Chapter 368 Mission Completion
Edward also quickly turned on his phone, and sure enough, he received a text message from the bank, showing that 48 billion had been credited.

"No...impossible, can actually transfer 48 billion rice coins in one go..."

"Everything is possible!"

Ye Duan smiled, put away the equity transfer agreement and other documents, handed them to Addison, and said to him: "Mr. Addison, I hope you can stay and continue to be the manager of this hotel, and help me get all these documents Deal with it."

"But sir, I think you don't know me well enough."

"Judging from your performance just now, I believe you are a trustworthy partner!"

"Thank you, boss."

Addison gratefully accepted the file.

Reminds me of a verse in the Bible.

God closes this door and will open another door for you.

I was just fired by an idiot boss and immediately hired by another wise boss.

Life can be full of drama.

"My God! What stupid thing did I do? I actually sold the hotel at a [-]% discount! Mom will definitely blame me if she finds out, what should I do?"

Edward regretted it.

Mumbling to himself, he left the restaurant.

Who knows just walked out of the hotel.

He was hit in the chest by a bullet.

Edward collapsed at the door sullenly, and soon died.

"There is a killer!"

The bodyguards in charge of the guards immediately noticed the anomaly.

Start searching around for the murderer.

Huo Liqiang rushed to the restaurant after receiving the report.

He said in a panic: "Boss, the assassin has appeared, let's go back to the room first."


Ye Duan held Ding Xueer with one hand and Jiang Yuling with the other.

Under the protection of Huo Liqiang and others.

Back in the room.

Seeing them, her face turned pale with fright.

Ye Duan quickly comforted them and said: "Xue'er, Lingling, don't be afraid, everything is under my control."

"Uncle, why are there so many bad guys in America? They shoot people every now and then, is there any law?"

Ding Xueer lay in Ye Duan's arms.

Mouth grumbled.

Jiang Yuling held her hand and said from the side: "Xue'er, this is the case in the country of Mi. During the time I have been here, I have seen such news almost every day. Wait for you to stay a few more days and get used to it."

"I don't want to stay any longer, why don't we go back to China, Miss Lingling?"

Ding Xueer turned around and lay in Jiang Yuling's arms again.

What a child who didn't grow up.

Ye Duan was so angry that he rolled his eyes: "You coward, you only care about running for your own life, and you left me here?"

"Yes, Xue'er, let's stay here with Brother Duan. With him protecting us, nothing will happen."

Jiang Yuling's affectionate gaze and trusting words.

Ye Duan was very moved.

Be sure to have a good chat with her about work tonight.

But before that, it is better to complete the task of the system sister first.

Ye Duan said: "For the sake of our life and death, can you agree to my request just now?"

"Uncle, what is your request?"

Ding Xueer has completely forgotten what happened just now.

Jiang Yuling reminded her: "Xue'er, it's about 6% of the shares."

"Oh, I remembered. Uncle~Sister Lin, do they all have them?"

"There are both, and now it's just that you two and Xiao Di didn't accept it."

Ye Duan said truthfully.

Ding Xueer breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Jiang Yuling and said, "Sister Lingling, why don't we accept it first, otherwise, we will be different from Sister Lin and the others, and I don't want to be special..."

Do something special?
Jiang Yuling was very sensitive to this word.

She grew up living in that environment.

I am most afraid that my classmates will say that she is special.

Her father also repeatedly told her not to be special.

Now Xueer suddenly said the word.

Jiang Yuling immediately blurted out, "I don't know how to be special either."

Ye Duan laughed.

"So you've all agreed to take a 6% stake?"

The two beauties nodded.

For the sake of this, it would seem out of place to let things go.

"That would be great! After we return to Shanghai, we will immediately hold a board meeting and officially start a new business empire."

Ye Duan was very happy and persuaded two beauties to accept the shares at once.

Now only Xiaodi is left.

I don't know what's going on with her now, is she doing well?
Alas, this boyfriend of mine is indeed unqualified.

Care about this and lose that, care about this and lose that.

Ye Duan was feeling emotional in his heart.

Ding Xueer drooped her little head and said, "Uncle~ My head is so dizzy, I'm going to take a bath first."

"I guess I'm still jet-lagged, so go to bed early after taking a shower."

Ye Duan touched the little wife's forehead.

Feeling cool, no fever.

After Ding Xueer stood up, she pulled Jiang Yuling again and said, "Sister Lingling, you can wash with me, I'm afraid I'll faint in the bathtub."

"Okay... okay."

Jiang Yuling couldn't refuse, so he had to agree.

Ye Duan was delighted to hear this.

I really want to join them.

Seeing Ye Duan's evil eyes, Jiang Yuling seemed to have guessed his mind, so she also gave him a shy look.

Ye Duan is having a sweet dream.

The sound of the system suddenly sounded in his mind.

【Ding!It has been detected that the host brother has successfully distributed the shares, and the mission rewards are being distributed...]

【Ding! 1000 billion rice coins have been transferred to the bank card of the host brother, please pay attention to check it. 】

Hearing the sound of the system, Ye Duan was also stunned.

"That's not right, little sister System, Xiao Di hasn't asked for shares yet."

【Hee hee~ You have to ask Sister Lin about this, she has helped you persuade Xiao Di to accept the shares of the group company. 】


Ye Duan muttered to himself.

Could it be that Lin Meishuang has already met Xiao Di and persuaded her to accept the shares?
"Sister System, thank you for your reward. I have a question to ask you. You reminded me before, let me focus on the technological development in the field of artificial intelligence, and said that I can see you sooner.

Before I came to the United States, I saw a very intelligent female robot at the Magic City AI Conference. I wonder if she is the result you want? "

[Brother host, are you talking about the 'Eve 6' female robot developed by Shanghai Jiaotong University? 】

"Yes, it is her. I think she is very intelligent, but there are also some flaws."

【Your feeling makes sense, brother host.This female robot does represent the highest level of Huaxia's artificial intelligence technology, but there is still a lot of room for improvement and needs to be further improved. 】

Ye Duan continued to ask: "Sister System, can you use her body to appear in front of me after I get the microprocessor from the American Luma Company and solve the problem of 'Eve 6' being slow?" Woolen cloth?"

[Uh...Brother host, I can understand your feelings, you want to develop a perfect female robot as soon as possible, and then meet me sooner, but...if I appear in the form of 'Eve 6', to you What surprises are there?Because you've already seen 'Eve 6'. 】

Ye Duan frowned.

What the system sister said makes sense.

If she simply used the body of "Eve No. 6" to appear in front of her eyes.

Then she is a robot made by someone else.

No big surprises really.

"Sister System, if this is the case, is there no need for me to obtain the microprocessor from the Mule Company? Is it wrong to continue to improve the 'Eve 6'?"

Ye Duan asked a little disappointed.

If this is the case, we will go back to the starting point again, without any clue to see the system sister.

[Brother host, don't be sad, your thinking is not wrong, I won't use the body of 'Eve 6', it doesn't mean I don't need to develop her technology.

Let me tell you a little secret here first, I will not be made by you humans, in that case, I will not be pure and flawless...

But I will use your technology to 'change' myself, so that I am a unique me. 】

(End of this chapter)

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