marry a noble wife

Chapter 316 Asking for Seeing

Chapter 316 Asking for Seeing (1)
Fu Yu roared: "I don't know what to do? Shouldn't my wife be pulled out of that ghostly place?"

Big Yu made a bitter face, "Young Mistress is very fierce, she said that if they don't follow the rules of the nunnery, she will show them to death. The two of them had no choice but to guard outside the nunnery gate. When they were kicked out , I heard that the host named Puxian has been persuading the young lady to become a monk..."

Fu Yu slapped the old locust tree in the courtyard with his palm, causing the leaves on the tree to fall. He cursed: "That old bald donkey, I'll go and tear down the door of her nunnery!"

He led a horse in the yard, his eyes were bloodshot, he jumped on the horse's back, flattered the horse and galloped out, Jack Crow shook his head and followed closely behind.

Riding on horseback, the moon was high and the wind was dark, Fu Yu felt confused in front of his eyes, as if he was tightly twisted by a hemp rope. Thinking of her cold back last night and the accident of his elder brother, he wished he could beat her hard. You can't do it yourself.The eldest brother has always been kind to him, and he always thought that he was involved in the poisoning before, and would always play tricks on him from time to time to vent the resentment hidden in his heart.But when the truth was revealed step by step, he found out how naive he was, and how ashamed he was of his elder brother's care for him over the years.

Leaving aside whether the black jade was given to elder brother by Jiuya, even if she gave it to him, what position does he have to care about it.That's right, she is his wife, but he was the one who first proposed to deceive his eldest brother about the house transfer. It was because he was despicable first, and he took people's favors. How could he be angry at her in turn?
What's more, even if Jiuya wanted to give something to her elder brother, she never sent what she gave her to cause her dissatisfaction. Even if Jiuya had something to do with her elder brother, she wouldn't be so stupid as to make it so obvious, would she?
At this moment, he regretted so much, why did he want to hurt her in such a rage, without distinguishing between right and wrong?

Suddenly, the scene when he saw her for the first time, she kicked him into the pond with her thin body, she put her hips on her hips and called him a jerk, with a playful and smug expression on her face He was fascinated by the light at that time.After tricking her into the water, she is still like a little pepper, and the transparent underwater world makes her as clear and pure as a crystal doll.

Until later, when she was plotted against and bullied by others, when he rescued her, her delicacy and helplessness still disturbed his heart like that.

She married him and became his bride, but with her head held high, she stepped on all the difficulties and insults carelessly, her grace seemed so noble and inviolable.

She manages their lives carefully, making clothes for him, knitting scarves for him, making soup and medicine for him, looking for antidote for him day and night...

At this moment, every bit of the two of them walking together reflected in his heart, and he felt sore in his heart. He shouldn't doubt her, even if she didn't say that she liked him, but she put her heart into it, even if she still had something in her heart. Others, but what she does is all for his sake, why can't he control his emotions when encountering such a thing?If she had no heart for him and he hurt her, wouldn't it make her more careless and push her further away?

Regret occupied his whole heart, now that the life and death of the eldest brother is unknown, his heart suddenly seemed empty, he must bring her back, and asked her to accompany him to find the eldest brother, they are his closest relatives, the two The individual, in his life, is indispensable.

Abandoning the horse to get to the mountain, Jingci Nunnery stands quietly in front of you, the gate of the nunnery is closed tightly, and the Phantom in Tsing Yi is waiting at the gate, seeing him, she hurried over and said: "Young master, you are finally here, go in and call young mistress out , the host said that he would ring the bell for the young mistress to shave tomorrow morning, if you don't bring it out, it may be too late."

At this time, Fu Yu was anxious, but he didn't dare to make mistakes. He slapped the mountain gate heavily and shouted: "My lady, my lady, come out quickly, come home with me..."

His voice was loud and hasty, and the call seemed abrupt and trembling in the empty night, and it frightened countless birds in the mountains and fields.

Jiu Ya was resting in the guest room of the nunnery. Under the lamp, she was holding Fu Yu's jade pendant that she had torn off, with a look of suspicion on her face.

The tentacles of this thing were too cold, holding it for a while longer, a strange chill almost penetrated her skin and penetrated into her bones.Before she put the jade pendant next to her body, after only a while, she felt chills all over her body, and there were tangible and intangible strands of chilly air rushing straight into her body. How could there be such a strange thing?As far as she knows, no matter what it is, there is always its yin and yang energy that restrains it. This thing is yin and cold, and if it sticks to the human body for a long time, it will definitely hurt people's muscles, bones, and meridians. If Fu Yu wears this thing for a long time, will it interact with the blood in his body? Cold related?
If his mother was alive, would he really be allowed to wear such a jade pendant that hurt his body?
She looked at the jade pendant over and over again, the jade pendant was tear-shaped, the jasper was like emerald green, the misty cold gave off a glistening light under the lamp, and it was heavy in the hand, is this kind of cold jade so dense?
She moved the jade pendant under the lamp and stared at it closely, as if she wanted to penetrate the jade surface to see carefully what ghosts and ghosts were hidden in the jade pendant.

At this moment, she heard the knock on the door not far away, and the sound of Fu Yu yelling in the wind for his wife to go home.Her eyebrows turned cold, and she put the jade pendant away, regardless of whether she can return to the Hou Mansion this time, but this person, she must use this to destroy his aggressiveness.

Mum Pei, who was guarding the outside room, also heard Fu Yu's call. They lifted the curtain and came in at the same time. Mum Pei said, "Young Mistress, my uncle has already come, which means he still doesn't want you to leave. Why don't you go out and talk to me?" He made it clear what happened today, let's see how he handles it?"

Jiuya turned on the lamp wick a little brighter, "Don't worry about this, Mom, I'll be careful if I tell him or not, you guys just sit outside, don't worry about him for now."

Saying that she didn't want to worry, Chunju was still worried: "Young Mistress, I'm afraid my uncle hasn't responded after calling for a long time, what should I do if I turn around and leave?"

But Yudie understood Jiu Ya's temper, she pursed her lips and said, "If my uncle just leaves like this, the young mistress will never look at him again. Last night, my uncle bullied people like that, and my young mistress didn't take advantage of it to come to him. Get some color, I'm afraid you will revert to your old ways in the future, how can the young mistress bear it?"

(End of this chapter)

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