marry a noble wife

Chapter 271: A Fraudulent Marriage

Chapter 271: A Fraudulent Marriage (4)
Chunmei's face froze, her biggest defense was the child in her stomach, if she lost that piece of meat, wouldn't she be beaten back to her original shape?But now she is no longer afraid of Wen Caihe, and said bitterly: "Second Mistress is worrying too much. Although I haven't seen a big scene before, I don't know how many times the Second Master told me about it, just to take me out one day to see the world. Make him ugly."

It was clear that he was saying that Fu Changting doted on her very much, and he would continue to dote on her in the future. By then, her regular wife would also become a disgraceful wife who was ignored.

Wen Caihe gritted her teeth in anger, took a look at Jiuya, and said without hesitation: "Well, you lowly maid, if you hadn't been honored by the third grandma, do you think you can sit here and talk to me now?"

Chunmei flinched a little guilty, and said: "Our third grandma is a lucky star, so what if I get some credit from her?"

Wen Caihe sneered, she had never seen such a lowly maid who stared at her nose and face, did she really think she was easy to deceive?Originally, she was supposed to be angry with Fu Changting, but this lowly servant girl also came to be angry with her, so don't blame her for being cruel.

Jiuya seems to have seen the sinister meaning in Wen Caihe's eyes, but she didn't say a word, and she didn't see their war. What kind of information did Mei reveal about herself to Xiao?Does it mean that the concubine herself was a worthless idiot before?Or have you pinched the mistake of the generation marriage again, and are looking for more definite evidence?

She smiled lightly, maybe everyone in the mansion was restless about her management of accounts, so they were all trying to get rid of herself.However, how could things be so easy?

But right now, Chunmei is so reckless and she is getting close to Aunt Xiao, so don't blame yourself for not reminding her that Wen Caihe has a strong murderous intention towards her.

The Prince's Mansion is located in the southern hinterland of Kyoto, covering a large area. All kinds of carriages were led in slowly and orderly. Along the road, you can see lush trees, flowers and plants, carved railings, screens and waterside pavilions, and jade pillows and flower stands.

The carriage finally stopped in front of a garden gate, and the three got out of the carriage one after another. They saw Aunt Xiao leading the third wife Xue Qingyuyan in, followed by Fu Qingyan and Fu Hongbo.Fu Hongbo didn't want to come, but Fu Qingyan saw that he read books every day, and hoped that he could come out to relax, thinking that making friends with people might not be worse than reading books at home, so he forced him to come.

The appearance of Houfu's family immediately attracted the attention of everyone in the garden.Fu Qingyan was dressed in an apricot-colored robe pinched with gold thread, and his face was gentle and amiable, which made people feel bright when they saw it.Fu Hongbo next to him had clear eyebrows and cold eyes, and his cold demeanor, which was different from ordinary young masters, was also very eye-catching.The two are warm and cold, together with the sweetness of Xueqing and Yuyan next to them, it is like a sudden scenery in the garden, which makes countless people can't help admiring it.

Today Jiuya is only wearing a very ordinary jade-colored pleated fine silk skirt. The long skirt is embroidered with layers of rattan roses with blue silk thread. There is a snow-white brocade ribbon around her waist, which is tight-fitting. The little jacket made her figure look like a rose fluttering in the wind.

And her face is clear and dazzling, even if she is an ordinary dress, the light pink and purple, the fungus blue and delicate yellow, it is difficult to conceal her complexion, and it is difficult to steal a point.When she appeared, the people in the garden felt that their breathing was stagnant, not because of anything else, but because of her gentle smile, and the spring scenery in the garden was full of her smile.

Knowing that everyone was staring at her, Jiu Ya calmly cast her eyes on the banquet.Since it is a flower viewing feast, there must be flowers around the banquet.Numerous tables and banquets are placed in a flower-like garden. The flowers in the garden are in full bloom, clusters, branches, in various poses and with different expressions. The blooming flowers are like thousands of colors falling from the sky, occupying the whole spring.There is a red carpet in the middle of the garden, surrounded by flower pots of various colors, surrounded by mats, which are divided into the chairman's seat and the male and female guests' seats on the left and right.

The table on the left is full of male guests, some are senior senior officials, some are young and well-dressed princes, of course, most of them are young people.Looking around, Jiu Ya actually saw a few familiar faces, one is Bai Xihou, the other is An Zicheng, and even Master An is present.On the right side of the table, there are more people I know, Mrs. Hu Guohou, Mrs. An, Mrs. Xiao, Mrs. Lin from Li Zhan's family, An Huiran, Bai Wanli, and finally, she actually saw Jin Xia and Mrs. Jin Yun is also here, what's going on, how can the two of them be invited?With his father's unpromoted fifth-rank official position, it is absolutely impossible for the family members to be invited here.

She thought about it for a while, but she couldn't figure it out, so she had to put this question aside for a while.Speaking of today's occasion, safety should not be a problem, but Tsing Yi and Phantom still followed, and they were not afraid of any emergencies.It's just the whereabouts of the two of them... She couldn't help but look towards the chairman.

On the chairman's face, the emperor's grandson Tuoba Yue and the emperor's concubine Fu Jingwen sat upright. One of them was handsome and the other was beautiful.

Ever since the people from the waiting mansion came in, Fu Jingwen's gaze had been fixed on Jiuya, with a strange smile on her lips, don't look at Song Jiuya's naked beauty now, wait a while, she will make her ugly, let her Before she was dismissed, everyone in the capital knew who she was.

And Tuoba Yue's gaze kept scanning Jiuya's body intentionally or unintentionally. When Jiuya's gaze fell on him, he couldn't help but take a deep look at her. This glance made him feel like he had seen it before. Feel.He fixed his eyes, and looked carefully, Jiuya had already lowered his eyes and was invited to sit down.

Just as he was about to think about it, the man who looked like an aide suddenly stood behind him, lowered his voice and said excitedly: "Your Highness, when your subordinate came in just now, he seemed to see the two attendants beside Mr. Fu Jiu... ..."

Tuoba Yue was startled and almost knocked over the teacup in front of him. Seeing Fu Jingwen looking at him suspiciously, he smiled and said, "It's okay, I'll leave first."

Then he walked down the corridor first, Wu Jing followed closely behind, Tuoba Yue suddenly stopped and said in a low voice: "Did you read wrong just now?"

Wu Jing looked cautious, "This subordinate is definitely not that kind of dazzled person. What's more, this subordinate has been following the figures of their master and servant for the past few days, and is already very familiar with them."

(End of this chapter)

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