Chapter 331 Responsibilities
"Grandpa, the blade security team has a great responsibility, and I'm afraid I'm not up to the job."

When Ye Duan said this, he was not showing humility.

Rather, it does.

I am not a special soldier.

I also don't like the grievances and resentments in the rivers and lakes.

I just want to be a god in peace.

Although the sharp blade security team is strong.

But after all, it is a special organization with a special mission.

How can I have the time and energy to take care of this?
If you become the richest man, you will be the richest man honestly. If you have other ideas, it will be easy to capsize.

Ye Duan is very aware of this.

After many rich people became the richest man, they didn't know how much they weighed, so they raised their tails to the sky.

Do things that have nothing to do with business.

The results of it?
fell badly...

Ye Duan didn't want to get involved in these messy things.

Ding Yuanchao didn't allow him to refuse.

"No! I've already checked, and now in the entire Great Xia, only you are worthy of the Blade Security Team!"

"Is Grandpa serious?"

"Ye Duan, I didn't misunderstand you. You are very kind, and donated hundreds of billions of charitable funds in one go. What does this mean? It means that you have a patriotic heart! I have also heard about your ambitions. Your three Great ideals, developing high technology, exporting Great Xia civilization, and building overseas energy bases, all of these can be seen from your pure heart."

Ding Yuanchao's tone gradually became serious.

"You have such insight at such a young age, the old man admires it very much. Ye Duan, there is no shortage of rich people or ambitious people in Daxia, but there is a shortage of rich and ambitious people. Some big companies can be rich. The enemy country, besides doing some innocuous good deeds and donating a few tokens of money every year, is still trying to find ways to compete with street vendors for profits, and is still changing tricks to get money from many students. To share the worries of Daxia, do you think you are angry or not?"

Ye Duan kept nodding.

I think Mr. Ding's words make sense.

The rich people in the United States are launching rockets, designing chips, exploring Mars, studying the human brain, and changing the world...

And what about the rich people in Daxia?

I was thinking about how to sell vegetables and compete with vendors in the vegetable market.

Developing games, designing skins, thinking about how to spend the pocket money of the children...

It is understandable for businessmen to pursue profits.

But if you focus on money, you will forget your roots.

Many children managed to save some pocket money and bought all heroes and skins.

Can't it be free or cheaper?
Ye Duan echoed from the side: "Grandpa, you are right. Businessmen have enjoyed the dividends of the development of the times and technological progress, so they should have made greater contributions to society."

"Well, anyway, I don't understand this era more and more, and I don't understand what people are thinking now. In the past, the Blade Security Team was able to get sponsors easily, and every action would receive strong support... Now Well, you can't even get enough funds for normal activities, so grandpa found your cash cow."

Ding Yuanchao did not regard Ye Duan as an outsider.

The speech is quite grounded.

To say directly that Ye Duan is a cash cow, he is not secretive at all, and he is a solid old man.

Ye Duan was not angry either.

On the contrary, I think this old man is very cute.

It's not like some people who talk in one set of ways, and they haven't figured out what they're talking about after talking for a long time.

It's better that Mr. Ding is so straightforward.

"Grandpa, I think you are very energetic. Why don't you continue to be the leader of the Blade Security Team and I can provide you with funding?"

Ye Duan still wants to be a hands-off shopkeeper.

It's not because the Blade Security Team isn't good.

Rather lazy to manage.

Ye Duan still didn't let go.

Ding Yuanchao immediately rejected him: "No, no, I have more important things to do now. In short, the sharp blade security team will be handed over to you now, as long as it is an action that is beneficial to Da Xia, you can do whatever you want. "

Seeing Ye Duan still showed embarrassment.

Ding Yuanchao said again: "Don't worry kid, grandpa, I'm not an old antique. No matter whether you and Xue'er will have a result in the future, it has nothing to do with the sharp blade security team. You just hold the Purple Star Medal steadfastly. In order to realize your dream, Let's work hard for Daxia's tomorrow!"


Ye Duan still wanted to decline.

At this time, a woman's voice came.

"Old Ding, Lao Ding... Come on, you idiot, what are you doing in the yard?"

Ye Duan followed the sound and looked.

It turned out that it was the old lady who was playing cards with Mr. Ding in the entertainment room just now.

"Xiao Cui, it's too dark here, don't come here, I'll pass right away."

Ding Yuanchao heard the call.

Whoosh stood up from the stool and ran over.

Ye Duan froze in place.

Also shocked.

It seems that Mr. Ding cares about Xiao Cui very much...

"Grandpa, Uncle Ding and Xue'er miss you very much, when will you go home?"

"Let's talk about it later. When I catch up with Xiao Cui, I'll go back with her."


Is this the more important thing the old man said?

Ye Duan suddenly realized.

Love really has nothing to do with age.

Unexpectedly, Mr. Ding, like himself, is also a man of temperament.

Haha, this old man is a bit interesting.

Ye Duan instantly felt relaxed all over.

Whistling, he left the West Lake Nursing Home.

"Pingping, are you here for a night tour of the West Lake?"

on the way back.

Ye Duan called his apprentice.

Ready to have a big meal on the West Lake Cruise...

Soon, the master and apprentice met at the West Lake cruise ship pier.

"Master~ Why are you so upbeat today?"

He Shiping hugged her master as soon as they met.

I was also very happy.

It's so comfortable to come out with the master.

Do whatever you want without any distractions.

Ye Duan directly chartered a three-story cruise ship.

The first floor is the kitchen.

The second floor is the restaurant and bar.

The third floor is the bedroom and the deck.

He took the apprentice's little hand and boarded the boat.

He Shiping was also very excited.

I almost fell when I got on the boat.

"Pingping, you look very restless?"

Ye Duan saw the abnormality of the apprentice.

To tease her on purpose.

He Shiping blushed, and lied: "Master~ I'm a little seasick..."

"Then you didn't say it earlier, let's go play on land."

As Ye Duan said, he wanted to get off the boat.

He Shiping quickly stopped him: "Don't, master, I... I can overcome it..."

"Well, if you can't stand it, tell me in advance, don't get dizzy again in the center of the lake, and you won't be able to come back if you want to go back then."

"Understood, master, hurry up."

The two went directly to the bar on the second floor.

Sipping cocktails while waiting for dinner.

The cruise ship started slowly, getting farther and farther away from the shore.

The West Lake in the night is like a calm big iron pot.

Everywhere is dark.

The lights of the city radiate colorful lights in the distance.

It seemed noisy and rowdy.

The two masters and apprentices are enjoying the spring breeze and drinking tea, feeling very comfortable.

"Master ~ thank you."

He Shiping looked at the master obsessively, and couldn't help expressing her inner feelings.

Ye Duan smiled and asked, "Why do you thank me?"

"Thank you for allowing me to experience happiness and enjoy such a beautiful night. If it weren't for you, I might never have the opportunity to visit the West Lake at night. Look, how beautiful it is."

He Shiping stretched out her hand and pointed to the distance.

Leifeng Pagoda is like a lighthouse, guiding the direction of the cruise ship.

The mountains and green forests are gray.

The water of the West Lake under your feet is slightly wavy.

The cruise ship floats like a dragon.

Everything is quiet.

It was so romantic.

(End of this chapter)

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