marry a noble wife

Chapter 324 Attack

Chapter 324 Attack (4)
He yelled so that the faces of the old lady and Mrs. Xiao turned pale, and Mrs. Xiao said angrily: "Is there anyone who talks to the elders like this? Mrs. Song's nature is rough. When you come to our rich family, you have to learn the rules. Since you are the one who pulls the big one with me." Yes, your daughter-in-law, how can I let her go on rough? We are all for her own good, and this is a good thing. When it comes to her mouth, she will revenge her, saying that we have taken care of her. Don't we care if she lets her go out and leave us in the waiting house? face?"

Seeing her straightening her back and roaring loudly at this time, and thinking about what she said to pull him up with one hand, the resentment that had been suppressed for a long time surged out in Fu Yu's heart. Xiao Shi's hateful face was distorted.

He took two deep breaths, ignored her again, and just knelt down to Empress Ma and said, "Your Majesty, the little people in this family really can't stay any longer. Some people just bully me with their own hands. The wives who are deeply in love with each other have been driven away, and Xiaomin should not stay here any longer, and I will also become a monk with my wife to end the troubles of the world."

Empress Ma stood up suddenly in fright. After Eunuch Luo pulled her, she felt out of composure, and quickly sat down again, saying in a deep voice, "Fu Yu, you should get up first. If you say you are a monk or not, that's not okay." Yes, even if my palace agrees, the emperor will not agree. How about this, there are people in the manor who are bullying others, leaving the genius doctor nowhere to stand, so this palace is the master now, in order to make Song Jiuya willing to work for the emperor and quell the cholera Due to the epidemic, this palace promised to speak to the emperor, and named her the county lord. Send him to prison for interrogation!"

Suddenly receiving this great seal, Fu Yu was overwhelmed with surprise, immediately swallowed it down, and shouted loudly: "Thank you for the grace of the emperor, thank you for the empress's grace——"

The eldest lady, who had been silent all this time, was slightly moved.

The third wife also looked surprised. Song Jiuya was so appreciated by the empress and received this honor. This is unprecedented. Could it be because Song Jiuya can cure cholera?
Xiao Shi was stunned and stayed there. If Song Jiuya got a rank, wouldn't these people who have no rank still salute her when they see her again?Is the empress too much?
The old lady stood aside with a puzzled look on her face. What was the purpose of the empress carrying Song Jiuya?
"Since this is the case, Fu Yu, hurry up and bring your daughter-in-law back, the emperor is still waiting to use her as a talent." Empress Ma urged with a smile.

Fu Yu was helped up, his face was indifferent, "Returning to your mother, Xiaomin's face is not that big, she ignored Xiaomin's begging all night last night. Xiaomin was thinking, maybe my wife meant that what If someone kicks her out, she should be picked up by someone. If they don't ask her to come back, she must worry that some people will say that she is shameless and ran back to the Hou's mansion in the future. How could she be willing to suffer this again? Kind of wimpy?"

The old lady immediately said angrily: "Yu'er, don't go too far. Is it your attitude towards elders to make an inch of it?"

An imperceptible sneer flashed across the corner of Xiao's mouth.

Fu Yu turned his head, "Your Majesty has seen it too, some people rely on their elders to sell their elders all day long, so don't treat the juniors as human beings."

The old lady was panting with anger, Empress Ma felt refreshed, and glanced at Xiao Shi, "Then Song Jiuya's worry is not unreasonable, presumably there were many people watching when she went out yesterday, once this reputation is released, it will be hard to get back for a while , the influence is extremely bad. Forget it, whoever advocated expelling people yesterday, today, for the emperor's great cause, he has to go to Jingci Temple no matter what, to solve the misunderstanding personally, and bring her back, so that she has no worries and is willing Doing business for the emperor!"

The empress's words can also be said to be golden words, and when she finished speaking, the color on Xiao's face changed again and again.Yesterday I was so arrogant, puffed out my chest and uttered all kinds of insulting words, and said so forcefully that I would not beg her, but now I have to lick my face and beg her to come back. Where can I put her face?When she was in front of Song Jiuya, how could she speak?
After all, the old lady Jiang is old and hot, before Xiao Shi could come up with a plan, she rolled her eyes first, kicked her legs, and passed out.The servants hurriedly called the doctor for treatment.Looking at the busy servants, Xiao even cursed inwardly, such an old man, he was the first to do this trick, if he did it again, how could the empress give up easily?

Fu Yu saw that she kept silent, so he shouted: "Okay, since there were people chasing you yesterday, but no one picked you up today, it's because you didn't take the important matters of the emperor into your heart, empress empress, Xiaomin can't help it, even the lady can't keep her." , and left the house.”

Ma Huang looked faintly at Xiao Shi below, "Fu Yu, don't be in a hurry to become a monk, it seems that I have to ask who was so bold to drive away our great doctor in Daxia yesterday. All the servants who were watching at the gate yesterday were called and asked them which master drove him away."

Eunuch Luo hurriedly replied, "Yes."

He was about to turn around when Aunt Mingyao behind him couldn't help it anymore, "Don't bother me anymore, father-in-law, let me tell you, yesterday, but our Aunt Xiao took the lead and chased Yu's daughter-in-law away in a threatening manner." I heard that when I went out, the servants were watching and were not allowed to take anything from the mansion. The poor daughter-in-law Yu brought two clothes for a change of laundry, and she was penniless, so it must not have been taken in by Jingci Temple. , I’m starving to death on the street now.”

She has always been good at making things worse, but she has long been displeased with this Xiao family, so she just uses the Empress Empress' hand to suppress her spirit.

With such a roll call, Xiao could no longer hide, so he gritted his teeth and stepped forward, "Yesterday, my concubine drove Song Jiuya out of the house by mistake. I know my mistake, so I will go up the mountain to bring her back. Please wait a moment for the empress." waiting."

Empress Ma brought tea, "I have wasted so much time for no reason, since you know you have done something wrong, you should go as soon as possible. I am here waiting for the good news."

Xiao Shi felt his whole body trembling, every piece of flesh on his body trembling, Xie En came out and sat in the carriage, almost passed out like the old lady.Thinking of bowing her head to that Song Jiuya, she wished she could jump off the carriage and die.Mother Sun kept persuading her on the way, let her think about Qingyan, Changting, and Jingwen, they all still need her, so bear with it for a while, and plan for it later.

(End of this chapter)

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