marry a noble wife

Chapter 108: Being Pulled Back

Chapter 108: Being Pulled Back (4)
Jiuya was not happy anymore, she pouted and said, "What is being a monk? Can monks look at women? Can monks eat meat? Can monks fall in love with women?"

Fu Yu thought for a while, "It seems that there is no such monk in the world. Even if there is, he must be a monk of flowers."

Jiu Yada nodded, "Yes, this is Monk Hua, I think you can be Monk Hua."

After the sentence was finished, the two laughed together on the bedside.

After a while, Fu Yu wrote again solemnly: "Since we are talking about dating, during this period, you must agree to one condition."

"What conditions?"

Fu Yu felt sour, "Don't think about other men, any men except me."

Jiuya suppressed a smile, "Can't my father do it too?"

Fu Yu wrote domineeringly: "My father-in-law is not good either."

Jiu Ya had never seen such an unreasonable person like him, and buried her face in his arms, even more smirking.

As if sensing her lack of intentions, Fu Yu turned around angrily and turned his back to her.He always remembered the scene when King Qi gave her a painting that day. On that day, she smiled like an intoxicated orchid in the empty valley, like a little woman immersed in dreams and happiness... But the object is not him... Even if he temporarily puts her Keep it by her side, she... can she forget that person?
Jiu Ya didn't expect him to be angry, so she quickly changed the subject with a suppressed smile, stared at his back and said, "By the way, I have something to ask you, Jin Xia's leg was hurt by a big stone piercing through the roof. Now, this matter, tell me honestly, does it have anything to do with you?"

Fu Yu snorted through his nostrils, and Jiuya nodded, "Hum means it's you. Although the attack was a bit ruthless, I don't blame you. I know that Xianggong is venting his anger on me."

She then said to herself: "On the day Fifth Sister got married, did you call Tuobaye away on purpose so that he wouldn't be able to get married?"

After waiting for a long time, he didn't respond, and Jiuya nodded again, "If you don't speak, it means you acquiesce. That day, my mother was so angry that she almost fainted. It's good. However, the son of Prince Jin, Tuobaye, is not a good person. How about it, even if it is my brother-in-law, I have to say the same, so you should not make friends with him in the future. Oh, and yesterday, my mother told me that the fifth sister did not return home for three days, and she was worried that something happened to the fifth sister Thing, if you are free tomorrow, why don't you go to Prince Jin's Mansion to inquire, don't let that black-hearted wolf of Tuoba Ye get killed in the mansion and no one will know about it, sisters, you should also show a little concern."

I don't know if he listened to it, anyway, all that should be said has been said, the night was late, Jiuya pressed against his back and closed her eyes, and fell asleep peacefully.After a long time, Fu Yu turned around gently again, stared at the girl's peaceful face in the dark, and remained motionless until uncontrollable tiredness hit him, and he sighed, then hugged her tightly in his arms, Unknowingly called out softly: "Jiuya."

In the haze, Jiuya seemed to hear a hoarse voice calling her, but after listening carefully, there was no more, and she felt a little disappointed in her heart, so she had to think that she had heard it wrong.

When he woke up early the next morning, Fu Yu was naturally still in a deep sleep, Jiu Yasheng was afraid of disturbing him, so he got up gently, washed and combed, and wanted to go to greet the old lady first.

"Third Grandma, I'm afraid things are a little bit bad." Outside the door, Mother Pei's expression was extremely gloomy, as if she hadn't slept all night.

Jiuya immediately pulled her into a corner, and asked Xiucai to watch from a distance to prevent people from eavesdropping, "You look so bad, haven't you found that thing yet?"

Mother Pei whispered: "Yesterday I quietly asked a few little girls in the yard, and all parties verified that they had never been near the hallway at that time. I knew about Chunju and Chunmei. They were all sorting clothes in the house at that time. , now there is no one to doubt, unless it is..."

Jiuya raised her eyebrows, "Who?"

"That Qiaowei who brought sober soup to my aunt is the son's liaison girl."

"Why doubt her?"

"Because when I entered my uncle's room, she was standing outside. If she had moved a little at that time, she could have seen that thing. But I think it's impossible. I'm sure, she was standing by the door all the time. I didn’t move a step outside of it. So until now I’m still puzzled, could it be that the thing flew by itself? Besides, it’s okay if there are belongings in the box, but I’m afraid it’s some kind of moth made by my wife. Something big happened."

Hearing what she said, Jiuya knew the seriousness of the matter. If the contents in it harmed someone, someone would pour dirty water on her. Of course, it was possible that it would not harm anyone.However, everything must be prevented before it happens. After thinking about it for a while, she immediately whispered a few words in Mama Pei's ear, Mama Pei nodded repeatedly, and left in a hurry after finishing.

When Jiuya arrived at the old lady's Rongfutang, Aunt Xiao, several girls, and Wen Caihe were also there. Jiuya greeted the old lady. At this time, the third lady also came. I don't know if she met today. For any happy event, congratulate the old lady as soon as you enter the door, "Old Ancestor, my daughter-in-law is here to congratulate you."

The old lady sat on the heated kang and said with a smile: "Third daughter-in-law, you always like to bluff like this every time you see people, okay, where do you think you are so happy today?"

The third lady squeezed to the old lady's side and sat down, pretending to be mysterious: "Old ancestor, you are about to upgrade."

"Upgrade? To what level?" Aunt Xiao raised her eyes and asked.

Wen Caihe's face changed, and she looked at Jiuya, "Could it be that my sister-in-law is happy?"

Jiuya laughed dryly, "Second sister-in-law, no one can be offended after only two days of marriage, unless it's a goblin."

Fu Xueqing curled her lips, "Isn't there a vixen here?"

Jiu Ya didn't want to get to know her as well, so she looked at the third wife with a smile, "Don't be a fool, third aunt, who is it?"

Seeing that everyone was looking at her, the third lady said meaningfully: "Who else is there? Qiaowei, Fu Qingyan's housewife, now the Houfu is going to have a baby. It's so lively." In the cold weather, she actually said While fanning his face with a handkerchief, the look in his eyes clearly showed disdain.

Jiu Ya seemed to have noticed Wen Caihe's hand shaking, and felt strange, the elder brother's liaison girl is happy, why is she shaking?

"What? That girl is so courageous, how dare she secretly get pregnant?" The old lady was furious, and immediately said in a low voice to the outside: "Mother Chen, hurry up and find that lowly maidservant Qiaowei!"

(End of this chapter)

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