marry a noble wife

Chapter 255 A little lighter, I want to murder my husband

Chapter 255 Be gentle, I want to murder my husband (1)
The more he thought about it, the more terrifying he felt. He would never allow this kind of situation to happen, so even if she got angry with him again, he would never let her out.Sooner or later, the pharmacy will be closed for her, and those coffee trees will be burned down sooner or later.

Whenever he thinks this way, he feels at ease. These things should not be delayed. We have to find a good time to coax her out of the capital and start together. After the situation changes, she will have no choice but to accept the facts...

On the second day, Guanshi Zhao sent the family of three out according to the agreement, and someone from the Fuwei Escort Bureau came to secretly send them away at the door. The atmosphere made the Zhao family members tense for a while. .

In the afternoon, Fu Qingyan, who came back from the Ministry of War, personally sent Fu Jingwen back to the Prince's Mansion. Before he left, Fu Jingwen said a thought-provoking sentence, "Brother, you are the hope of our waiting mansion. I wonder if Auntie has you?" Let me tell you, within the first half of this year, it is best to decide on the marriage with Yuechan, and then get married in the second half of the year. If you have nothing to do, go to Prince Rui's side, for an outstanding person like you, in the capital You can't find a few even after lighting up the lanterns, so Prince Rui has always been very satisfied, don't waste such a good opportunity. The marriage between Prince Rui and the Hou's Mansion is not only good for you, it is also of great benefit to our Prince's Mansion , I hope big brother can improve a little bit, don't be fooled by a certain vixen, forget your identity, and do things you shouldn't do."

What she said made Fu Qingyan not come back to his senses for a long time. After a while, he smiled bitterly. Yes, everyone has reserved a place for him. His place is the eldest son, and the woman he wants to marry is Yuechan. His task is to connect the Prince's Mansion with a helpful dignitary.So has anyone asked him if he would like to?Has anyone ever asked him if he likes it?Has anyone ever asked him if he would be happy to be a puppet?
He abandoned the carriage and walked aimlessly on the street with Yi Zhi.

"My son, I heard that there is a pharmacy in the south of the city that sells medicines very hotly. We have nothing to do with us, so why not go and see the excitement?" Yi Zhi seemed to know that he was in a bad mood, so he wanted to find a bustling place to let him relax.

Fu Qingyan looked at the bustling passers-by and smiled, "Everywhere is lively, and everywhere is deserted. It's not bad to just find a restaurant facing the street and watch the pedestrians on the street."

Yi Zhi was a little worried, and he was waiting to persuade him again, when a small oil truck with green curtains passed by slowly, and a quiet fragrant wind wafted from the window, which made him hesitate for a while, and the words on his lips Also forgot to say.The carriage passed a few steps, and suddenly there was a low "Hey" sound from inside, and then the carriage stopped, followed by a decent girl in emerald green clothes and wearing pearl hairpins on her head.

She walked up to Fu Qingyan and bowed slightly, "May I ask if you are the Prince of Anping?"

Fu Qingyan raised his eyebrows slightly, his warm eyes were as calm as spring water, "The girl is..."

The girl smiled sweetly, "That's Anping waiting for the son, my girl wants to talk to the son, I wonder if the son is free?"

Fu Qingyan didn't like this kind of person who pretended to be mysterious, since he invited him, he had to be aboveboard, so he said flatly: "It's very unfortunate that there is something urgent, so I can't obey."

He turned around and was about to go, but the girl was in a hurry and was waiting to stop her, when a soft call came from the carriage, "Brother Qingyan, please stay."

Fu Qingyan was stunned for a moment, and when he turned around, the curtain of the carriage had been raised, and a snow-skinned girl covered in green veil had poked her head out, "If Sister Yuechan invites you, is Brother Qingyan in a hurry?"

Fu Qingyan looked her up and down, "Are you... Sister Yuechan?"

The girl blinked her beautiful eyes, "Brother Qingyan shouldn't refuse to meet you on the street."

Fu Qingyan laughed, "Since that's the case, it's better to obey orders than to be respectful."

The carriage stopped at the entrance of a more elegant restaurant, and Fu Qingyan asked for a private room, which was warm and cozy, and two maidservants sat by the side, facing Tuoba Yuechan who was wearing a squirrel fur.

After five or six years, he almost did not recognize her. Of course, it had something to do with the light veil covering her face. One more hole than Gan, sick like Xizi Sheng's three points of pitiful beauty, regardless of her face, people can already be fascinated by her unique and natural charm.No matter he knew that Yuechan had been beautiful before, so he must have an alluring face under her veil.

He slowly looked at her, and Yuechan also raised her beautiful eyes to look at him. The two looked at each other for a while, and Yuechan coughed lightly, and said with a smile: "Brother Qingyan is still handsome and eye-catching as always, otherwise I wouldn't recognize it right away."

Fu Qingyan smiled slightly, "Sister Yuechan is more beautiful than before, I am ashamed that I can't recognize her at a glance."

Speaking of this, the two looked at each other and smiled at the same time, and the familiar feeling from before seemed to be pulled back in an instant.

After a little chatter, Fu Qingyan lowered his eyes and smiled, held the pot and poured tea for Yuechan himself, "I haven't been to Beijing for many years, but my sister came here suddenly, I wonder if it's for marriage?"

Yuechan's beautiful eyes looked forward, looking at Fu Qingyan's handsome face, "Girls are going to get married, and now I'm 16 years old, it's a good time to get married, so naturally I want to get married to the person who has a previous marriage contract .”

Fu Qingyan was not surprised, his brows remained motionless, he put down the teapot, and brought a full cup of tea to his nose, "During the Chinese New Year, my parents have already proposed marriage to your father on my behalf, and I heard that they have agreed."

Yuechan said softly and decisively, "But I don't agree." She raised her eyes and stared at Fu Qingyan, "Brother Yu was engaged to me at the beginning, even if he is sick now, I can't dislike him just because of his illness. For several years, I have been waiting for him to propose marriage to me, but he has not moved. So this year I asked my father to propose to the emperor to allow us to go to Beijing to worship our ancestors, but the person who proposed marriage was replaced by someone else , Brother Qingyan, do you know how sad I am?"

Fu Qingyan began to drink the tea slowly. After two sips, he seemed to think the tea was too bitter, and frowned slightly, "Now that the matter has come to this, what can my sister do? Do you still dare to raise objections?"

Yuechan still stared at him, "Why don't you dare to raise objections? If Brother Qingyan resists like me, can they still force us together?"

(End of this chapter)

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