Chapter 352 For
Ye Duan hasn't shut up for the past two days.

So there is no rush to get Qin Miaofei immediately.

Since good things take time, let's just keep grinding.

Ye Duan hugged Qin Miaofei in his arms, but didn't make any progress.

Instead, she smelled her hair in a gentlemanly way.

Enjoying sweet time for two.

At this time.

Suddenly, there was a rapid ringtone of the mobile phone.

Ye Duan glanced at the phone, it was Huo Liqiang calling.

"Hey, Captain Huo, what's up so late?"


"What? Something to do with the American Trust?"


"Okay, I'll go over immediately."

Ye Duan hung up the phone and prepared to go out.

Seeing his nervous look, Qin Miaofei quickly asked, "What happened, Brother Duan?"

"Our people have caught the murderer who hurt you behind the scenes. I'll deal with it. Go to sleep first, don't wait for me."

"Brother Duan, are you okay?"

"It's okay, don't worry, Miaofei, I have sent someone to protect you, you can rest steadily."

Ye Duan came to the door and changed his shoes.

Qin Miaofei took the initiative to kiss him, and said again: "You must pay attention to safety~"

"Understood, you can rest assured."

Ye Duan hugged her again.

Drive to the location of the sharp blade security team.

Enter the dental treatment room.

I saw a white-skinned man lying motionless on the dental chair, as if he was asleep.

Ye Duan took a closer look before recognizing it.

This man was the American who caused trouble in Kyoto last time.

Huo Liqiang reported from the side: "Boss, this person is William who we beat up in Kyoto last time. His identity is the president of the Daxia District of the American Trust Group. He is the one who instigated the gangsters to attack my sister-in-law."

"He is, asleep?"

Ye Duan wanted to confirm whether this William was still alive.

"He has been refusing to tell the truth, so I pulled out ten of his teeth, and now he is in pain and passed out."

Huo Liqiang opened the guy's mouth.

The inside is already riddled with holes.

It's really appalling.

Ye Duan took one look and felt sick, and hurried out of the dental treatment room.

Come to the office.

Ye Duan ordered: "Captain Huo, this fellow is a rice man after all, in order to avoid unnecessary disputes, let him live first."

"Please rest assured, boss, I have already given him anti-inflammatory drugs, and it will not endanger his life."

"What did this guy explain? How did you get involved with the trust group?"

Ye Duan originally thought that William was looking for someone to take revenge on him because he was beaten up.

Now I realize that things are not that simple.

behind this incident.

It turns out that there is a bigger interest group hidden.

This is how it happened?
Ye Duan frowned, after much deliberation, he still couldn't figure it out.

Huo Liqiang poured him a glass of water, stood aside and told what he had learned.

"Boss, according to William, it wasn't his own idea to send someone to attack his sister-in-law this time, but was assigned by the company."

"That is, the American Trust Group?"

"That's right, he said that your actions violated the interests of their company and caused huge losses to the trust group, so they deliberately hired someone to trouble you."

Ye Duan was momentarily stunned.

"I don't even know what a trust is, how can I infringe on their interests?"

"William said he only knew so much, even if he pulled out all his teeth, he would not be able to tell the reason. I believe he is not lying. Could it be that some of your business practices have had a bad influence on the trust group ?”


Ye Duan thought for a while, but still couldn't come up with a clue.

"Captain Huo, since this guy can't squeeze anything out, let's let him go first, so as not to startle the snake, give the rice people an excuse, and cause foreign affairs disputes. But send someone to follow him, and then investigate this trust group carefully."

"Yes, boss."

"By the way, Captain Huo, last time I asked you to send a few more team members to protect Miss Jiang's safety. How are you doing? How many people are there in the US now?"

Ye Duan suddenly remembered this matter.

Lingling is now alone in the United States.

In case the trust group finds out, she is also her own.

But it's dangerous.

They dared to buy murder and hurt people on Daxia's territory.

It is definitely more unscrupulous in the United States.

Huo Liqiang gave him a reassurance: "Please don't worry, boss, I have sent 30 elite team members to protect the safety of my sister-in-law 24 hours a day."

"Okay. In a few days, you will go to the United States with me. I want to meet the trust group in person. I heard that there are many underground mercenary organizations in the United States. You can contact a few first. I estimate that there will be a few of them there." There's a tough fight to be fought."

"Report to the boss, the mercenary organization only recognizes money but not people, and it is unreliable at critical moments. Why don't I send more people to the United States?"

"You're right, Captain Huo. The mercenary organization is indeed a group of emotionless machines, no one of our own can be relied upon. However, after arriving in the United States, we belong to outsiders after all, and it is often inconvenient to carry out tasks directly. In case of any accident, it will be even more troublesome. up.

If you hire a mercenary organization, you can let them rush to the front, so that if something happens, we won't be involved.Just like the trust group, why didn't they just send the Americans directly but hire us Daxia people to carry out the task?I think they must also be trying to avoid responsibility. "

Only then did Huo Liqiang understand Ye Duan's thoughts.

He patted his forehead, and suddenly realized: "I understand, boss, what you mean is that the mercenary organization can be used as a gunman, and it can also be used as a scapegoat."

"Hey, you can't say that. They are desperadoes who trade their lives for money. This is what they eat."

Ye Duan explained a few more words.

Then he left the sharp blade security team.

On the way back to Tangchen Yipin.

He couldn't stop thinking about the trust group.

William, the leaker, said that he had caused huge losses to their company.

What exactly do you mean?

Ye Duan returns to Tang Chen Yipin's home.

Qin Miaofei had already fallen asleep.

The charming little face exudes even breathing.

As sweet and quiet as Sleeping Beauty.

People can't bear to start with it.

Ye Duan didn't wake her up.

Instead, he honestly slept on the ground...

the next day.

It was the day when the Great Xia Artificial Intelligence Conference was held.

The International Exhibition Hall was buzzing with people, and it was very lively.

Ye Duan arrived at the venue early in the morning.

Su Mengwen was already waiting here.

"Brother Duan, more than 200 experts and scholars and more than 500 manufacturers participated in this conference. The total number of participants is expected to exceed 8000, and more than 1000 artificial intelligence projects will be exhibited. The principal and other guests are also here."

"Very good, I will take a good look around this time to see if there is any black technology."

"Well, after I finish greeting the guests, I'll go shopping with you. Brother Duan, can you go up and say a few words to everyone at the opening ceremony later?"

"No need for that, today is your home game. Wenwen, it's not me in Versailles. I don't like to show my face very much now. Every time I participate in an event, I will be on the trending search, and many women will call me when I am on the trending search. It's a deadly headache."

Ye Duan is really not pretending.

He now wears a mask and sunglasses whenever he appears in public.

Today too.

Cover yourself tightly.

Just afraid of meeting acquaintances, and those irrational fans.

A handsome man can't be too rich.

Rich men can't be too handsome.

If it is like Ye Duan, he is both rich and handsome.

That would be bad.

All kinds of women will flock to you, trying to get close to you and harass you.

There are those who sell miserably and cry poorly, some who give away for nothing, some who borrow money to start a business, and some who come in groups of twins and triplets.

If you don't have self-control.

It is estimated that there are already three thousand beauties in the harem...

Except women.

There are also many men harassing Ye Duan.

Most of them are looking for financial support, holding various whimsical projects, the level of absurdity is comparable to installing elevators on Mount Everest, tiling the Great Wall, and putting reverse gears on airplanes.

There are also a small group of perverts who fell in love with Ye Duan's handsome face and tall figure...

(End of this chapter)

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