Chapter 359 Anger

Lin Meishuang looked at the clock hanging on the wall.

Although not speaking.

The younger sisters also guessed what she meant.

That concludes tonight's party, and it's time to leave.

Su Mengwen, Liu Qian, He Shiping and Yang Bingyue are all self-conscious.

He stood up actively and walked to the door.

Lin Meishuang felt very relieved.

He didn't keep them, but sent them away one by one.

Only Ding Xueer and Qin Miaofei were left to be difficult to arrange.

Neither of them had a house in Jiangjing No. [-], Zhongliang.

It's so late, can't let one of them rush home?
Lin Meishuang didn't know what to do.

Leaf segments are more difficult.

In this case, no matter who stays, the one who leaves will be very sad.

Qin Miaofei was frightened just now.

It's time for a man to take care of you.

Ding Xueer just came back from Kyoto, and she also wants to be favored by her uncle.

This is not easy to do.

You can't let two people stay at the same time, can you?
Can't break this rule!

If this is the case, all the beauties will beg to sleep together in the future.

Wouldn't it be a mess?
Qin Miaofei and Ding Xueer also noticed the abnormal atmosphere.

Unanimously proposed to leave.

"Brother Duan, sister Lin, if nothing happens, I'll go home."

Qin Miaofei said and wanted to leave.

Ding Xueer also said: "Sister Lin, Uncle, I should go back to school too, if it is later, the dormitory will be closed."

Seeing that both of them are leaving.

Ye Duan was also in a hurry: "Wait a minute, can you...don't go?"

Seeing this, Lin Meishuang couldn't help but sighed.

this fool.

Think beautiful!
Lin Meishuang decided to be the villain herself, and said to the two younger sisters: "Miaofei, Xueer, why don't I come to accompany Brother Duan tonight?"

"Okay... okay."

Qin Miaofei agreed.

Ding Xueer also nodded her head.

Ye Duan was taken aback, with a big question mark in his heart.

What are you doing, Shuang'er?
But soon figured it out.

Shuang'er has to bear everything by herself!

She wants to take the initiative to be the bad guy.

As the saying goes: If I don't go to hell, whoever will go to hell.

Ye Duan was moved.

Shuang Er, Shuang Er, you are so kind!

Why is your heart so kind?

What would I do without you?

at this time.

Ye Duan's cell phone rang suddenly.

It was Huo Liqiang, the captain of the Blade Security Team, who called.

"Hey, boss, it's not good."

"What happened?"

"The trust group is going to do something to the lady."

Ye Duan's heart skipped a beat.

Quickly asked loudly: "Who do you do it to? Make it clear!"

"Report to the boss, they plan to kidnap Miss Jiang Yuling."

"What?! You wait, I'll be there right away."

Ye Duan hangs up the phone.

Run to the door.

Lin Meishuang and the others could already hear the urgency of the matter.

They didn't dare to ask anything.

"I'm sorry, Shuang'er, Miao Fei, Xue'er, I have something urgent to deal with now, you all go to sleep tonight, don't wait for me."

Ye Duan apologized.

Leave in a hurry.

"Be careful!"

Lin Meishuang was also very nervous.

Qin Miaofei and Ding Xueer were even more frightened.

The hands of the two were tightly held together.

The palms are sweaty.

"Sister Miaofei, is uncle okay?"

"No, no, Brother Duan has many subordinates, so nothing will happen."

Qin Miaofei comforts Ding Xueer.

I am actually worried too.

"Xue'er, Miaofei, we won't leave tonight, just sleep here."

Lin Meishuang saw the panic of the two, so she decided to stay with them.

Anyway, this house is several hundred square meters in size.

There are also many rooms.

Ye Duan is running fast.

Soon came to the sharp edge security company.

"Captain Huo, what on earth did you do?"

As soon as we meet.

Ye Duan couldn't help asking loudly.

He was very worried about Jiang Yuling's safety now.

Before that, he specifically asked the sharp blade security team to send more people to protect Lingling's safety.

Didn't expect something to happen.

Seeing Ye Duan get angry, Huo Liqiang quickly reported: "Boss calm down, Miss Jiang is safe now. The trust group is just planning to kidnap sister-in-law, but they have not started to do it."

"On the phone just now, I thought..."

Ye Duan breathed a sigh of relief, sat down and asked, "Tell me, what's going on?"

"Report boss, according to your instructions, we released William Scrant and installed wiretapping and tracking devices in his mobile phone. Just this evening, our technicians monitored that William reported to the trust group that he What happened to you, and demanded greater revenge against you. The people at the trust headquarters were also very angry, and promised William to prepare to kidnap Miss Jiang."

"I'm CTMD, where is this dung beetle? I'll chop him up!"

"Boss calm down, Scrum has already run away, and he is on the plane from Kyoto to the United States at the moment."

"Damn it, this yellow-haired dog runs pretty fast."

Huo Liqiang replied: "This guy probably guessed that we would follow him, so he deliberately contacted the trust headquarters before boarding the plane."

"If you can run, the monk can't run away from the temple! Captain Huo, you send someone to wait for him at the Miguo airport, and kill him as soon as you get off the plane. Remember, you must use mercenaries or killers to do it. Our team members must not do these things easily A dangerous move to be caught."

"Yes, boss, I will arrange it right away."

Ye Duan didn't want to kill people.

But this time, I have to give the trust group a blow.

If you blindly tolerate it, you will only show your weakness and make the enemy more arrogant and domineering.

Moreover, it is not convenient to do it in Daxia territory.

It's different in America.

There is a shooting case in a wooden warehouse every day, and a dead person is no different from a dead ant.

As long as the members of the sharp blade security team don't personally perform this kind of task.

It will not be caught, nor will it cause any foreign affairs disputes.

Huo Liqiang arranged to kill William Scranton.

Ye Duan asked him again: "Captain Huo, how is Miss Jiang doing now? How many people are protecting her?"

"Boss, don't worry, Miss Jiang is safe now. Our people have just moved the hotel for her. Including the mercenary organization, there are more than 100 people protecting her."

"Very good. But I have a question, how does the trust group know that she belongs to me?"

"We are also investigating this. I guess it may be because of Miss Jiang's special status. Her father works in the cabinet, and her various relationships are open secrets. The Trust Group is a large-scale multinational company. There is also a deep network of relationships, and it is easy to find out Miss Jiang's personal information."

Ye Duan nodded, agreeing to Huo Liqiang's words.

This trust group is not simple.

They were able to hook up with Li Kaijing.

Li Kaijing was the Minister of Commerce and Trade before his death.

This shows how huge the relationship network of the trust is!

on their own turf.

Definitely more difficult to deal with.

Killing a dung beetle just reminds them that they are not to be messed with.

But it is far from the effect of deterring the trust.

Ye Duan came up with a plan and decided to take the initiative.

"Captain Huo, let me explain again: first, Ms. Jiang's safety must be protected in every possible way. Second, when William Scranton gets off the plane, immediately send killers or mercenaries to kill him.

Third, arrange the flight route, and take a private jet with me to the United States tomorrow morning.Fourth, the moment my footsteps land in the United States, I want to hear the explosion at the headquarters of the Trust Group. "

(End of this chapter)

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