Chapter 218
Yudie was fine, anyway, she had already been asked during the day, but Xiucai was so frightened that she didn't know what to do, she opened her mouth, unable to utter a word for a long time.

Seeing that something was wrong, Jiu Ya hurriedly stepped forward to stop in front of the two of them to smooth things over, "Sir, I see you asked, the two of them are naturally afraid that your husband will not eat, and they are going to the kitchen to serve food, and they will scare people by acting like that." broken."

Then he turned around and said, "Quickly go and ask, just say that I'm not feeling well today, and I won't go to the dining hall to eat, just order it over here."

Yudie and Xiucai stepped back as if they had received an amnesty, then turned around and rushed away, their hearts were almost terrified in their throats.

Fu Yu's face was pale, and he sat casually on the soft couch, Jiu Ya hurried over to get him a thin quilt to cover him.When he was getting closer, he smelled alcohol on his body, and he was a little dissatisfied: "My husband, what I said earlier was a joke, and you rushed away like that, which makes people very worried. You also drank wine, Which young master did you hang out with again?"

Fu Yu leaned halfway to look at her, his eyes were as dark as a bottomless pool, he was silent for a while, and suddenly said in a low voice: "Then tell me, what is your truth?"

She had never seen him with such an expression before, and Jiuya felt a little apprehensive, she frowned slightly, and said seriously: "Of course I don't want my husband to have other women by his side, to be honest, I am an absolute exclusivityist , since I married you, I will take you as my companion in this life. But you, you can't get some Yingying Yanyan to come back and hang in front of me, if there are, I will never forgive you. "

"Really?" Fu Yu's eyes were still deep, and the glint inside seemed to see through her all at once, not even for a moment.

Jiuya couldn't stand his strange gaze, coughed, sat in front of him and said, "Yes, I admit that even though I promised grandma to help you take a concubine, it was against my will, not to mention grandma is so eager I want you to have a son, and I couldn't complete this task for a while, so I had to reluctantly agree, but I felt very uncomfortable at the time. Even if I told you that day that I would help you take a concubine, it was just a joke. It can't be true."

In this way, it can be regarded as an indirect confession from her. Fu Yu is completely insecure in his current state.She could feel that he had completely trusted her and regarded her as the closest person, so she also had to say something to calm his restless heart.However, the previous idea of ​​only treating him as a temporary harbor has completely changed.

In fact, after so many days of getting along, from the bottom of my heart, I feel that he is a person who can be relied on. He really dotes on her and loves her. Although he didn't say it, she can feel it from his words, expressions, and eyes.

To be honest, she didn't want to disappoint him, even though he used tricks to trick her, because he was special, she could forgive him.Even everything about him, including his strange relatives, his poisoning, and his concealment, she can tolerate and accompany him all the way to untie the knots one after another.

However, her heart, until now, has no way to hand it over.

She has sympathy for him, trust, reliance, and even the determination to accompany him in this life. In fact, with all these, isn't it enough?Aren't these all the elements that a husband and wife should have to get along?Isn't it necessary to be satisfied with the unique warmth of family affection that no one can erase?
So, she can give him anything, except the heart in her chest.Because of this, it is really not something she can control, let alone she can control it freely.

However, in time, when he sheds his childishness and can truly become an upright man, with that kind of calmness from the inside out, then she will definitely fall in love with him deeply and become obsessed with him.After all, the most attractive man is the man who can really protect her under his wings, isn't he?
Fu Yu suddenly held her hand tightly and stared into her eyes, but his voice was as light as catkins, "You mean you are still holding on to me, isn't that so?"

Jiuya wanted to break this dullness, so she grinned and said softly: "Naturally, you are my husband-in-law, which woman would not care about her husband-in-law? Which woman wants other women to share her husband? I believe No woman in the world is willing, but because of the social system, patriarchal supremacy, she has to compromise."

Fu Yu said lightly: "Since you are concerned about me, then tell me, is there anything you are hiding from me?"

Jiuya hesitated for a moment, should she tell him about opening the pharmacy?And tell him about planting coffee trees?If he knew, would he still let her do it?

She was still weighing whether to say or not to say, Fu Yu had already sighed, and asked softly: "Then tell me, do you... like me?"

Finally, this question was asked.Jiu Ya didn't want to answer, and didn't want to disappoint him, so she said with a smile, "I've always been here, and I'll always be here in the future. So, are you satisfied?"

Fu Yu stared at her for a long time, then Fang let go of her hand and slowly closed his eyes, "Go and eat, I want to rest for a while."

Jiu Ya was taken aback, she always felt that he was a little weird today, but she didn't know where the weirdness was, she thought to herself, then covered him with the quilt and went out.

When the door was closed and the room was pitch black, Fu Yu's eyes slowly opened again, and Han Ziyao's words echoed in his ears again.

"Yudie went to the place where Manager Yu was located in the south of the city. I asked Manager Yu, and he said that the young mistress gave him the coffee seeds at the end of last year, and asked him to raise the seedlings and plant them. Yudie went to harvest every half a month."

In this way, it reminded him that when he accompanied King Qi to see the land that day, King Qi gave her some land deeds and deeds of sale in the carriage, which he had always known.However, she thought that after she got married to him, she would forget about that matter, and follow her side wholeheartedly, and would not think about it anymore.Unexpectedly, she was still secretly doing business with King Qi, what is this?Is she so unable to forget him?
Could it be that she still dislikes herself, so she has never agreed to consummate the house, but she is ready to return to King Qi's side anytime and anywhere?

Suddenly, he felt as uncomfortable as being scratched by a cat. He held his chest tightly, feeling that he was about to be hit by a long suppressed anger, and was soon suffocated and unable to breathe.

(End of this chapter)

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