marry a noble wife

Chapter 269: A Fraudulent Marriage

Chapter 269: A Fraudulent Marriage (2)
Seeing that it was someone from Chunhua Academy, Fu Qingyan frowned slightly and asked, "Is there something wrong?"

Mama Xiong didn't beat around the bush, and took two steps closer to tell Jiuya what she was worried about. Fu Qingyan's brows tightened even more when he heard it, "What? Marriage on behalf of the prince? Didn't the nine girls appointed by the prince say that The third sister-in-law?"

Mama Xiong replied: "Young Mistress told me just now that when Matchmaker Li went to propose marriage, Mrs. Xiao answered the 13-year-old pro daughter Song Jinyun, not Song Jiuya. But later, because the son repented and went to propose marriage on behalf of the young master, Mrs. Xiao didn't want to." My daughter married a mute who was about to die, so she forced the young grandmother to marry her own daughter, and she said that she was talking about Nine Girls anyway, and there was also a word nine in her name, so she just misunderstood and married her on behalf of her own daughter."

Hearing this, Fu Yuyan slumped down on a chair. It turned out that the person appointed by the crown prince was not Jiuya, so even if he asked to marry him back then, the woman he married was not the woman he had in mind.As for Fu Yu, he also made the same mistake as him, thinking that Nine Girls was Jiuya, and wanted to marry him. If it wasn't for Xiao's evil intentions, it would still be difficult for him to marry Jiuya as his wife.

Now by accident, Fu Yu married Jiu Ya and came back, who knew that such a disaster would be planted.Auntie has been thinking about Jiuya's tricks all the time, if she really knows about this matter, not only Jiuya is in danger, but the whole Song family will be involved together!

How could that hateful Xiao Shi have such courage?And who told my aunt about this substitute marriage?
He thought for a while, now he has to cancel the official marriage certificate, because Xiao is afraid that he will be so bold as to write his daughter-in-law in the marriage certificate, if so, it will be a violation of the law, and Jiuya has no reason to escape.

As for the prince's appointment, he would say that Song Jiuya was the one who asked Fu Yu to marry him, and the nine girls said that he didn't want to marry Jin Yun, so Matchmaker Li didn't mention it.

So he hurriedly asked Mama Xiong to go back and said, "Go back and tell the third sister-in-law, so that she doesn't have to worry too much about it. I was the one who proposed marriage on behalf of the third brother. I would say that I was the one who proposed to marry the third brother. Song Jiuya, there is no such thing as a replacement marriage at all, the crown prince blames me, and I will take care of everything, so let her feel at ease."

Mama Xiong was overjoyed, bowed three times, and said: "But the marriage certificate, I don't know how the Song family is on it..."

Fu Qingyan stood up and put on the outer robe again, "I'll go to the household department now, and I will definitely not let him make any mistakes in this matter."

After Mama Xiong came back and told Jiu Ya what Fu Qingyan said word for word, Jiu Yafang breathed a sigh of relief, but at the same time felt a sense of guilt towards Fu Qingyan. I doubted him, but fortunately he was broad-minded and didn't care about it, otherwise at this time, it would be troublesome and tricky to deal with this matter on my own.

While waiting for Fu Qingyan to come back from the household department, she still didn't dare to let go of what she was doing, so she simply put on male makeup and asked Tsing Yi Phantom to take her out, looking for the deeds to see the location and operation of those shops one by one. Condition.There were at most three or four transfers in one day, but this day, the result surprised her.

Let’s just talk about the three jewelry stores on Xinyang Avenue, which is very bustling with a lot of traffic. When you enter, there are many people inside and a lot of jewelry. The income in a day should be very high.But after careful investigation, she found that what the guy said really made her have to admire the unconventionalism of the person who embezzled property.

Because of her outstanding appearance in men's clothing, with green veil covering her face, besides being mysterious, people dare not underestimate her.At that time, she deliberately entered a private room, and said with a wealthy look: "Seeing that this jewelry store has a good location and business is booming, call your boss."

A clever-looking guy Xiao Yi said: "I don't know why the young master called the boss? If it's buying jewelry or something, the little one can do it for him."

Jiuya snorted and said, "Calling the boss, of course we want to discuss big business with him."

The guy's eyes lit up, "What business?"

"Ask him if this jewelry store sells it? If so, I can offer him a high price."

The buddy smiled contemptuously as if he had heard a joke, "Young master, it's not that I want to hit you. It's just that this store can't be sold now. Now our boss is running it, but he is still recovering the debt owed by the owner of the lease." What about the accounts?"

Jiuya raised her eyebrows, "What do you mean? The owner of the lease, the owner of the business?"

The guy must have been in contact with all kinds of people for a long time, and he is very articulate, and he immediately said: "The business of this Jubao building was really prosperous before, so the volume of goods purchased was also very large. A few years ago, our current boss gave this Jubao building The boss bought a large number of rare jewels he found on credit, and asked him to sell them first, and then pay after the sale. But who knows, this treasure building was suddenly hit by a fire, and tens of millions of jewels were burned overnight. However, the owner of Jubao Building was unable to repay the repayment, but he could not sell the building for some reason, so he had to sign a contract with the current owner. Here, our boss is allowed to operate the jewelry business for 50 years, and at the same time, he has to pay for it every year. Continue to repay the balance to our boss with interest until it is paid off. However, it is tens of millions of taels, and I don’t know that it will be repaid in the year of the monkey. Therefore, I advise you, even if you fancy this building, you can pay it off. Don't think about buying it. First, my boss can't sell it, and second, the boss of Jubao Building can't sell it either, so you can just look at something good and buy it and give it to others to save your face."

Jiuya's mind turned very fast. She didn't think about what the man said, but immediately thought, is this a trick set up by Fu Changting?What tens of thousands of jewels were burned, it must be that guy withdrew the jewels and set it on fire, and then signed a contract with arrears or something. He ran the jewelry store openly and aboveboard, and at the same time he could bring money from other places Pay off the debt here. 50 years of management rights, tens of millions of taels of compensation, taking over other people's shops to open a jewelry store, mother's, really black hearted.

If he does this, so what if he has the deed in hand?Having it is the same as not having it. If you want to go back to the jewelry store, you have to pay back tens of millions of taels of silver.Isn't this an impossible price?

(End of this chapter)

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