncle Ding, have you settled with Aunt Zhong?"

"It's done. I was worried that I wouldn't be able to get the certificate if I didn't bring my household registration. It turned out that the person who handled the certificate was your Aunt Zhong's elementary school classmate. She agreed to let us get the certificate first. I will send her a copy of the household registration book later."

"Mom and Dad, have you really received the certificate?"

Ding Xueer looked at her happy father.

And some strange mother.

The spirit is a little trance.

Can't believe they got back together so quickly.

"Xue'er, it's true."

Zhong Manru took out the marriage certificate from her bag with a smile, and handed it to her daughter.

Ding Xueer took over her parents' marriage certificate.

Open the cover, read and read.

The parents in the photo are smiling so sweetly.

In the future, I will get married with my uncle, and will I get a certificate?
Ding Xueer couldn't help turning her head to look at Ye Duan.

Ye Duan was also looking at her.

The four eyes collided, and a spark of love was instantly aroused.

"Little Fairy, let's get one back another day."

Ye Duan whispered in the little wife's ear.

Ding Xueer's face became more and more rosy.

My heart is sweeter than drinking honey...

Ye Duan teased the little fairy.

Ding Xiangdong was not idle either.

He took out the Patek Philippe watch and handed it to Zhong Manru.

"Manru, this is a gift from Ye Duan. Do you like it?"


Ye Duan clenched his fists angrily.

I said, old man, what happened to you today, are you dazzled by happiness?

This watch was indeed bought by me.

However, it cannot be said that I sent it.

I bought it for you and asked you to give it to Aunt Zhong?

Ye Duan quickly corrected him: "Aunt Zhong, this watch is a wish from Uncle Ding, and it is a gift from him as a meeting gift."

Then, he took out the Cartier diamond ring again.

Handed it to Ding Xiangdong.

"Uncle Ding, this is the ring you asked me to prepare. Put it on for Aunt Zhong."

"Ring? I didn't ask you to prepare a ring."

Ding Xiangdong scratched his head foolishly.

I didn't understand what Ye Duan meant.

"Cough cough..."

Ye Duan coughed a few times, trying to hide the awkward atmosphere.

He winked at Ding Xiangdong again.

Remind him to give the ring to Zhong Manru.

Both of them have received their marriage certificates, but the wedding rings are not ready yet.

It's not too romantic, is it?
There is no sense of ritual at all, and Aunt Zhong will definitely feel uncomfortable.

Ding Xiangdong was still confused.

My mind didn't turn around.

Ding Xueer on the side couldn't stand it anymore, and said directly to her father: "Dad, you and my mother have both received the certificate, and my mother still has nothing on her finger. Hurry up and put the ring on my mother." .”

"Oh, I forgot to prepare. I can't blame me for this, the main reason is that the happiness came too suddenly, hehe."

Ding Xiangdong smiled naively.

Zhong Manru couldn't help but laugh.

Covering his mouth and complaining to Ding Xiangdong, he said: "Ye Duan is still sensible, much better than your elm head."

"That is, their young people must be more romantic than us, otherwise, he would not be able to catch up with our Xue'er."

Hear what Dad said.

Ding Xueer was ashamed and angry.

Why does Dad seem to be a different person, he is not in the mood at all.

How can you make fun of your own daughter?
So angry.

(End of this chapter)

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