Chapter 163
He was so angry that he had nowhere to vent his anger, so he swung his club back and beat those big men indiscriminately, and said angrily: "Quickly tell me, did you kidnap the young lady? Hurry up and call me..."

Those men wept bitterly, they don't know how they got so lucky today and offended this evil spirit, they were really wronged.Tuobaye vented his anger, leaving Liu Bainian to watch over them, and then came up fiercely, mobilizing all the sons and brothers to search for them all over the street, no matter they were kidnapped or slipped away quietly, they must find the Hou Mansion. The young mistress found her and stood in front of him.

Just as Tuobaye thought, Jiuya slipped away.Seeing so many people watching, she dragged Xiucai and ran towards the south of the city without knowing it.Because he didn't know the way, he hired a carriage and drove straight to the location written in the house deed.Seeing that the voices of people were getting less and less, after turning countless turns, the carriage finally stopped in front of a secluded shop.

After Xiucai paid the fare, the two looked up again, Huachuntang, this sparsely furnished shop was Xiao's dowry to her.Finally arrived here, the two smiled at each other and walked in together.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw an old man in his fifties with gray hair writing and scribbling on the counter. Although the furnishings inside were simple, they were kept quite clean, and everything was spotless, making him look very comfortable.

As soon as the old man looked up and saw the two of them, he hurriedly put down his pen and greeted them with a smile on his face: "Are you two here to see a doctor or to get medicine?"

Jiuya looked around, Xiucai pursed her lips and smiled, "Excuse me, are you the shopkeeper?"

The old man nodded slightly, "Exactly, what's the matter, girl?"

Xiucai didn't answer him, but asked again: "Could it be that you are the only one guarding this medicine shop?"

The old man didn't know what she meant by this question, but he still answered honestly: "Exactly."

Xiucai went to pull a few more medicine drawers, but they were all empty, she couldn't help frowning and said, "Shopkeeper, there's no medicine here, how do you open a medicine store? How can this store last?"

The old man stopped her from continuing to search with some shame, but he didn't seem angry, "Girl, although there is no medicine to sell in this pharmacy, there is still a doctor like me. If I don't sell medicine, why can't I see a doctor?"

Seeing that Xiucai had almost finished asking, Jiuya turned around and smiled slightly, "May I ask the shopkeeper's name?"

The old man saw that her face was charming, and her clothes did not look like a small family, so he respectfully said: "Your surname is Ji, I don't know if the girl is..."

"This is our young lady, the eighth girl of the Song family. Shopkeeper Ji, this store must belong to the Song family, right?" Xiucai asked with a smile.

Shopkeeper Ji's face tightened, "That's right." He looked at Jiuya again, "I heard that this store has been given to Eight Girls a few days ago. Did Eight Girls come to check on the situation?"

Jiu Ya was noncommittal, "It's true and it's not. It's just that the business of the pharmacy here is very bad, so bad that it's going to be sold out. Is it really unsustainable?"

Shopkeeper Ji looked dejected, "That's right, the first is that the location is relatively remote, and my wife thinks that the profit of this pharmacy is low, so the investment in the first two years was less, and I have to pay money here every month, and gradually the goods are out of stock. The second young master has been wanting to sell this store, but the old man has repeatedly blocked it. After that, they no longer manage this place, so they don't talk about my monthly salary, and they don't even give me the money for the purchase. Earn two living money for doctor visits."

"Since you can't make a profit, why does shopkeeper Ji stick to this store? Go to another place, and your old life will be much easier." Jiuya asked curiously.

Shopkeeper Ji sighed, "Girl may not know that this pharmacy was originally handed down by the old ancestor. When the old man Song came to the capital to buy this pharmacy, it was the time when the old man's family was in trouble. At that time, the old man had nothing but An underage son had nothing, so he had to stay and help the old man guard the shop. After the son got married, the old man still couldn't let go of the shop, so he just looked at the shop for his ancestors before he died, regardless of gains and losses. Didn't leave. Could it be... the girl came here to sell the store?" He asked with trembling voice.

I see.Immediately, Jiuya felt a sense of respect for the old man, and said solemnly: "Since shopkeeper Ji cherishes this store so much, I will naturally not sell it. It's just that such a business is really difficult to support people, so I decided to first Make up the required medicinal materials in this store, and then I still have some new medicines with better efficacy here, I have to find a good way to push them out, first make a name for myself, I believe that even if the location is remote, this store can still be sold. The pharmacy is in full swing."

Shopkeeper Ji had a look of disbelief, "Miss, do you want tonic? New medicine? Really?"

Xiucai burst out laughing, "Of course it's true. The young mistress has already said that shopkeeper Ji must first make a list of the missing medicinal materials, and then estimate the price. No, it can be done after the next year, anyway, it’s not in a hurry.”

Shopkeeper Ji was overjoyed, bowed to the end and said, "Thank you, Miss, for coming to save this shop again, old... old..."

The old man was so happy that he couldn't make a sentence.Jiuya helped him up, "Treasurer Ji doesn't have to be like this, as long as you don't dislike it, this shop will still need you to take care of it with all your heart. We will work together and we will definitely be able to raise the business of the drugstore."

Shopkeeper Ji nodded again and again, and Jiu Ya didn't delay, and confessed: "However, there is one thing I must explain to both of you. No matter what happens to this shop in the future, you two must not say that I opened it." Xiucai, tomorrow you will go to my father to transfer the name of the house deed, and tell my father that I have sold the shop and tell him to go to the government to go through the formalities. At the same time, if someone asks shopkeeper Ji who owns this shop in the future, you will always say that it is Mr. Fu Jiu, who is not in the capital, and dismisses him casually, do you hear me clearly?"

Shopkeeper Ji looked puzzled, but he didn't ask further, as long as this shop can be brought back to life, why should he care about Mrs. Fu Jiu, Miss Song Ba?

Seeing that they all agreed, Jiu Ya began to express her thoughts on how to restart the shop with confidence.

The first thing is to supplement the required medicinal materials; the second is to introduce new drugs.Therefore, first of all, we must hire a smarter guy, let that guy be more diligent and flexible, first find some people outside, and let those people line up here every day to buy medicines, and the new medicines sold to a maximum of ten people will not be sold. , and the price is neither high nor low, so that it can create a false impression that the supply is in short supply. People often think that the less they can buy, the more they think it is a good thing. This is called hunger marketing.

(End of this chapter)

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