marry a noble wife

Chapter 195 Exploration

Chapter 195 Exploration (5)
"Who touched her then?"

"I... I don't know, my sister said, that man is very good to her... If he can give birth to a boy and a half girl for him, he...he will..."

"What about him?"

"He will marry her..."

"Then why did you suddenly grab the third grandma's excuse? The third grandma doesn't seem to have offended your sister."

The Jacked Crow was getting closer and closer, Yuru was completely powerless to resist the fiery breath, she panted, "The day before my sister found out that I had dug into Third Grandma's handle, and that night, she asked me to hand over that thing to you." Go out. But I was worried about the third young master, so I didn't agree. Unexpectedly, the third lady found out about her pregnancy in the early morning of the next day. In order to save her, I had no choice but to hand over the thing..."

After she finished speaking, her whole body went limp, and she completely fell into Jack Yaw's chest.Han Ziya's eyes flashed continuously, his deep gaze shone brightly in the darkness, he unconsciously caressed Yuru's back, it seemed that Qiaowei was suddenly found happy that day, it was clearly the person in the dark trying to frame Jiuru Ya and deliberately let people know, knowing that Qiaowei Youxi will be killed by the prince's anger, he still wants to do this, what is his purpose?Really don't feel sorry for the flesh and blood in the stomach?Just to drive Jiuya out?Does it have any interest in him?If this person is not the son of the world, who is it?
He suddenly pushed Yuru away, and said with a smile: "Yuru, go back quickly, my dear, I will come to see you again in two days, the third young master is still thinking about your love back then and wants to take you back. We can meet every day."

Yuru's face was bright red, her eyes were blurred, before she could react, Han Ziyao had strode away, leaving behind a blurred figure, she was so stunned that she couldn't recover for a long time.

On Huayang Street, in front of a modest house, there were more than a dozen people on guard in the dark.

When a figure flew over quickly, a bird song suddenly sounded at the corner of the street. The figure hurried past, and someone pulled him into the dark, "Master, this way."

Fu Yu looked at the sharp and thin-faced man in front of him, and grinned, "How is it? Is there anyone else in his room?"

Big Fish chuckled, "Don't worry about my work, I have lured the people outside the house a long time ago. And sent people to monitor day and night for many days, but found nothing suspicious, only to find a secret room, that secret room has already made people's hearts itch. Land, since you want to see it, let's go together."

Fu Yu snorted, "I suspect that the secrets in that secret room are related to our Hou Mansion at all. There are many twists and turns in it, so naturally I want to see it myself."

Immediately, he stopped talking nonsense, and with a wave of his hand, more than a dozen figures flew over the wall, and went straight to the main house like night owls.

Although there is no master in this mansion, there are still a few servants in twos and threes. It's just that it's cold and they don't go out too much. They hide in the house to warm up and refuse to come out.This happened to be convenient, so Big Yu directly took Fu Yu to the study, and when he reached the door of the study, Fu Yu ordered four people to guard the outside, and six people walked with him.

Blowing on the fire folder, the scenery in the study can be seen at a glance.The layout inside is extremely elegant. The bookshelves, Guqin, and four treasures of the study are all complete. There are extremely precious ancient paintings and calligraphy on the walls. The big fish is not polite. When you lift the ancient paintings, you can see a slightly protruding stone object hanging on the wall. There.He turned left and right, and soon, there was a clicking sound behind the bookshelf, the bookshelf rotated, and a dark doorway appeared in front of him.

"You see, this is the secret. After we watched the three funeral processions that day and dispersed, we sent many brothers to follow the people inside there one by one. We didn't see the three funeral processions until midnight. Each of them ran out into the yard, and one of them was carrying a big burden, which was naturally the corpse. That's why Li's mansion was closely watched. But this Li Wei was also extremely cunning, so he buried the corpse the next day, quietly After the monument was erected, he never left the mansion again. Luckily, he sent someone to keep an eye on him, and found that he stayed in the study for a long time, and finally knew that he had such a secret room. Presumably, the person who assigned him the task must also come and go here often, If we go in, we might be able to capture Nan Batian alive right away."

Fu Yu narrowed his eyes with a smile, "I hope it's as you imagined, as soon as you enter, you can find out who the officer Ling Bai framed my wife and made him willingly commit suicide. This is a big fish, and it has caught many things." It can all be solved.”

At this time, there were already two able-bodied people entering the secret room to explore the way, Fu Yu did not delay, and immediately also got in, with the four behind him stepping up to protect each other closely with a rigorous and well-trained posture.

There are more than ten stone steps in the secret room, which are facing downwards. Seven people went down the stone steps and found that they had reached a corridor.The air in the corridor is smooth, but it is not high, and the two walls and the top are tightly built with bluestone.Judging from the color of the bluestone, the tunnel should have existed for a long time, some years ago.

The few people were bold and fearless, and walked straight forward until they were blocked by a bronze door at a corner, and their steps stopped abruptly.

Big Fish ran over and pushed twice, "Master, it seems to be locked from that side. It seems that this secret room, if there is no person on the other side to unlock it, Li Wei generally cannot go through it. Who is the person on the other side?" , actually came up with such a trick?"

Fu Yu hugged his chest, "It's no wonder Li Wei is relaxed and doesn't seem too nervous. It turns out that people who communicate with him must pass through this door. It's high, it's really high."

He suddenly glanced at the thin man next to him, "Li Yun, I will leave this job to you, even if this wall is torn down, we have to go and have a look."

Li Yun's eyes flashed, and she immediately pulled out a big knife from her back. Under the weak fire, the big knife was like a rainbow, and when she flicked it lightly, there was the sound of a dragon roaring.He proudly said: "Master, don't worry, with such a treasure, even if he has an iron wall here, I will smash it to pieces."

Seeing him move the knife towards the bronze door, Da Yu and the others backed away quickly, Da Yu said: "You bastard, don't brag to the sky, you won't be able to do it later. Open the door first and then brag to me."

Li Yun moved his dantian with energy, and with all his strength, he slammed down the copper wall with all his strength, only heard a muffled sound, and the bronze door was actually split open by him.After that, he didn't draw the saber, but directly channeled his internal force secretly, and pulled the saber horizontally, up and down, and horizontally, and a two-foot-square hole was drawn out by him.Immediately after drawing the knife, he slashed out with one leg, and the cut bronze block separated from the door and rolled heavily to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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