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Chapter 592 The 2-day period

Chapter 592 Two Days
The gate of the Beijing No. [-] Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine is now crowded with people everywhere.There are family members making trouble, crazy media reporters, and irrelevant people who don’t know where to come to watch the excitement. Fortunately, there is a fire exit that not many people know, otherwise the police who come don’t know how to take the horses. The vice president took them away with three people.

Xiao Fan came out of the vice president's office. In order not to expose others too much, he wore a white coat and walked silently through the hospital corridor to the hospital's gate.At this moment, the doctors and nurses in the entire Beijing North Second Hospital looked at the back of Xiao Fan walking out step by step, and they were shocked. They were all conquered by Xiao Fan's courage at this time. They took out their mobile phones to take pictures, and took pictures of Xiao Fan. The fearless back was forwarded in various groups of Chinese medicine hospitals.

For a while, the morale was low, and the silent Chinese medicine practitioners were encouraged. Looking at the lonely but fearless figure on the screen of the mobile phone walking towards the gate and making noise, they realized how powerful a vice president they had, and what was the matter? Everyone has him at the front without fear, so what reason and qualification do they have to fear and fear?Immediately, the Chinese doctors regained their confidence and stuck to their posts one after another, continuing to treat the patients who came for consultation.

What is a soul?Xiao Fan is the soul of contemporary Chinese medicine!

"Open the door." Standing behind the closed hospital gate, Xiao Fan whispered to the security guard at the side, "Let me out." The security guard was stunned when he heard Xiao Fan's words, but when he saw Xiao Fan's With serious eyes without any hesitation, he nodded and quickly unlocked the door for Xiao Fan.

"After I go out, lock the door." Xiao Fan confessed and then walked out expressionlessly; as soon as Xiao Fan went out, the security guard immediately closed the door again.When the family members of the patients and reporters outside saw someone coming out of the hospital, they were as excited as if they had taken medicine.For a moment, the entrance of the hospital, which was already lively, boiled instantly, as if throwing bait in among the fish.

Everyone rushed up to Xiao Fan who was standing on the stairs, like a group of zombies trying to skin Xiao Fan, but Xiao Fan stood there in a white coat representing honor, expressionless, not afraid at all. Facing the noisy and exciting scene, he sank into his dantian, and shouted in a deep voice with the highest volume: "Everyone is quiet, I am Xiao Fan!" Xiao Fan's deep voice was as powerful as a Hong Zhong, The whole scene was immediately shocked by Xiao Fan.

At this time, the reporters also recognized Xiao Fan, and rushed forward frantically, with all kinds of cameras pointing at Xiao Fan directly; Xiao Fan said expressionlessly: "Everyone, calm down."

"How calm down, your hospital killed my husband, how can you tell me to calm down, it still needs 10,000+ to settle this matter, what, what is this?" In front of Xiao Fan, an old woman was crying Shouting loudly, she crawled on the ground and slapped the ground with her hands while crying, looking very miserable. There was an eighteen or nineteen-year-old daughter beside her, and while pulling her back, she cried and shouted: "Human life is worthless!" , lawless, lawless!"

"President Xiao, how do you respond to this incident? Have you confirmed that it is a medical malpractice diagnosed by the combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine?" The reporter asked loudly, with an aggressive voice.

"Vice President Xiao, here, Vice President Xiao, has the Health Inspection Committee communicated with you whether the Western Medicine Department of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital will be closed someday? Do you admit that there are many loopholes in the Western Medicine Department of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital? Under the circumstances, did you promote it privately?"

