Chapter 364 Conspiracy
Ye Duan returned the phone to Huo Liqiang, and asked again: "How is Lingling doing now? She doesn't know we're coming?"

"Report to the boss, sister-in-law is safe now, and she doesn't know about you and sister-in-law coming to New York."

"Okay, take us to find her right away."

"Yes, boss."

Huo Liqiang ordered the driver to step up the accelerator.

Soon, the convoy arrived in Manhattan, the center of New York.

It is indeed a super metropolis in the world.

There is a lot of traffic here, there are skyscrapers towering into the clouds everywhere, and the large screens of advertisements all over the street are flashing, making people's eyes hurt.

However, the stinky smell cannot be concealed under the bright appearance.

Ye Duan saw many beggars and homeless people along the way.

Some set up tents on the side of the road, and some even lay directly on cardboard or deck chairs.

There are luxury cars everywhere.

But there are paupers everywhere.

Huo Liqiang directed the driver to park the car in front of a five-star hotel.

"Boss, we are here, sister-in-law Lingling lives here."

"Okay, take us in."

Ye Duan got out of the car and picked up his little wife who was soundly asleep.

Under the escort of Huo Liqiang and others, he entered the interior of the hotel.

Han Han and several members of the sharp blade security team also entered the hotel together.

People from other mercenary organizations also put away their submachine guns.

Transform into a bodyguard and be in charge of guarding around the hotel.

"Boss, for the sake of safety, we have rented an entire floor of the hotel, but they are all ordinary suites. Do I need to open another presidential suite for you?"

"No, I'm still relatively low-key, ahem."

Huo Liqiang took the elevator to the 46th floor of the hotel with everyone.

The entire corridor is full of armed security personnel.

Ye Duan lived in an executive suite and settled down with his concubine.

The girl is still sleeping.

Ye Duan walked out of the room and asked, "Captain Huo, which room does Lingling live in?"

"Come with me, boss."

Huo Liqiang brought Ye Duan to the door of Jiang Yuling's room.

Lightly knocked on the door.

After Huo Liqiang knocked on the door.

Then he retreated to five rooms away.

He already knew a lot about the new boss of the Blade Security Team.

This Miss Jiang in New York is the only daughter of the second-in-command in the cabinet, and she is a veritable young lady.

Huo Liqiang didn't want to get in the way of the boss, so he consciously stood far away.


When Jiang Yuling heard the knock on the door, she looked out of the cat's eyes vigilantly.

As a result, his eyes brightened.

Almost thought I was dreaming.

No way, why is he here?

Jiang Yuling rubbed his eyes, and looked carefully again.

It is indeed Ye Duan.

He excitedly opened the door.

Excitedly shouted: "Brother Duan~"

Ye Duan was also very happy to see Jiang Yuling standing in front of him safe and sound.

He hugged her and walked into the room.

Then, with a bang, he closed the door with his foot.

"Brother Duan, why are you here? Did you come to the United Nations to accept the award?"

Jiang Yuling asked impatiently.

Her father, Jiang Wanquan, had already called to tell her that Ye Duan had been awarded the UN Ambassador, and would come to New York soon.

She thought she would have to wait for several days, but she didn't expect it to arrive so soon.

Ye Duan put Jiang Yuling on the sofa, nodded and said: "Yes, I came to New York this time mainly to receive the award, but I also have other things to deal with. Lingling, you haven't encountered anything in the past two days, have you? "

"No, someone came to me yesterday and asked me to change to this hotel. They said you sent them here. I didn't even have time to ask, so I was dragged here in a daze. I have to go to work in the company this morning , They also stopped me, saying that I should ask for two days off first."

"It's all my fault this time. I forgot to tell you in advance. Didn't it scare you?"

Jiang Yuling shook his head and said, "No, but Brother Duan, what happened?"

Ye Duan didn't know how to explain it to Jiang Yuling.

If you tell her everything, it will probably frighten this young lady.

Let's put it another way.

"It's such a Lingling. I bought a company in Kyoto before, but I offended a US consortium. They wanted to find an opportunity to retaliate against me. I was afraid they would hurt you, so I sent someone to change you to this hotel."

Jiang Yuling Bingxue was smart and roughly guessed what was going on.

Two big black eyes looked at the man affectionately, grabbed his hand and asked, "Brother Duan, are you worried about me, that's why you came to New York so soon?"

"Hey, not really. I originally planned to come to the United States, but it's just a day or two earlier."

Ye Duan did not admit it.

He came to New York in such a hurry because he was worried about Jiang Yuling.

"It must be, brother Duan, thank you for your hard work~"

Jiang Yuling was also a little moved.

Nestled sweetly in Ye Duan's arms.

"Lingling, is your training over here? When will you be able to return to the magic capital?"

Ye Duan wanted to ask about Jiang Yuling's situation first.

Then decide on your next itinerary.

Moreover, her identity has been exposed, and she has become the target of kidnapping by the trust group.

It's not safe to stay here any longer.

Jiang Yuling didn't know Ye Duan's intentions yet, so he replied truthfully: "The company's training was over this week, but yesterday they suddenly informed me that I would stay in New York for another week. I’m coming back today, and there are some things that need to be explained to me face to face.”

Ye Duan was shocked when he heard this.

Wouldn't it be so coincidental?

Isn't that Scron the president of the Trust Group in Daxia?
And he is also in New York today.

Could it be that the company Lingling joined was the trust?

Ye Duan hurriedly asked: "Lingling, what's the name of your company?"

"Damn it! These guys are fucking bad!"

Ye Duan gritted his teeth angrily.

He punched the sofa hard.

Jiang Yuling asked puzzledly, "Is there a problem with the Trust Group, Brother Duan?"

"Lingling, all this is a conspiracy!"

"Conspiracy? What conspiracy?"

Ye Duan expressed his own analysis: "Lingling, the trust group hired you on purpose. This company wants to seek abnormal benefits in Daxia, so it tries its best to expand its contacts in Daxia. The former Minister of Commerce and Trade Li Kaijing is their pawn."

"Li Kaijing? The one who competed with his father for the cabinet position?"

"That's right, it's him. I think the trust group is betting on two sides. On the one hand, it corrupts Li Kaijing, and on the other hand, it hires you, so that they can use your father's influence to make personal gains for their company. "

Jiang Yuling nodded as if realizing something, and said angrily, "No wonder they hired me just after I graduated, and even gave me a very important position as a director. It turned out that they took a fancy to my father's identity. This trust group, It's disgusting!"

"That's not all. I bought the Jingyun Group some time ago, but Li Kaijing committed suicide in fear of crime. It is estimated that this matter seriously hurt the interests of the trust group, so they sent people to retaliate against me."

Ye Duan continued to express his inference.

(End of this chapter)

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