Chapter 166
After a long while, he said, "Miss, where did you go just now? Was it really taken away by someone? I don't think it looks like it? Could it be..." He rubbed his chin, "Do you want to be kidnapped?" slip?"

Jiuya was startled, and looked up to see his pale scarlet clothes, with birds flying around the cuffs and corners of his robe, which set off his handsome face like an apricot blossom in February, the corners of his eyebrows slightly raised, surpassing the scenery of lakes and mountains.Her heart was beating again and again, she blinked her eyes, and clung to him like a baby, grabbed his hand and pressed her cheek, "Where does my husband want to go? What do you want to slip? Where can I slip? You touch, my face I was so hot, I had a fever from running around. Although I wasn’t kidnapped, I lost my way when there were too many people. After wandering around for a long time, I thought of looking for a carriage to take us back to Anping Hou Mansion. That came. Because I really hate him when I saw him, and I stabbed him twice just now, and now he is fine. I finally met you, why did you say something inexplicable?"

She lost her way?Even if Fu Yu was killed, he would not believe it.Although she didn't know what the hell she was doing, she was really shocked when she went out today, so she suppressed her doubts and stopped asking.After pinching her shiny cheeks, he told those officers and soldiers to go back and report to Mr. Fu Yin, saying that Anping waited for his daughter-in-law to be found, and there was no need to send people to search.

Back in the mansion, all the people from the waiting mansion gathered around to ask questions. Fu Yu only said that many people were lost, so he sent them away, and also sent back all the people who searched in the waiting mansion.

After waiting for a while, Jiuya went to the clean room. Fu Yu sat in front of the hall and meditated, while Han Ziyao said beside him: "Master, are you really going to cooperate with Tuobaye? I haven't found out what he wants to do yet." So, is there any risk in such cooperation?"

Fu Yu sneered and said: "It will never be a good thing to care about his business. Since you can't find out, just break into its interior. As the saying goes, if you don't enter a tiger's den, how can you catch a tiger's cub? Why don't you cooperate with him and see what he is up to?" Tricks, it’s best to have some of the most powerful evidence about him, and kill him in one fell swoop!"

Han Ziya was shocked, "Could it be that the young master wants to cooperate with him in a fake manner? He is so sinister and scheming, and he is afraid that he will guard against the young master, and when the time comes, he will beat the eggs and fly away, and maybe he will fall into his trap." trap."

Fu Yu looked at the quiet white snow outside the window and smiled lightly, "This man, I must win this game. Since I want to do my best, I am not afraid of how smart he is."

Han Ziya looked at his resolute face, and after a while, he said slowly: "Why does the young master suddenly hate him so much? Didn't you tell him to fight King Qi before? Why did you change your mind?"

Fu Yu didn't answer because he saw Fu Qingyan coming.

When Fu Qingyan came in, Han Ziya withdrew.

"I heard that it was Tuobaye who rescued my sister-in-law today. She should be fine, right?" Fu Qingyan came in with clear eyes and said with a smile.

Fu Yu lazily leaned on the chair to peel the oranges, "That thing is sometimes reliable, and today I finally did something satisfying."

"Don't say that, after all, he is also the sister-in-law's brother-in-law. When his sister-in-law is in trouble, he will never stand by like others." Fu Qingyan sat down without asking, and looked around, "Where is the sister-in-law?"

Fu Yu snorted, "In the clean room."

As soon as these words were finished, the room fell silent, and for a while, neither of them seemed to know what to say.Fu Qingyan looked at Fu Yujunxiu's still handsome side face. It was a face that he was used to seeing very familiarly since he was a child, but now and then he felt very strange.In the past, he was always attached to himself, so no matter where he went, he would take him with him.The two talked almost everything, and even in winter, the two would fall asleep with their feet together.But since when did he seem to no longer follow behind him, and even the scene of speaking has become so unfamiliar and easy to be cold?

Fu Yu put a peeled orange into his hand, giggled as usual, "Brother, try it, it tastes good."

Fu Qingyan took the orange, broke open a piece, put it in his mouth, chewed it lightly, it was really sweet, he couldn't help but praised, and suddenly remembered something, he couldn't help laughing, "Yu'er still remember Princess Yuechan. I remember that when she came to live in the mansion, she and Yu'er got along the best."

Fu Yu raised his eyebrows, picked up another orange from the plate and peeled it, "Remember, that damn girl follows me around all day long, even if I'm going to a brothel, she'll go, and she's almost kidnapped Go, what a useless girl."

Fu Qingyan looked at him with a smile, "Didn't you trick her on purpose? An eleven or twelve-year-old child, what kind of brothel do you visit? You clearly want to take her there to scare her. Do you think I don't know what you're thinking? "

Fu Yu sneered and raised his eyebrows to look at him, "Don't you know how annoying she is? Not to mention that I don't want to play with her, even if I want to play with her, I can't make a loud noise, jump up, jump up, let alone swear , crying at every turn, bored to death, I still have lingering fears when I think of her. Fortunately, I don't need to marry her, and I will trouble my elder brother to be a good gentleman in the future, and use all your tenderness to care and love her."

After he finished speaking, he patted Fu Qingyan's shoulder with some sympathy, and by the way wiped the yellow orange juice on his apricot-colored robe while peeling the oranges.

Fu Qingyan looked at the five yellow finger prints on his face, slapped his paw away dumbfounded, and said calmly: "So you know about this, brother is afraid that you will be unhappy."

Looking at the masterpiece he made on Fu Qingyan's robe, Fu Yu was very proud, and then curled his lips, "I'm still glad that my father didn't let me be the heir, and I have a headache when I want to marry that tearworm. Big brother , thank you for helping me share the pain again."

Fu Qingyan hesitated: "You really think so?"

Fu Yu ate the orange and squinted at him, "I am satisfied with my wife now. If someone wants to exchange gold and silver mines with me, I would rather give him my life."

His eyes were bright, and there was a bit of deep meaning in his pupils.Fu Qingyan didn't dare to guess what the deep meaning was, so he lowered his eyes and broke the oranges, "Since you don't mind, then I will tell you the truth, during the Chinese New Year this year, the Emperor has allowed Prince Rui to return to Beijing to worship the ancestors, and Yuechan will definitely Come on. Grandma said that she will propose marriage to Prince Rui when the time comes, so don't regret it."

(End of this chapter)

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