Chapter 343 Communication
after the meeting.

Ye Duan and Liu Qian came to the general manager's office together.

"Qianbao, when I come back from the United States in a while, I will go to the southern hemisphere with me to investigate. I plan to buy a few mines and come back."

"Go to the southern hemisphere to buy mines?"

"That's right, both Australia and Brazil are rich in iron ore. More than half of China's high-quality iron ore is imported from the southern hemisphere. If we buy mines directly, we can build a stable energy base.

Now the bargaining power of iron ore is in the hands of outsiders, and the price is whatever they say. We are too passive. "

"So that's the case, then when will you go to the United States, and when will you be able to come back?"

Miss Conch was a little impatient.

Going to the southern hemisphere with your master sounds exciting.

I really want to leave now.

It's a pity that the master still has to go to the United States.

I don't know how long the delay will be.

I really want to go with him, I really want to be with him every day...

Ye Duan understood Liu Qian's thoughts.

However, there are many things to deal with when going to the United States this time, and it is likely that I will go with my little wife.

After arriving in New York, I have to talk to Lingling about life.

There is really no way to take Qianbao with me.

Ye Duan comforted her and said, "I will leave as soon as possible and come back as soon as possible, Qianbao, you should sort out the affairs of Conch Company first, so that you won't be so lonely when you are busy."

"It's not that I'm lonely, I just miss you~"

The conch girl was seen through by her master.

Hastily denied it.

Ye Duan sat on the boss chair and hugged Liu Qian into his arms.

I remembered a line of lyrics: "I understand. I don't miss you because I'm lonely, but I'm lonely because I miss you."

The conch girl nestled shyly in the arms of her master.

His face was dry and hot.


Ye Duan and Liu Qian finished discussing work in the office.

Turning on the phone, there was a message from Su Mengwen: "Brother Duan, are you busy? I want to report to you about the artificial intelligence conference."

"Okay, I'll go find you right away, and we'll have dinner together."

Ye Duan replied.

Then he said to Liu Qian, "Qianbao, Wenwen has something to ask me about holding an artificial intelligence conference."

"Then hurry up and don't make Miss Wenwen wait."

Conch girl is also very sensible.

The master has been on his side for too long, not only staying with him all night, but also busy with the conch company for a long time.

It was time to let him go.

Seeing Qianbao being so caring and generous.

Ye Duan was also very moved, kissed her hard, and then went to the investment company reluctantly.

Compared with auctioning freighters.

The need to hold an artificial intelligence conference is undoubtedly more important.

The younger sister of the system said that only by developing artificial intelligence can it be possible to meet her.

But Ye Duan still doesn't know how to get the system sister to show up.

Is it possible to create a simulated robot?

It is said that the female robots made by foreigners are very intelligent.

Not only can it talk to humans, but it can also simulate emotions of joy, anger, sorrow, and joy.

In terms of appearance, it can also be fake.

Put your robot girlfriend in front of you, and you won't be able to tell whether she is real or not.

Does the system sister also want to become his robot girlfriend?

Thinking of this, Ye Duan suddenly felt very excited.

What would it be like to have a robot girlfriend?

Hey, looking forward to it...

Ye Duan dreamed all the way, and soon came to the investment company.

Su Mengwen was already waiting in the general manager's office.

"Brother Duan, you're here."

After seeing the leaves.

Su Mengwen no longer hides her emotions, and rushes over at once.

Kissing the man he was thinking about frantically.

Ever since Ye Duan went to Kyoto.

Su Mengwen hasn't seen him for a long time.

It's only been a few days, but it feels like centuries.

After meeting yesterday.

The two could only look at each other, not even having a chance to hug.

For Su Mengwen, that feeling was really tormenting.

He watched the man he thought about day and night.

But he couldn't even hold his fingers.

Suffocated, too embarrassed.

Uncomfortable, especially uncomfortable.

Su Mengwen didn't fall asleep almost all night.

All he was thinking about was Ye Duan, thinking about when he would be able to meet him alone.

I endured it for a long time today.

I couldn't hold it anymore, so I sent a message to Ye Duan.

The result was as she expected.

This man did not disappoint her.

Less than an hour after sending the message, Ye Duan appeared in front of her.

"Brother Duan~ I miss you so much..."

Su Mengwen returned to her original nature.

Whether it is clothing or a frown and a smile, it is full of charm.

A pair of seductive eyes can make all men in the world unable to hold back.

It's heart-pounding.

Which man can resist such a temptation?
Even if Tang Sanzang is alive.

It is estimated that there is no escape from this disaster.

Su Mengwen originally wanted to wait for Ye Duan to take the initiative to come to the door.

As a result, when I heard that he was going to the United States in the near future, I was completely disturbed.

If you miss this opportunity.

I don't know when I can be with Ye Duan next time.

That's why she took the initiative to release her charm regardless of her shyness.

The long fair legs without stockings kept rubbing back and forth.

Ye Duan quickly got up.

"Well, you charming girl, I'm completely familiar with it today, hehe."

"Brother Duan~ I can't live without you, I don't want you to go, I miss you in my dreams, do you feel it?"

Su Mengwen said.


two hours later.

Ye Duan and Su Mengwen came to a quiet western restaurant.

Sit in a private box.

We had dinner together.

"Brother Duan, when are you going to America?"

"Probably in the last few days, are you reluctant to let me go?"

Su Mengwen curled her lips and said with a smile: "It's natural to be reluctant to let you go, but I want to ask you, do you leave before the artificial intelligence conference is held, or after attending the conference."

"When will the meeting be held?"

"It's scheduled for this Thursday, the day after tomorrow."

"Then I'll go to the United States after the conference is over."

Ye Duan guessed what the beauty was thinking.

Definitely want to go to the conference she chairs to support her.

It just happened to take this opportunity to learn about the current development of artificial intelligence technology.

Su Mengwen also introduced the preparations for the meeting.

"Brother Duan, this artificial intelligence conference is jointly held by Jiaotong University and Aurora University. Our domestic experts, scholars and manufacturer representatives are basically invited, but there are too few foreign experts. They are afraid that we will copy their technology. , so they don’t want to come to the meeting.”

"I can understand this. Our Daxia people are too capable of learning, and the copycat ability is stronger. A new technology or application has just been researched abroad. If we Daxia people study it, it can be created the next day. One is exactly the same, and the price is much lower. Although foreigners have the phenomenon of technological monopoly, they can sometimes understand their starting point.”

"I recently talked with a professor at Jiaotong University. He said that although the domestic artificial intelligence technology is developing rapidly, there is still a big gap with the world's top level. If you want to obtain the latest and most advanced technology, you still have to communicate with foreign counterparts. I originally wanted to invite some foreign artificial intelligence experts to talk about cooperation with them through this conference, but no one came, oh, it’s so difficult.”

Su Mengwen's affinity is very strong.

If contacted in person, she can handle most successful people.

It doesn't matter if you are a businessman or a scholar.

As long as you are a man, you may involuntarily give up your guard when you see her.

Su Mengwen's charming smile can capture the hearts of almost all men.

(End of this chapter)

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