marry a noble wife

Chapter 201 The Chamber of Secrets

Chapter 201 The Chamber of Secrets (6)
Fu Yu nodded, "Is the lady feeling it too? So I dare say that the situation after this will definitely become more and more dangerous. I think, should I send you out of the waiting mansion? I'm really afraid that someone will kill you secretly. After all, it’s easy to hide from an open spear, but hard to guard against a hidden arrow.”

Jiuya leaned against him and smiled coquettishly, "Master, don't worry about me, you know? I suddenly thought of a trick to lure the snake out of the hole. If this person's purpose is to turn you against the eldest son, it will always be in his interest." If your brothers turn against each other, what will happen? If it is because of the title, then the eldest brother will not be able to be a son, and you will not be able to be a son if you are sick. Who will benefit?"

"When we were deprived of the throne, Han Ziya and I always suspected that it was the eldest brother, because he was the direct beneficiary. So no matter how good he was to me, I never felt grateful to him. And Now, seeing how painful it is for my elder brother to be a heir, I suddenly realized that I also misunderstood him..." Fu Yu's eyes lit up, and he thought slowly, "My father inherited his title from my uncle back then. Hongbo is responsible for such things?"

"It turns out that you were also suspicious of your elder brother. No wonder you feel that you are only close to him on the surface, but you are rejecting him in your heart." Jiu Ya chuckled, "But why don't you suspect that this matter was done by a woman?"

Fu Yu also laughed, "Which woman can make Qiaowei pregnant? Which woman wants to fight for the title?"

Jiu Ya nodded his forehead, "You're smart, but I don't think Hongbo is as indifferent as Auntie, and Hongbo doesn't look like he wants to fight for fame and fortune."

Hearing that Jiuya had such a good impression of Hongbo, Fu Yu was a little unhappy and said, "Who knows, knowing people and faces but not heart."

Jiu Ya gave him a white look, "But after all, I'm not the roundworm in their stomachs, maybe he concealed it well or not. Well, if it's not Hongbo, then Yuexuan will be next, but it's definitely not him, he was almost killed by others." Kill... oh, by the way, I think that this person knows a lot about the affairs of the Houfu, and he actually knew about Yuexuan's fava bean disease, which makes me more sure that this person is from the Houfu."

"Speaking of broad bean disease, you asked me to ask about my aunt before, but I do know that when my uncle was still alive in Anping, my aunt and uncle had a child, but he died when he was five years old. It seems that he died of a strange disease, and the aunt came to ask, could it be... that the child who died in the past also died of this disease?"

Jiuya nodded and said, "It's very possible, because this disease is hereditary, if one person in the room has it, the other children are very likely to have it too."

Fu Yu gasped, "If that's the case, someone used this to kill the son of my aunt and now someone uses it to kill the son of my third aunt. This person must have been lurking in the Hou's mansion for many years. At the same time, I can be sure , the eldest aunt has absolutely no involvement in this matter, because she only now knows the cause of her son's death, and it is impossible to use this disease to harm Brother Xuan."

The more the two analyzed, the more clues they felt, Jiuya said: "But what good is there for that man who killed the son of my aunt back then? Now that he is here to kill brother Xuan, what is the good?"

Fu Yu thought about it carefully, as if he suddenly thought of something, his face suddenly changed drastically.Jiuya immediately asked: "What did Xianggong think of?"

Fu Yu quickly shook his head, "It can't be like that, it's nothing, it's nothing."

Jiuya was suspicious, there was clearly something wrong, why didn't she tell her?

"If Hongbo is excluded, brother Xuan is still young, so could it be...your second brother Changting?" Jiu Ya couldn't believe it because of her suspicion.

Fu Yu was also taken aback, "Second Brother, how could such an honest person...seems impossible?"

When Jiuya thought of his daughter-in-law, she felt uncomfortable, she pouted and said, "It is said that barking dogs don't bite people, but chickens peck at white rice, everything is possible."

Fu Yu laughed, "I said it's impossible because he was born when my aunt's son died. How can a baby harm someone?"

Jiu Ya thinks so too, but who could it be?She patted her head and said: "I don't care, anyway, I have already thought of a good way to lure the snake out of the hole, and when I can officially check the accounts after the fifteenth day, I can start implementing this plan."

Fu Yu hugged her into his arms, "What is a good plan, can you tell me now?"

Jiuya leaned against his chest, and subconsciously touched the jade pendant on his chest, feeling that the jade pendant was cold to the bone, "I won't tell you, when the time comes, it will definitely surprise you."

"You little bastard, you're actually playing tricks in front of your husband, let's see how I can treat you?" Fu Yu pinched her nose and bit it down.Jiuya was so frightened that she hid away, and the two immediately quarreled again.

After a long time, Jiuya gasped and said again: "Aunt Ke said before she died that day that she didn't tell you and your father about Mrs. Hou, and she felt guilty in her heart. Could it be... there was really something hidden about your mother's death back then?" ?”

At this time, Fu Yu was also willing to tell her all the things he knew, "Actually, I have always felt strange. When my mother was pregnant with me, my father had already been sent to northern Xinjiang. Mama Xiong said that because her daughter was born She had a sudden illness, so she had to rush back. My mother was only seven months pregnant with me, but she only had to wait for ten days to come back. Except for me, who was less than a month old, there was no sign of my mother in the house. Moreover, those maids and women who followed my mother were dismissed. Therefore, Mama Xiong always thought that my mother's death was very strange. She would give birth prematurely for no reason, and it was a dystocia. secret."

"Then you didn't ask the old lady?"

Fu Yu sneered, "I asked, she insisted that her mother died of dystocia. Because of this, every time Dad saw me for so many years, it was like seeing the murderer who killed his wife..."

"Sister, don't be angry. It's been so many years, and now we're married, why do you care about your father? Comparing your heart, if I also die because of dystocia, you will have nothing to do with the child..."

Fu Yu suppressed her mouth anxiously, and said anxiously: "What nonsense are you talking about, how can you be so mad? Pooh! Get rid of the bad luck!"

Seeing him so anxious, Jiuya felt warm in her heart, so she naturally kept her mouth shut for the next conversation.

(End of this chapter)

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