Chapter 337 Warmth
Huo Liqiang sent a message just now, and he found the mastermind who hurt Miao Fei.

He must deal with this matter first and avenge Miao Fei!
Ye Duan came to the sharp blade security team by car.

Entering the dental treatment room, seeing the scene in front of me, I was so disgusted that I almost wanted to vomit.

A criminal was seen tied to a deck chair.

The little brother has become a hornet's nest...

"I'll wipe it! It's disgusting, walk around, go out and talk."

Ye Duan walked out covering his face.

Huo Liqiang took him to an office and reported: "Report to the boss, the gangster just explained everything."

"You still have a way, Captain Huo, what did that guy say?"

"The gangster admitted that it was indeed an American named William who ordered them to bully Miss Qin. They said that because you offended William, they were going to insult Miss Qin in order to take revenge on you. William promised to give them 50 yuan The remuneration has already paid 25 yuan, and the remaining half will be paid after the task is completed."

"MD, these guys who want money and don't care about their lives dare to act wildly on me for a mere 50 yuan, they are simply tired of life!"

Ye Duan clenched his fists angrily.

He hammered the sofa hard.

Huo Liqiang originally wanted to ask how to deal with these two gangsters.

Seeing Ye Duan's anger, he knew what to do.

"Captain Huo, find a way to catch this bastard named William for me. I want to ask him personally how I offended him. He dared to provoke on the land of Daxia. I want him to fully understand this time. The Daxia of today is not the Daxia of 100 years ago!"

"Yes, boss, I promise to bring William back within three days."

"Captain Huo, I will give you another task. Can you recruit a group of female players back?"

"Female team?"

Huo Liqiang didn't understand what Ye Duan meant for a moment.

The boss recruits female players, what do you want to do?

Ye Duan explained: "Although the overall quality of the male team members is better, it is not convenient to protect the girls, so I want you to recruit a group of female team members, so that they can better protect your sister-in-law's safety."

"The boss is really thoughtful, but I was too careless, so I will arrange someone to do it."

Huo Liqiang suddenly realized.

There is indeed a reason for not protecting Miss Qin well this time.

The male team members didn't dare to protect her at close range, for fear of accidentally seeing something that shouldn't be seen.

Can only be vigilant around her home.

In this way, the scope to be protected is much larger, and there will be many loopholes.

Two thugs slipped into her home, but the security team didn't notice.

Until the abnormal noise and the light of the flashlight came from the room.

Only then did I realize something was wrong.

If there are female team members, they can lurk in Miss Qin's house at close range.

You can handle emergencies anytime, anywhere.

Before leaving, Ye Duan specifically mentioned this matter.

"Captain Huo, Miaofei almost had an accident this time. You should also reflect on yourself internally. I don't want to see this happen again."

"Yes, boss, we will definitely reflect on it seriously, please rest assured!"

Ye Duan patted Huo Liqiang's shoulder hard.

Go downstairs and leave the Blade Security Team.

He still misses Qin Miaofei...

Ye Duan returned to Tangchen Yipin.

As soon as he opened the door, he bumped into the conch girl head-on.

"Qianbao, why are you here?"

Liu Qian also panicked for a while.

He stroked his bangs with his hand, and said with a blushing face, "Brother Ye, I heard that Sister Pingping said that you are back, so I came to see you."

"Oh, are you going out now?"

"I...I'm going to buy some food and make some soup for Sister Miaofei."

Ye Duan heard it.

I suddenly felt bad.

In other words, Qianbao has seen Miao Fei living in her home.

Just tell them to forget it.

This kind of thing can't be hidden, and there is no need to hide it.

Anyway, they all knew Miao Fei.

We are all old friends.

Ye Duan pulled Conch girl to the door, closed the door and asked, "Qianbao, have you seen Miaofei?"


Liu Qian nodded, her face felt hot.

At noon, she heard He Shiping say in the group that the master had returned.

So he ran all the way from Conch Company to Tangchen Yipin.

When I opened the door, I saw that someone had come back.

Quietly lying on the door of the master bedroom and looking, there was obviously someone sleeping on the bed.

Liu Qian thought it was Ye Duan.

He rushed over at once.

Still saying: "Master, I miss you so much~"

The result can be imagined.

Qin Miaofei turned around and looked at Liu Qian in confusion.

Miss Conch was so embarrassed that she wanted to jump off the building...

Of course, Ye Duan didn't know this, and said frankly: "Qianbao, let me tell you, a thief broke into Miaofei's house last night, and she was frightened. Later, the bodyguards arrived in time and caught the two criminals. , I was afraid that she would not be safe alone, so I took her here and let her stay at home for a few days."

"Brother Ye, Sister Miaofei has already told me that a gangster pointed a gun at her. Just thinking about it makes people scared. You should let her move here. If it were me, I wouldn't dare live alone."

"That being said, it's not convenient for me to live with her, do you understand?"

Ye Duan deliberately said such words.

I don't want to let Conch girl think wildly.

Besides, he and Qin Miaofei were innocent in the first place.

If it was reported that the two had already lived together, it would have a bad influence on Miao Fei.

Liu Qian heard the words.

My heart is indeed much more at ease.

Liu Qian replied shyly, "Brother Ye, I understand."

I haven't seen the leaves for a few days.

Miss Conch was also emotional.

His face flushed.

It looks even more charming and charming.

Ye Duan couldn't help but hugged her into his arms.

Conch girl was so ashamed that she struggled to leave her master's embrace.

After tidying up his clothes, he said, "Master, I'm going to go shopping~"

"I'll go with you."

Ye Duan held Liu Qian's little hand.

Go downstairs to the grocery store.

Bought a lot of vegetables back.

Return to Tang Chen Yipin's home.

Qin Miaofei has already woken up, and is lying on the dining table and working on the laptop.

"Miaofei, why don't you sleep a little longer?"

Ye Duan came behind the beautiful woman in Shanghai and asked with concern.

Liu Qian also said at the side: "Yes, Sister Miaofei, you should take a good rest, even if you miss a few days of work, Brother Duan won't blame you."

"Thank you for your concern, I'm really fine now."

Qin Miaofei fell asleep.

I feel much better.

He even offered to cook dinner with Liu Qian: "Sister Qian, shall we cook together?"

"No, no, you can chat with Brother Ye, and leave the cooking to me."

Liu Qian carried the vegetables into the kitchen.

Qin Miaofei felt a little embarrassed.

If I eat and drink for free, and don't do any work, wouldn't I be a useless person?
Ye Duan comforted her and said, "Qianbao's cooking is delicious, we just have to wait and eat."

The two came to the balcony to watch the scenery.

Qin Miaofei looked at the Huangpu River under her feet, and couldn't help praising: "As expected of a mansion with river view, the scenery is just extraordinary, so beautiful!"

Ye Duan took the opportunity to say: "Miaofei, why don't you stay here for a long time, I live alone, and I'm actually quite lonely."

"Brother Duan, thank you for your kindness. If I live here forever, who will I be?"

"Why don't you promise me that you will accept the house at Jiangjing No. [-] in Zhongliang."

"Let's talk about it, I haven't thought about it yet..."

Qin Miaofei still hesitated.

(End of this chapter)

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