"President Xiao!" The reporters called Xiao Fan everything, President Xiao, Dean Xiao, and Vice President Xiao, but no matter what they shouted or what they asked, the purpose was the same. I hope Xiao Fan can respond and give an answer.Xiao Fan glanced around the reporter calmly, finally landed on the patient's family member, and said softly:
"I can understand your feelings at this moment. After all, it is your relatives who died. No one can bear this matter; but there are many things that cannot be resolved. I have called the police, and the police have arrested the people involved. The three of them were taken to the police station. The reason why I chose to call the police is to tell you that this matter will be dealt with impartially. What kind of person should bear the responsibility for what it is!
The Supervision Committee also ordered our Chinese Medicine Association to set up an investigation team and announce the results of the investigation to the public within two days; you can rest assured that within two days our Chinese Medicine Association will give the society and your families a fair and fair explanation.If this matter is really a medical malpractice, we will definitely not cover up the three of them, I, Xiao Fan, will not shirk my responsibility, neither will the Association of Chinese Medicine, and the reform of the merger of Chinese and Western medicine will also stagnate and accept rectification.At the same time, we will demand compensation in accordance with the law for compensation, and we will cooperate with the police investigation for those who should bear criminal responsibility.

I thank the society and the media for their attention, but I also hope that you can wait for us for two days, so that my colleagues and I can learn more details, so that we can fully restore the process and results of the whole thing. This is what I want to respond of. "

"President Xiao, what if no investigation results are announced after two days?" The reporter asked pointedly.

"Then classify it as a medical accident." Xiao Fan replied with a serious face. This is also the meaning of the Supervisory Committee, not because he is trying to show off.Xiao Fan has already said his words to this point, and the media reporters have no one to ask more questions. From now on, the entire Chinese Medicine Association, including Xiao Fan, seems very passive and helpless.

How this matter will develop depends on two days later.


"Hahahaha!" Xu Yu was like a lunatic in his office, crying yesterday and laughing today; he shook his waist with a smile, and posed twice like the singer.No wonder he was so happy, let's not talk about getting 500 million US dollars for nothing, now Xiao Fan is still in such a desperate situation, the matter of the merger of the Chinese and Western Medical Associations has disappeared, which is equivalent to removing a piece of pressure on Xu Yu's chest Big stone, can Xu Yu be unhappy?

He figured in his heart that this must be a plan arranged by Bligh himself, and only President Bligh can do it so seamlessly. Henry and Zaku must not be able to come up with such a magical method.The more Xu Yu thought about it, the happier he became, and he hummed a little song in his heart.At this time, the landline on his desk rang, and he got angry several times and dropped an unknown number of mobile phones, so he simply prepared a drop-resistant landline.

He frowned, wondering who would call him at this time, he thought for a while, picked up the phone and said, "Hello?" Maybe it was because he was in a good mood, he couldn't help but say "Hello" when he answered the phone become brisk.

At this time, a laugh came from the other end of the phone: "President Xu, it seems that you are in a good mood."

This voice was very unfamiliar to Xu Yu, but he knew Xu Yu's identity; Xu Yu frowned slightly, and said, "Who are you?"

"I just sent you money, and you don't know me?" Bligh said flatly on the phone.

When Xu Yu heard it, he was shocked, and immediately stood up straight as if Bligh was right in front of him at this moment. He quickly smiled and replied to the other end of the phone: "So it's President Bligh, it's a pleasure to meet you, I never I didn't talk to you directly, the president, so I don't know it's you."

"It's okay, you should have heard about Xiao Fan by now, right?" Bligh didn't call Xu Yu to chat about family affairs, his plan was only half completed, and there were still some things Xu Yu needed to do.

"I heard!" Xu Yu was in a good mood for no reason when he mentioned this matter, he said with a smile: "This matter was arranged by the president, right? Now Xiao Fan and the Chinese Medicine Association must be in a bad mood!"

"What are you going to do?" Bly asked suddenly.

Xu Yu was taken aback when he heard the words, he didn't understand what President Bligh meant, what did he plan to do?He was just watching a good show, so Xu Yu who didn't know why responded suspiciously: "Huh?"

"Hehe." Bligh on the other end of the phone chuckled, and said, "Are you planning to watch the show like this? Wait for the limelight to pass and then go on as usual? Now is such a good opportunity, you don't want to send Xiao Fan and the Chinese Medicine Association into the abyss Give it a push?"

"Think about it!" Xu Yu immediately replied, he smiled and said: "President, I'm stupid, and I hope the president can tell me what I should do?"

(End of this chapter)

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