marry a noble wife

Chapter 235 My Lady, You Should Seek a Doctor If You Are Sick

Chapter 235 My Lady, You Should Seek a Doctor If You Are Sick (4)
Aunt Mingyao smiled and said softly: "Don't talk about my aunt, I already took one in the house a few days ago. Chang Ting likes it very much, and he never leaves it day and night. No wonder Chang Ting's wife wants to take care of her. I'm also afraid that Chang Ting will let her go." God, don't care about business."

Fu Jingwen still has words to teach, "If you manage a man for a long time, he will naturally relax like a wild horse. Let him relax like this, and he will naturally behave in the future. Fortunately, he also turned a corner, otherwise I should help It would be better to invite a concubine lady from the temple to make an offering."

Wen Caihe's face turned blue and red after being told.

Seeing that she was docile, Fu Jingwen turned her eyes to Jiu Ya who had been trying her best not to attract attention, frowned and said: "I heard from grandma that I haven't consummated the house with my third brother yet, and I won't let him in. Why are all the daughter-in-laws in the Hou's mansion so disobedient? Don't be jealous, be magnanimous, and respect the elders. They don't seem to have listened to it. Do you want me, the eldest sister, to invite two teaching nuns from the palace? Teaching? Didn’t anyone teach this when I was in my mother’s house?”

Jiuya scolded secretly, mother, do you think you are the mother of the world?But she just married a grandson of the emperor, and now she is pregnant with a child. Could it be that she herself will take the initiative to help the grandson carry the woman into the house?Mom, teach others the same thing, maybe later in the prince's mansion, those little three, four, five, and six of the emperor's grandson will be peeled off.

It's one thing for her to curse secretly, but she has an honest and obedient look on her face, "When I was at home, my parents also taught me, and here, I have always respected my elders as much as my parents taught me, and don't make trouble. Don't talk too much, and serve your husband well. Before, I also wanted to help him take in two concubines, and he found someone, but he himself disagreed. The elder sister also knows that he has been ill for many years, and ordinary people don't let him get close. , as soon as I persuaded him, he even beat me together..."

When she said that her eyes were red, tears welled up in her eyes, as if she was afraid of being seen, she quickly took out her veil to wipe it.

The story of her being beaten was heard by the old lady, Aunt Xiao and even the whole waiting mansion. It is said that once this daughter-in-law of Yu was locked up and beaten until she screamed and screamed. Dare to go in and persuade.It turned out that it was for this matter, and I don't know if the beating was serious or not?

At the same time, he recalled the time when Fu Yu hit the girl close to her. It was so ruthless that no one dared to get close to her except Mother Xiong.Unexpectedly, that guy even beat his daughter-in-law. I don't know if this bad habit will change in the future?
Hearing Jiuya's pitiful words, Fu Jingwen couldn't be bothered to reprimand her. It was her younger brother who had a problem, and it didn't make sense for her to blame his young daughter-in-law, so she stopped questioning.

At this time, Wen Caihe had already called Xiao Nan in her yard away, and Wen Caihe retreated with a sullen face.After chatting for a while, seeing that Fu Jingwen looked a bit tired, Aunt Xiao told Jiuya, "Just now, I ordered the kitchen to simmer sheep brain and mushroom porridge for my aunt. The other aunts are not at ease. You are good at medicine." , show it to the past, and when it’s done, bring it over for the aunt to eat before going to rest.”

Jiuya didn't refuse, she just agreed.

And at the same time when everyone in the Nuan Pavilion was talking, Chunju and Mother Pei had just sent Jiuya out for a while, and they were talking when they saw the young mistress in a water-blue skirt and jacket returning with a sick look on her face.Mother Pei hurriedly supported her and said strangely: "The young mistress just went out, why did she come back? Where's Yudie?"

Jiuya walked into the inner room weakly, and said weakly: "I'm a little uncomfortable, and I asked Yudie to accompany the old lady to help."

Chun Ju hurriedly helped her into the house, "Young Mistress was fine just now, why did she suddenly feel unwell? Did you eat something that ruined your stomach?"

Jiuya leaned back on the soft couch, shook her head and whispered, "I don't know..."

Seeing her like this, Mother Pei said, "No way, the young mistress has never been sick, but now it's like this, no matter what, I have to call my uncle back."

She turned her head and told Chun Ju, "You have to move quickly, go ahead and call my uncle back. The young couple had quarreled for a few days, and the young mistress must have lost her health because of this incident. Don't rush to see him." Look."

Chunju immediately rushed to the flower hall.

Mother Pei accompanied Jiuya and poured hot water for her.

Jiuya, on the other hand, looked weak and helpless, closing her eyes and weeping.

At the other end of the flower hall, a few uncles were pushing cups and drinking happily. The emperor's grandson Tuoba Yue was originally a very cold person, but there were two brothers Fu Qingyan and Fu Yu who tried their best to persuade him, plus a Fu Qingyan who usually talked less. Chang Ting also put in a lot of effort, and the brothers finally started drinking happily.

The brothers talked a lot, from the defeat of the King of Qi, to the words and deeds of the officials in the court, to the business of all walks of life, and finally to the newly-emerged drugstore Huachuntang.

"I heard that Doctor Ji's medical skills can only be regarded as ordinary, but the medicines in his pharmacy are miraculous. Last time I heard that Concubine Zhaogui in the palace suffered from migraines for more than ten years. No roots were found, Concubine Zhao Gui didn't know who said that the medicine in that pharmacy was very effective, so she asked someone to buy a bottle, took it for a few days, and heard that her headache was mostly cured. Later, she went to buy it again, every time I couldn't buy it, so I asked my father to come forward in person and blocked the door of the pharmacy, so that the shopkeeper forced her to sell a bottle." Tuoba Yue was wearing a silk brocade robe woven with the pattern of phoenix couple dancing, with thick eyebrows and clear eyes. With a high nose and wide lips, his body is imposing, and he looks like a big eater.

Fu Qingyan also took a sip of his wine and said with a smile: "I have indeed heard of that pharmacy, and the medicines are sold for money but not for people. Whoever gets in line first can buy them. At one time, there were people who were there day and night to exclude them. In order to be able to buy the medicine in the top [-], and then resell it to others, I heard that this resale, no matter how high the price is, some people are willing to buy it. Those who are sick are determined not to sell them. I heard Master Cui from the court said that he had sent his house steward to be in the top [-] that day. Unexpectedly, the steward was not sick and was kicked out. As a result, Master Cui had to drag his sick body by himself. When I went the next day, the queue made him furious. But the medicine turned out to be a cure for the disease, and once the disease was cured, Master Cui lost his grievances and even gave him a golden plaque."

Fu Changting, who didn't make a sound, was also concentrating, "I didn't expect such a pharmacy to pop up suddenly in the capital, and the medicines are amazing. I have talked with the shopkeeper Ji several times, and I want to sell his pharmacy. The shopkeeper Ji He said that the medicine shop can sell it, but the medical skills are not for sale, and those pills are also secret, and they can’t sell them. It’s really funny. If it weren’t for the magic of his pills, who would want his shop? I asked him to be flexible, and he made a lot of money The high price, he actually turned it down immediately. This person is very stubborn, isn't he afraid that he will have a hard time gaining a foothold in the capital?"

(End of this chapter)

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