Chapter 349 Questioning
Ye Duan did not expect this to be the case.

His original intention was to express his love for his subordinates by giving shares in the company.

But in this way, they were also associated with gold diggers.

Especially Miao Fei.

There is no reason to give her so many shares.

6% may not seem like much, but the actual value is as high as 1200 billion.

If she accepted it, and people said she was a gold digger, how would she refute it?

No wonder the system sister would issue such a mission.

It turned out to be really hard to finish.

Ye Duan looked at Lin Meishuang and Su Mengwen, suggesting that they should come up with a solution quickly.

Lin Meishuang shrugged.

Indicates powerlessness.

Su Mengwen rolled her eyes.

Came up with a crooked idea.

"Miaofei, since we've talked about this, I won't hide it anymore. In fact, when I was in Hengdian last time, I knew you were with Brother Duan..."

Su Mengwen fabricated a white lie.

Ye Duan understood, and quickly said: "Oh, look at my memory. I almost forgot, that time in Hengdian, Miaofei and I were attacked by gangsters, she was very scared, and we slept together all night."

Qin Miaofei didn't know that the two of them deliberately rescued her.

Quickly explained: "Sister Wenwen, Brother Duan and I did sleep on the same bed that time, but...but nothing happened between us."

He Shiping also understood what was going on.

Adding embellishment to the side, he said: "Nothing happened? Impossible! I don't understand my master, he can't walk when he sees a beautiful woman."

"But, Brother Duan, he really didn't do anything. Why don't you believe it?"

Qin Miaofei was in a hurry.

Justify yourself constantly.

Ye Duan took the initiative to confess, "Miao Fei, have you forgotten? In fact, I did some bad things that day..."

"Brother Duan, you..."

Qin Miaofei was speechless with anger.

flushed with shame.

If the debate continues, I'm afraid even the details will be revealed.

She can't afford to lose this man.

Seeing that Qin Miaofei was too angry to speak, Liu Qian comforted her without knowing it: "Sister Miaofei, there is nothing to be ashamed of. What does it matter?"

Ye Duan was very happy to hear that, and applauded for her: "Qianbao, you are so right!"

Lin Meishuang hurriedly ended the chaotic debate: "Since the person involved confessed on his own initiative, he admitted that he did something bad.

Then we assume that Miao Fei is already qualified.According to the result of our discussion just now, Miaofei also has the right and obligation to accept 6% of the shares of the group company. "

"Sister Lin, Brother Duan and I are really innocent..."

Qin Miaofei still wanted to defend herself.

But there is no evidence.

Can't give any convincing reason.

"Everyone is busy after dinner, I'm going to work first, bye~"

Lin Meishuang took the lead and left.

Su Mengwen, Liu Qian, and Yang Bingyue also walked out of the box together.

Qin Miaofei glared at Ye Duan and left angrily.

Ye Duan wanted to catch up with her to apologize, but was stopped by his apprentice.

"Master~ Miaofei won't listen to what you say now. When she calms down and thinks it through, she will naturally understand everyone's good intentions."

"That's right, you're still the smart little fox."

Ye Duan pinched his apprentice's face, and asked with a smile, "Tell me, what's your plan for staying?"

"Master~ I want to talk to you about work."

He Shiping hugged Ye Duan.

stuck to him.

"Well, you bad Pingping, your skin is getting thicker and thicker."

"Well, people just want to talk to you about work."

"Okay, let's talk tonight."

Ye Duan wanted to chat with his apprentice all night long.

It has been a long time since I explored new knowledge with her.

The time during the day is too short to study at all.

But He Shiping has her own plan: "No, master, I'm going to report to you now, maybe the little girl Yueyue will snatch you away at night, maybe Miaofei is waiting for you, so I won't follow you." They rob."

Ye Duan thought for a while, and there was indeed such a possibility.

So he agreed to the female apprentice's unreasonable troubles.

"Okay ok, where do we go now?"

"Master ~ come with me."

He Shiping pretended to be mysterious.

Pulled the master to the underground parking lot.

Opened the rear door of the Mercedes-Benz SUV.

Ye Duan immediately understood what the female apprentice was thinking, and sat in the back seat with a smile.

He Shiping looked around.

After confirming that no one was there, he also sat in the back seat of the Mercedes-Benz.

Then he closed the door.

"You little fox, are you reporting to me here?"

"Hmph~ bad master, I'm here for revenge. Last time I was a little scared in the sky, but you bullied me badly. This time I'm back on the ground, and I will bully you well!"


Ye Duan felt a familiar warmth.


Ye Duan and his female apprentice were discussing work in the Mercedes-Benz.

He Shiping did not break her promise.

Take the initiative to report the harvest during this period...

At the same time.

Modu International Airport.

A hunt is also going on.

A quarter past three in the afternoon.

William Scrun, president of the Great Summer Region of the American Trust Group, got off the plane alone.

Wearing sunglasses, he walked towards the special car that came to meet him.

See familiar license plates.

William Scrante got into the car without the slightest doubt.

The black Buick commercial vehicle started slowly and left the airport.

Halfway there, William Scrant noticed something unusual and shouted at the driver, "Hey, where are you taking me?"

"Mr. William, I heard that your teeth are not very good. I will take you to the dentist today."

The driver turned to William and smiled.

This person is Huo Liqiang, the captain of the Blade Security Team.

He has promised Ye Duan.

Find the mastermind within three days.

After investigation, Huo Liqiang found the mastermind behind the two gangsters.

This guy is William Scrun, president of the Great Xia District of the American Trust Group.

It was the Mr. William who was beaten up in Kyoto last time.

Originally, Huo Liqiang wanted to go to the capital to catch him back.

Later, I found out that William was coming to Shanghai to do business.

So he resorted to tricks, crossed the sea at the airport, used a licensed commercial vehicle, and cut this guy off.

William Scrante noticed something was wrong and yelled from the car.

Struggling to get out of the car.

"Who the hell are you? Stop the car, you bastard! I'm getting out of the car!"

Huo Liqiang took out a wooden warehouse and said in a deep and powerful voice: "If you move again, I will kill you!"

This guy instantly became honest.

Holding his hands up, he sat blankly on the seat.

The atmosphere did not dare to make a sound.

"Put this on. If you dare to take it off, I'll dig out your eyeballs."

Huo Liqiang handed him a pair of all-black glasses.

William Scrante put it on obediently.

It was pitch black.

Can't see anything.

Soon, the Buick commercial vehicle arrived at the sharp edge security team's stronghold.

Huo Liqiang took William Scrun upstairs.

After coming to the dental treatment room.

Just took off his glasses.

Seeing the scene in front of him, William Scrun's knees were so frightened that he almost fell to the ground.

I saw various instruments placed on the cold dental treatment table.

The air smelled of disinfectant.


"You... who are you? Why are you arresting me? Where is this?"

William Scrante asked several questions in succession.

(End of this chapter)

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