Chapter 354 Exchange Ideas
After Su Mengwen came.

Zhou Zhenyu really seemed to be a different person, and immediately greeted her with a smile.

"Manager Su, welcome, you are so busy, how do you have the time to come to us?"

"Professor Zhou, our boss wants to talk to you about the research on Eve 6."

Su Mengwen already knew what happened to Ye Duan.

So he straight to the point explained the purpose of coming.

"Could it be that Mr. Ye Duan knew about our research results? He is also interested?"

Zhou Zhenyu was very excited.

Looking at Su Mengwen eagerly.

Ye Duan didn't want to keep a low profile anymore, he brushed his hair and said, "That's right, I'm really interested in this beautiful robot."

"Sir, please be a little self-aware. I'm asking Manager Su and Mr. Ye Duan, not you."


Ye Duan was so angry that his eyebrows were crooked.

Su Mengwen covered her mouth and couldn't help laughing.

This Zhou Zhenyu is really funny.

"Professor Zhou, this is the boss of our company, Mr. Ye Duan."

Su Mengwen pointed to Ye Duan and introduced.

Zhou Zhenyu petrified in an instant, hesitatingly said: "What... what? He is Mr. Ye... Mr. Ye Duan?"

"That's right, he is Mr. Ye Duan, the founder of Ye Duan Investment Company."

Su Mengwen said it clearly again.

Ye Duan also nodded and admitted: "Professor Zhou, I am Ye Duan, and I definitely did not lie to you."

"Yes... I'm sorry, Mr. Ye Duan, it was me... I made a mistake. Please sit down, both of you."

Zhou Zhenyu quickly apologized.

Immediately greet the two to sit down.

Ye Duan did not sit down, but walked up to the Eve 6 robot and said, "Professor Zhou, give me a detailed introduction to Eve 6."

"Alright Mr. Ye."

Zhou Zhenyu immediately introduced: "We started researching the Eve series of female robots 20 years ago. From the first No. 1 to the current No. 6, we have launched six generations...

Eve 6 uses the latest 3D printing, life science and artificial intelligence technologies. Her body shape is exactly the same as ours, and she has the same body temperature and senses as ordinary people..."

Ye Duan was a little restless.

Is the current technology so advanced?
Almost like a sci-fi movie.

"Professor Zhou, I have watched an American sci-fi TV series "Western World". The robots in it are very similar to us humans. Is there any difference between Eve 6 and them?"

Zhou Zhenyu replied: "In terms of hardware, Eve 6 has basically realized the function of the simulated robot in "Western World".

Eve 6 also uses 3D printing technology, and has the same body structure as humans, including nerves, blood vessels, organs, etc., and she can replenish energy through food just like us..."

Ye Duan asked curiously: "Professor Zhou, can Eve 6 do that?"

"Uh... it's theoretically possible, but we haven't carried out relevant experiments yet."

Zhou Zhenyu was a little embarrassed.

His face turned red.

Su Mengwen hastily excused herself to go to the bathroom.

Ye Duan looked like a real scientist at this time, and didn't care about these things at all.

Two-X health is also part of scientific research.

What's there to be shy about?
"Professor Zhou, what are the current shortcomings of Eve 6, or are there any areas that need to be improved?"

Zhou Zhenyu adjusted his glasses and replied: "According to authoritative reports, the Eve 6 robot developed by our Jiaotong University is already at the highest level of Chinese humanoid robots.

However, she still has two shortcomings. The first is that Eve 6 is still not intelligent enough. She can only interact with us based on the knowledge that has been input. Her knowledge level is fixed, she has no imagination, and she cannot think independently.

The second shortcoming is that the joint structure of her whole body is still not flexible enough, and she is still a little stiff when doing movements. "

"Eve 6, show Mr. Ye a dance."

Zhou Zhenyu gave instructions to the robot.

Eve 6 obediently did a dance.

The body does look a little uncoordinated.

It can be seen at a glance that it is not like a normal person.

It was in stark contrast to her appearance when she was standing still.

Don't move, she is a beautiful woman.

Once it moves, it is a little slow, revealing the essence of the robot.

Ye Duan couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.

This is still far from the intelligent robot he imagined.

"Professor Zhou, are these two shortcomings easy to improve? Do they need more money, or is the technical level not up to par?"

"Unknown to Mr. Ye, the first shortcoming of Eve 6 is a common problem of all humanoid robots in the world, or it is a research restricted area.

Because according to the current regulations, no one or any institution can study robots that can think autonomously.

The second shortcoming is indeed because our technical ability is not up to, mainly because we cannot make artificial intelligence microprocessors. "

"What is a small artificial intelligence microprocessor?"

"The artificial intelligence microprocessor is equivalent to the CPU of a computer. We have installed tens of thousands of tiny smart sensors in various parts of the robot's body. They can collect and send various data. The data sent and received by these sensors requires a central processing unit. To perform precise calculations, this central processing unit is an artificial intelligence microprocessor.

Because our chips and computer technology are insufficient, we cannot manufacture microprocessors with small size, advanced performance, and fast computing speed, which leads to the slow movement of Eve 6. "

Ye Duan couldn't understand.

As a liberal arts student, listening to these is like listening to a bible.

Since our technology doesn't work.

Wouldn't it be enough to find a way to get back the most advanced equipment?

Ye Duan asked: "Professor Zhou, which company in the world has the most advanced artificial intelligence microprocessor?"

"I don't know which one is the most advanced, but I heard from a scientist who came back from the United States that the artificial intelligence microprocessor developed by the American military giant Luoma Company is not only advanced in technology, but also very stable in performance."

"I've heard of Mule and Horse Company, don't they make fighter jets?"

"Fighter fighters are just one of their main products, and Mule Horse is also an invisible high-tech company.

As a global military giant, Luoma Company possesses many secret technologies, but the outside world does not know about it...Mr. Ye, do you understand? "

Of course Ye Duan understood.

Mule is one of the world's largest arms manufacturers, producing many advanced fighter jets.

For example, the well-known "Raptor" and "Fat Electric" and other stealth fighters came from this company.

As the leader of the US military industry.

The technology of Luoma Company has never been announced to the public, and it can only be speculated through some of its financial reports that they are engaged in those projects.

"Professor Zhou, I heard that the performance of military products is generally much higher than that of civilian products, so is the microprocessor developed by Luoma Company much more advanced than the civilian processors we know?"

"That's right. Judging from past experience, this is basically the rule. The US military has invested a lot in weapons, and many scientific and technological achievements have been transferred from military to civilian use.

Basic products of the information society, such as computers and mobile phones, were originally born for the development of weapons. "

Zhou Zhenyu continued: "In addition to advanced performance, military products also have a very obvious feature, that is, the quality is very reliable and stable, they can work normally under various extreme conditions, the failure rate is very low, and the service life is long. Much more than civilian products.

I heard that the microprocessor of Luoma Company can work continuously for more than a hundred years, and the failure rate is less than one in ten million. It is perfect for the development of humanoid robots. "

Ye Duan understood this time.

The artificial intelligence microprocessor of Luoma Company is the most urgently needed product for Eve 6.

A bold plan formed in his mind.

Anyway, I'm going to the United States recently.

Why not take this opportunity to get the microprocessor technology from Luoma Company.

No matter how bad it is, I have to get a few products back.

Try it on the Eve 6 robot first.

If the performance is excellent, then ask the system sister if the symbol meets her needs.

If possible, let Professor Zhou's team produce a new upgraded version of the female robot.

Haha, that's it!

(End of this chapter)

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